Prime example of a typical UL response


Jun 16, 2009
First of all, props to the many Cat fans here who, no matter how grudgingly, acknowledge what UofL baseball (and basically almost all sports) have accomplished in a relatively short time. It is perfectly OK to hate on your rival but when totally dismiss their accomplishments it makes you look petty and, even worse, ignorant.


Really no need to sugarcoat that paragraph. What started off as 'props to Cat fans' ultimately became the typical underhanded compliment. Why come to our UK board and call us 'petty' and 'ignorant' ? Those are WildCard's exact words. ulcards1, MacCard, and baseonballs have all taken their shots at UK in this thread. Debating and talking baseball is fun. Rival fans visiting our board after they've beaten us is a slippery slope. Not saying that some of the UK fans comments haven't been a little bit of sour grapes but they didn't come to your board to track you down. They made the comments in their own house per se'. If this were the basketball board and we'd beaten you AGAIN I'd bet you'd be nowhere to be found. If you want to throw darts at us there are more than enough haters on your board that are more than willing to slam UK. Just say 'UK' and the bandwagon haters will take over. Most of us that commented in this thread have been openly complimentary of the UL baseball accomplishments. We really don't need you to validate our comments.