Pot Choppers are back in the air

who smokes that outdoor crap anyway..older we get, more money we make, better things we have. only indoor clone grown here. outdoor is for the poors.
I’m sorry the outdoor you and your friends have grown were crap. Maybe you should leave the cropping to the country folk and you keep giving $20 for a gram.

Neat thread .. all the stoners grouped together to whine about pretty much everything.
We should all be whining about our broke state spending money it doesn’t have to fly a god damn helicopter to look for a plant. In ten years we will be making fun of people like you
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Mind altering substances arent for the mentally weak. It seems you may be the problem and not the plant. Are you afraid of tobacco and barley as well?

LOL. .. best damn comedy oin the history of this board , but I guess when you are " altered " you dont think too straight .. signed proud Kentucky Pharmacist. Who loves craft beer , who promotes smoking cessation and truly healthy life styles , emotionally and physically . You want to smoke a joint in the privacy of your home and you are a responsible person who stays home and chills out every PM .. I really dont care . I dont even want you punished oe the law looking for you .. but you make it legal to everyone there will far many more who drive while high , work while high , etc etc .. just not a good idea . hard to detect too . not as easy as ETOH .
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Furthermore if you were really strong you wouldn't need it to escape from everyday life ( assuming recreational use here)
FWIW , I grew up on a tobacco farm . It doesn't make you high as a kite .. might cause cancer , but not leave you stoned after smoking one . you do realize that right ?
FWIW , I grew up on a tobacco farm . It doesn't make you high as a kite .. might cause cancer , but not leave you stoned after smoking one . you do realize that right ?
You realize you don’t have to get blitzed every time you smoke right? Do you get hammered every time you take a drink?

Also, smoking isn’t the only way to take it anymore big guy. Lots of cleaner, safer, less harmful ways to ingest.

Take your motor scooter down to the gas station and try some cbd. That comes from the plant too.

In the grand scheme of things we are regulating a plant. If all regulations and restrictions were taken off of that particular plant it would do much more good than bad across the board.
Illinois is projecting annual revenue of 1.6 billion from legalizing recreational marijuana.

But nah, let's just continue to prohibit adults from smoking a couple of joints in their own home in Ky while residents of the state pay for neighboring states' roads and education like we do with casino gaming.

Let's also ignore some of the studies that show a decline in teenage marijuana use in states where it's legal.

I love Ky and have lived here my entire life, but we've got some dumbass politicians and residents here.
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Illinois is projecting annual revenue of 1.6 billion from legalizing recreational marijuana.

But nah, let's just continue to prohibit adults from smoking a couple of joints in their own home in Ky while residents of the state pay for neighboring states' roads and education like we do with casino gaming.

Let's also ignore some of the studies that show a decline in teenage marijuana use in states where it's legal.

Illinois had the lottery first, then they went to river boat gambling, now Marijuana. You would think that it would be rolling in money, right? It isn't, and it won't be after pot is legal either.
There is nothing funnier than a bunch of pot smokin' losers going on a conspiracy theory rat hole about why drugs were banned. "The DuPonts were being being put out of business by hemp"... [roll] That's my new favorite!
There is nothing funnier than a bunch of pot smokin' losers going on a conspiracy theory rat hole about why drugs were banned. "The DuPonts were being being put out of business by hemp"... [roll] That's my new favorite!
The threads purpose was to discuss the liberal spending on the fight against a plant.
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There is nothing funnier than a bunch of pot smokin' losers going on a conspiracy theory rat hole about why drugs were banned. "The DuPonts were being being put out of business by hemp"... [roll] That's my new favorite!

I could never be a teacher because I hate wasting my valuable time educating the ignorant.

Here's a little excerpt so you don't have to do too much readin' and learnin':

"So what does all this oil have to do with marijuana? Well, everything if you’re thinking about hemp and hemp ethanol.

