Pot Choppers are back in the air

Grow your own or go deer hunting, knew a guy who went hunting and came back with a trash bag of cornbread mafia weed. Isn’t it a misdemeanor if you grow three or fewer, may have changed by now. I grew up in a rural area so it’s a more conducive setting than some have.
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Not meant to be political, just a statement about how marijuana got a bad rep. Not meant to disparage one political side or the other as I don’t care.

But I watched a documentary on marijuana that said it got targeted by the Reagan administration as being a gateway drug. Meaning it was emphasized believing that marijuana use led to using harder drugs, so if they stopped weed it might prevent use of heroin or coke for some later on. So that’s why weed was such a target in the war on drugs campaign of the 80’s.
Not meant to be political, just a statement about how marijuana got a bad rep. Not meant to disparage one political side or the other as I don’t care.

But I watched a documentary on marijuana that said it got targeted by the Reagan administration as being a gateway drug. Meaning it was emphasized believing that marijuana use led to using harder drugs, so if they stopped weed it might prevent use of heroin or coke for some later on. So that’s why weed was such a target in the war on drugs campaign of the 80’s.

Worst piece of logic ever used. There is no cause and effect at play there.
Not meant to be political, just a statement about how marijuana got a bad rep. Not meant to disparage one political side or the other as I don’t care.

But I watched a documentary on marijuana that said it got targeted by the Reagan administration as being a gateway drug. Meaning it was emphasized believing that marijuana use led to using harder drugs, so if they stopped weed it might prevent use of heroin or coke for some later on. So that’s why weed was such a target in the war on drugs campaign of the 80’s.

It was ridiculous.

Young me was a party machine and tried all the drugs. Marijuana was third.

Most people’s gateways were likely the same as mine: tobacco and alchohol.

Marijuana was legal in the US until 1937. Racism is the initial reason it was demonized. In the 30s, the drug of choice for blacks and Latinos was marijuana. The drug of choice for suburban white housewives was ... cocaine.

Then decades later Nixon and Reagan ramped up the anti cannabis propaganda and two generations of suckers fell for it. There’s so many people in the US, myself included, who have a criminal record for possessing a small amount of dried flowers. I went to jail 20 years ago for 0.5 grams. Woo. Got a real kingpin there guys.
They have been flying for weed since the 80's, during total Democratic control. I always find it ironic when you call anyone an idiot.

The political climate in the 80's with what it is today with regards to marijuana is not even remotely really not sure what point you are trying to make.
I went to jail 20 years ago for 0.5 grams. Woo. Got a real kingpin there guys.

Jeez, that’s ridiculous. I had two college friends get their doors broken down and thrown on the ground by cops in full swat gear, because they were growing a few plants. I’ll always have love in my heart for KY, but they got to get with the times.
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in the bluegrass state. Meanwhile how many states is weed recreational?

Thousands of dollars an hour spent looking for a plant

Keep doing you kentucky
Blue, you live in south central KY if I remember correctly.

About 2 or 3 years ago one of those choppers found about 6,000 plants in a Monroe County corn field right by our city park. It was almost time for harvesting.

They didn't even set up a sting to see who was coming and going. Instead, as soon as they find some they send in a team to destroy it immediately. They never prosecuted anyone for that find (owner leased it out, so both the owner and the guy leasing it had deniability).
Marijuana was legal in the US until 1937. Racism is the initial reason it was demonized. In the 30s, the drug of choice for blacks and Latinos was marijuana. The drug of choice for suburban white housewives was ... cocaine.

Huh? I swear, some of you all see racism on a blank piece of paper.

The main reason marijuana was made illegal is simple. Money and power.

Read up of the Du Ponts and how hemp was killing their business. They were able to create a “marihuana” crisis, convinced the public hemp was just as bad, then boom.......illegal.

The rest is DuPont history.

Racism? Grief.
Blue, you live in south central KY if I remember correctly.

About 2 or 3 years ago one of those choppers found about 6,000 plants in a Monroe County corn field right by our city park. It was almost time for harvesting.

They didn't even set up a sting to see who was coming and going. Instead, as soon as they find some they send in a team to destroy it immediately. They never prosecuted anyone for that find (owner leased it out, so both the owner and the guy leasing it had deniability).

Huh? I swear, some of you all see racism on a blank piece of paper.

The main reason marijuana was made illegal is simple. Money and power.

Read up of the Du Ponts and how hemp was killing their business. They were able to create a “marihuana” crisis, convinced the public hemp was just as bad, then boom.......illegal.

