I find the landscape of college football today of NIL and Portal to be stupid personally.
1. It de-values high school recruiting and development of players over time (which I think overall is something Stoops does better than most SEC schools).
2. So UK (and any other schools) can do a crap job of recruiting and developing QBs from high school/JUCO and who cares. The Beau Allen, Sheron, Hogan, Wade, etc...QB recruiting and development has been an utter failure by Stoops, Gran, Coen, Scangerello, etc.... But it doesn't mean anything...you just go get another schools' QB and hope to shine him up enough.
3. Lets be honest.....for decades the schools that got the most talent out of high school usually won. (Bama, UGA, Clemson , Ohio State,....even in years past FSU, USC, Florida, etc..) would be the title winners. Sure some schools never lived up to recruiting rankings (Notre Dame, Texas AM, etc...) but they coached up their kids . But the thought know that Bama, UGA, Ohio St, etc...still get all the best recruiting classes....and when they have a roster hole....they just go shopping off their competition to fill those holes (RaRa Thomas and Lovett from Texas AM and Mizzou respectively)...last year Bama nabs up Gibbs, Burton, Stein to start at RB, WR and Tackle.
So this boils down to who has the best AAU/Travel ball squad of basically mercenaries with no allegiance to a program. Is that really all that big of an accomplishment? I just think my connection to UK is lessened and the football team will turn more into the alienated basketball program the Cal has created that culture. I just think the whole system is absurd.