Many experts surmise, with substantial circumstantial evidence, that the petrochemical industry, and DuPont in particular, was the force behind the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. DuPont had invented cellophane, made with petroleum, which was about to become standard packaging for most American goods. DuPont feared competition from hemp as a fiber (the first plastics used plant oils), and competition to synthetic nylon and rayon, other cellulose based products. William Randolph Hearst, who owned most of the newspapers of the time, also owned paper mills and viewed hemp paper, which requires 75 percent less sulfides than making paper out of wood pulp and can be grown annually, as competition. The Rockefeller family, of Standard Oil, viewed hemp-sourced ethanol as competition— Henry Ford’s first Model T was made with a hemp acrylic skin, hemp upholstery and ran on hemp ethanol.

Were it not for the Marijuana Tax Act, we would, at the very least, be seeing a line of Ford cars run on biofuel. At the time, DuPont not only made the gasoline additive tetra-ethyl lead, but was also the number one shareholder in Ford’s major competitor, General Motors. The legislation was carried in the house by a frequent DuPont errand boy, Robert Naughton (D-NC).

With the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, we got the marginalization of hemp."

Please note that the DuPonts held tons of political power because, you know, one of them served in the Senate.

Today's history lesson is free of charge. Anything else you'd like for me to teach you today?

I mean, hemp and hemp oil can be used n 10's of thousands of products. It's safe, cheap, and easy to grow. That's why it needed to be done away with one way or the other by certain powerful people/companies.

This is why I'd vote for Jamie Comer no matter what he was running for. Bringing hemp back to Kentucky was huge. Not widespread enough yet, but we had to start somewhere.
I could never be a teacher because I hate wasting my valuable time educating the ignorant.

Here's a little excerpt so you don't have to do too much readin' and learnin':

"So what does all this oil have to do with marijuana? Well, everything if you’re thinking about hemp and hemp ethanol.

Many experts surmise, with substantial circumstantial evidence, that the petrochemical industry, and DuPont in particular, was the force behind the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. DuPont had invented cellophane, made with petroleum, which was about to become standard packaging for most American goods. DuPont feared competition from hemp as a fiber (the first plastics used plant oils), and competition to synthetic nylon and rayon, other cellulose based products. William Randolph Hearst, who owned most of the newspapers of the time, also owned paper mills and viewed hemp paper, which requires 75 percent less sulfides than making paper out of wood pulp and can be grown annually, as competition. The Rockefeller family, of Standard Oil, viewed hemp-sourced ethanol as competition— Henry Ford’s first Model T was made with a hemp acrylic skin, hemp upholstery and ran on hemp ethanol.

Were it not for the Marijuana Tax Act, we would, at the very least, be seeing a line of Ford cars run on biofuel. At the time, DuPont not only made the gasoline additive tetra-ethyl lead, but was also the number one shareholder in Ford’s major competitor, General Motors. The legislation was carried in the house by a frequent DuPont errand boy, Robert Naughton (D-NC).

With the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, we got the marginalization of hemp."

Please note that the DuPonts held tons of political power because, you know, one of them served in the Senate.

Today's history lesson is free of charge. Anything else you'd like for me to teach you today?

Here's your history lesson for today. The HuffPo is #FakeNews
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in the bluegrass state. Meanwhile how many states is weed recreational?

Thousands of dollars an hour spent looking for a plant

Keep doing you kentucky
I absolutely abhor this state with regards to its marijuana treatment and views. If the federal law doesn't decriminalize Kentucky will be one of the last holdouts. The Shit is unbelievably safer than alcohol. We as Kentuckians know how to grow and harvest. It's in our freaking DNA. We are losing out so much Damn money that this state desperately needs.