The rest is DuPont history.

Racism? Grief.
They were repelling down in Cumberland county today
January 1st 2020 that big sucking sound in the air you hear will be the money going to Illinois. The question will be how long will Kentucky watch their money leave the state to pay taxes to another state?
They never investigate crops or prosecute landowners. They either land and eradicate, repel down and burn or give coordinates to people on the ground to eradicate. Most growers don't plant it on their own land.
Blue, you live in south central KY if I remember correctly.

About 2 or 3 years ago one of those choppers found about 6,000 plants in a Monroe County corn field right by our city park. It was almost time for harvesting.

They didn't even set up a sting to see who was coming and going. Instead, as soon as they find some they send in a team to destroy it immediately. They never prosecuted anyone for that find (owner leased it out, so both the owner and the guy leasing it had deniability).

Huh? I swear, some of you all see racism on a blank piece of paper.

The main reason marijuana was made illegal is simple. Money and power.

Read up of the Du Ponts and how hemp was killing their business. They were able to create a “marihuana” crisis, convinced the public hemp was just as bad, then boom.......illegal.

The rest is DuPont history.

Racism? Grief.

There's a pro-legalization documentary on the history of marijuana in the US that shows how racism was involved in early efforts to make it illegal.
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January 1st 2020 that big sucking sound in the air you hear will be the money going to Illinois. The question will be how long will Kentucky watch their money leave the state to pay taxes to another state?
Based on casino gambling laws I would say forever. Kentucky is one of the 3 or 4 worst run states in America. There are some real idiots in Frankfort. I grew up in London, KY. You ever heard of Albert Robinson? Keeps getting elected despite being one of the dumbest people I have ever met and I met him when I was 16. He couldn't work at a gas station, but he's a state senator.
Most politicians are stupid. They are basically actors, mouthing the words other people tell them to say. They few that aren't are the policy wonks, who are deadly boring. Think lawyers with less personality. Every now and then you get the two fer. Bill Clinton was charismatic as hell, and a policy wonk. Thank God he just liked letting his little head run the country, or he coulda' done real damage.

This country would be better served if instead of elections, darts were thrown at the phonebook listings to choose who runs the place.
There's a pro-legalization documentary on the history of marijuana in the US that shows how racism was involved in early efforts to make it illegal.
Do you really think racism was the driving factor? Or - like everything else - money and power?

The Du Pont's needed hemp eliminated in order to have that market to themselves. They played up the marihuana craze, was able to lump hemp in with it, and became a multi-billion dollar company because of it. Anything else is just noise.

Now, they could have definitely used racism as one means of accomplishing their real goal (money/power) - but that was not a driving force nor was it the reason for being made illegal.

Studied this extensively in an upper level sociology class at UK. I kept the book on this particular subject for years, but have since lost it.
Neat thread .. all the stoners grouped together to whine about pretty much everything.
You guys are all complaining about this great service they are performing for our families and our communties: getting rid of some of the low grade schwag ass weed that's floating around. I've never seen any sticky buds in those posed photos.
Do you really think racism was the driving factor? Or - like everything else - money and power?

The Du Pont's needed hemp eliminated in order to have that market to themselves. They played up the marihuana craze, was able to lump hemp in with it, and became a multi-billion dollar company because of it. Anything else is just noise.

Now, they could have definitely used racism as one means of accomplishing their real goal (money/power) - but that was not a driving force nor was it the reason for being made illegal.

Studied this extensively in an upper level sociology class at UK. I kept the book on this particular subject for years, but have since lost it.

I was merely telling you from where the other posters got their information.
Not meant to be political, just a statement about how marijuana got a bad rep. Not meant to disparage one political side or the other as I don’t care.

But I watched a documentary on marijuana that said it got targeted by the Reagan administration as being a gateway drug. Meaning it was emphasized believing that marijuana use led to using harder drugs, so if they stopped weed it might prevent use of heroin or coke for some later on. So that’s why weed was such a target in the war on drugs campaign of the 80’s.
I lived through those years. I always found the notion of a gateway drug ridiculous. If a person has an addictive personality they will find something. Gambling, shopping, sex, social media, porn etc. As for substances which alter the mind alcohol is the ultimate gateway drug. I would bet almost anyone who’s ever gotten addicted to any drug would say the first one they ever used was alcohol. Perhaps from their parents, who condemned pot, cabinet.

And yes Kentucky is spending money fighting a crop in a state with a perfect climate for growing it, and throwing away a taxable bonanza. It’s not like Kentuckians aren’t doing it anyway.