Here's my prediction, and feel free to file it until January to taunt me if I'm wrong: There will be comments on this board about 'Briscoe's body language is terrible' and 'Murray is wasted when he's not playing point' and 'Ulis should be coming off the bench against taller PGs' and 'Skal just stands around on too many possessions' and 'Poythress just doesn't have his explosiveness. He needs to sit.'
In other words, this team will take time to mesh, and sometimes it won't look pretty to our more impatient fans. I'm already on record predicting more than a couple losses through early January. We'll hear some of the same stuff we heard about the 2014 and 2011 teams early. Remember? "Jones is lazy" and 'Knight is not a PG, he's a 2G' and 'Disappearious Miller' and 'the Harrisons only care about themselves' and 'Young takes plays off on defense' and so on.