Edit - Forgot about the thousands of people in jail over this bullshit. It's insane. We've gotten so progressive on weed and the majority support legalizing it, while at the same time have people calling for stricter reaction to it.
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Gateway for me , back in the 80's .
For some people that's true. I smoked weed all through high school, before football games and I had by far my best games high, which was most. And again I made all state that way. I could see what was happening like I was more perceptive. You know why I went from weed to painkillers? Because a doctor got me hooked on pain pills after I tore my mcl and partially tore acl. They kept me on them way to long and on way to strong a dosage. 85% of heroin users started out on completely legal written pain pills. That's the gateway.
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There is nothing funnier than a bunch of pot smokin' losers going on a conspiracy theory rat hole about why drugs were banned. "The DuPonts were being being put out of business by hemp"... [roll] That's my new favorite!
Do you think all pot smokers are losers? You didn't say it but did insinuate it.
Doesn't have anything to do with religion, it has to do with responsibly spending money. Is the gain in new money worth the overall cost if you aren't going to change the way you spend?
It has everything to do with religion. You couldn't even buy alcohol in my town and it took till the 2010's and it took that long because of the religious people raising hell.
Getting the money alone is worth it. We desperately need a boost in Kentucky.
It has everything to do with religion. You couldn't even buy alcohol in my town and it took till the 2010's and it took that long because of the religious people raising hell.
Getting the money alone is worth it. We desperately need a boost in Kentucky.

That may be true in general, but the poster was assuming that’s why I don’t think it’s a good idea to legalize it, it isn’t.
You know why I went from weed to painkillers? Because a doctor got me hooked on pain pills after I tore my mcl and partially tore acl. They kept me on them way to long and on way to strong a dosage
Dr's can't make you take meds you don't need. They can't make you take a higher dose.
I know tons of guys who had your same injuries and refused pain meds. I'm one of those guys.
Dr's can't make you take meds you don't need. They can't make you take a higher dose.
I know tons of guys who had your same injuries and refused pain meds. I'm one of those guys.

Does it not seem problematic for someone with no medical training to be required and expected to override the advice and prescribing decisions of actual doctors?

If that's normal, our society is truly disordered.
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Most politicians are stupid. They are basically actors, mouthing the words other people tell them to say. They few that aren't are the policy wonks, who are deadly boring. Think lawyers with less personality. Every now and then you get the two fer. Bill Clinton was charismatic as hell, and a policy wonk. Thank God he just liked letting his little head run the country, or he coulda' done real damage.

This country would be better served if instead of elections, darts were thrown at the phonebook listings to choose who runs the place.

You’re suggesting that only people who still have landline phones should run the country?
Do you really think racism was the driving factor? Or - like everything else - money and power?

The Du Pont's needed hemp eliminated in order to have that market to themselves. They played up the marihuana craze, was able to lump hemp in with it, and became a multi-billion dollar company because of it. Anything else is just noise.

Now, they could have definitely used racism as one means of accomplishing their real goal (money/power) - but that was not a driving force nor was it the reason for being made illegal.

Studied this extensively in an upper level sociology class at UK. I kept the book on this particular subject for years, but have since lost it.

Yes. Racism wasn’t the reason they wanted it illegal, it was one way they sold it to the public.
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Does it not seem problematic for someone with no medical training to be required and expected to override the advice and prescribing decisions of actual doctors?

If that's normal, our society is truly disordered.

I've been prescribed opioids several times, usually following a surgery, but a couple of times following a back injury. Practically each prescription said to take them as needed for pain. And usually the prescription came with literature advising taking the least amount possible, for the least amount of time needed. And this was well before the opioid crisis of the last several years.

I don't remember ever getting a prescription for pain meds that indicated I *must* take them.
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I've been prescribed opioids several times, usually following a surgery, but a couple of times following a back injury. Practically each prescription said to take them as needed for pain. And usually the prescription came with literature advising taking the least amount possible, for the least amount of time needed. And this was well before the opioid crisis of the last several years.

I don't remember ever getting a prescription for pain meds that indicated I *must* take them.

I've only been given painkillers once, when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I wasn't given a huge number of pills, but I was specifically told to take them until they were gone.

That's been years ago, and it's of little consequence given that it's entirely anecdotal, but I guess we're even.