Probably best for all parties that Levis not play in weed-eater bowl

He has the right to do what is best for himself and his family. Agreed if this were a bigger bowl he should play, and I do believe he would if that were the case.

LMAO at the paid employee he should show up comments. Assuming those who are saying that don’t actually employ people. I’m lucky if my employees show up on time and work for an actual week straight. Even still, paid employees have a right to miss work in certain cases, most of which aren’t nearly as important as the decision WL had to make.
Unless he separates from the school then his sissy ass should be playing. That goes for the other two also. You're either with us or against us.
If you’re not ranked in the top 15 around mid season, just forfeit the rest of the season. Then everyone can quit and protect their labias.
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