Pope now a legit candidate - CBS

No it wouldn't. It would be an absolute embarrassment. There is no way that you can spin hiring Mark Pope makes sense or would classify as a good hire. It's ridicul

Pope won't recruit well and we will continue to win nothing that matters with him here. Barney needs to be beaten to death.

How the hell can the boosters support this?
Wasn’t there only 1 x 5 star in the championship game? We need heart, soul and development. Let the 5 stars find a new team to suck the life out of.
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So, regardless, we are going down from Cal?
Yes. Unless it’s Billy, Pearl or oats. For all those who said “anybody but cal”, they may find out what that means.

But under no circumstance do we stoops as low as pope. Bless his heart but he has not the one
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What the hell was that? He’s doing a UK promo while at BYU?

Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like that from another school’s current coach. I think it safe to say this is one candidate we wouldn’t have to worry about if he’d accept if we offered.
Dude Cal would still fail next season even with the #2 class. He had a great team this year and lost 10 games.
Alright, but that's not at all what I was arguing. Never did I say Cal would somehow change and do that much better next year. The problem is you all try to make any sort of opinion about the UK head coaching position into a pro-Cal or anti-Cal argument. And I'm not saying anything pro-Cal.

My point is that the college basketball landscape is drastically different now then it's been the past. In today's game program prestige and history means absolutely nothing. Guys like Drew know they can win at smaller school with less pressure, so there's no reason for them to leave safe stable environments where they are kings to come to a place like Kentucky.

The only people for who "It's Kentucky, we're the best so anyone would be lucky to coach here." means something to is Kentucky fans. No one outside the state or program really feels that way. Laugh all you want, but it's true. I dont know how many top tier candidates need to turn down the job before people realize that.

And because of this I have said since the beginning the top 5 or 6 names would say no despite the fact that this board has acted for the last two years that Oats and Drew we guarantees.
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Giving him an interview was literally wasting time. Can't afford that after already mishandling it to this point, putting us behind.
wouldn’t mind seeing pope here. the down side is he probably doesn’t bring players with him like drew, hurley etc would, so likely this coming year would be a total rebuild.
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Dumb comment. Pope loves the school and would do his best to bring a title home. Cal didn’t care at all.
Ok so I was making a veiled joke. Went over your head. Secondly pope sucks. Cal for all his faults at least brought in the talent that could be successful
This is getting embarrassing if we’re interviewing Mark Pope. I’m firmly against Pitino but I’d rather have him than Pope
Not that i dislike Golden. Think he might work out fine. But what credentials make him better than Pope?
Analytically he is what the next group of college coaches are starting to look like. He is one a lot of college basketball media thinks will be a new up and comer
Analytically he is what the next group of college coaches are starting to look like. He is one a lot of college basketball media thinks will be a new up and comer
Like i said, I’d be fine with a Golden hire. May or may not work out well. Just have to wait and see. But I feel the same about Pope. The only difference i see is age. Honestly if we have struck out on Hurley and Donovan, I’d rather have someone like this than Bruce Pearl or Pitino.
Comparison is the thief of joy, bud. That’s the problem about what you’re doing. You don’t need to compare Kentucky to Tennessee. You need to be comparing Kentucky to what they USED to be. When you do that, you’ll realize just how bad your program is doing and why you can’t get a big name coach. You’re not a big name anymore.
I don’t want to get in the middle of your little flame war with RR but just to be clear, there is no “USED to be” with UK basketball. It always comes back around.

Hell the lulls in our history are measured by decades where we don’t win a TITLE. The results during our down decades are what most programs dream to one day achieve.

In the words of Al McGuire, “They had it before, they had it during you, they'll have it when you're gone.”
Yes. Unless it’s Billy, Pearl or oats. For all those who said “anybody but cal”, they may find out what that means.

But under no circumstance do we stoops as low as pope. Bless his heart but he has not the one
Still hating it?
Yes. Unless it’s Billy, Pearl or oats. For all those who said “anybody but cal”, they may find out what that means.

But under no circumstance do we stoops as low as pope. Bless his heart but he has not the one
Have you jumped out of the wagon?