
Chris Beard deserves a call over Sean Miller and Shaka Smart. I actually think Chris Beard + UK could be a scary combination for the rest of college basketball.
Lots of reactions on Coaching possibilities out there as I wake up this morning. Everyone will try to read the tea leaves as to how it all unfolded. But the reality is our so called best choices seem to all have said NO. Hurley. Just won back to back Championships. He had to lose for us to have a Chance. Jay Wright. A stern No. Billy Donavon. Timing is just BAD, but nowhere have we heard he wants to come back to College Basketball. Nate Oats has said he is staying at Alabama. Is that because he didn’t get a call? We will never know for sure.

That leads us to who is next in line. Scott Drew. Will he be a home run hire?? Did you think Tubby or Billy G. Was that hire at the time? We don’t know although he will have a better platform than at Baylor. So here we are. Reality is the first 4 have said NO!!!!!!! Scott Drew is number 5 on the Board. Hopefully we get him.

Idk why drew is compared to pre UK tubby and G. Not even close.
We have to remember, Cal hasn't left yet and it is not official as of this morning. it was a "done deal" as of Monday morning with the Arkansas media and people but there were reports of Coach Cal having 2nd thoughts on it. Do I think there needs to be change--YES but as a fan, I can accept that Coach Cal wants to stay around at least 1 more year. I say if there is no official announcement by tonight, then something is up and he may have changed his mind
That's right, have to get rid of Calipari first. Leave already!!
Lots of reactions on Coaching possibilities out there as I wake up this morning. Everyone will try to read the tea leaves as to how it all unfolded. But the reality is our so called best choices seem to all have said NO. Hurley. Just won back to back Championships. He had to lose for us to have a Chance. Jay Wright. A stern No. Billy Donavon. Timing is just BAD, but nowhere have we heard he wants to come back to College Basketball. Nate Oats has said he is staying at Alabama. Is that because he didn’t get a call? We will never know for sure.

That leads us to who is next in line. Scott Drew. Will he be a home run hire?? Did you think Tubby or Billy G. Was that hire at the time? We don’t know although he will have a better platform than at Baylor. So here we are. Reality is the first 4 have said NO!!!!!!! Scott Drew is number 5 on the Board. Hopefully we get him.

At this time when UK still has a coach. What would you expect Jay Wright & Nate Oates to say? Yeah I would love to coach there. Wright is probably very content with his life & has no desire to get back into coaching. But if him or Oates said, yeah I might like to coach at Kentucky & then UK hires someone else it makes them look bad. Wait until Calipari is officially gone. Then we'll see if they've got any desire to come here.