How will they rule ??!

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So what is that now enforcing a law that's been in place but not seriously enforced for decades is entrapment. It ain't hard. Reminds me of everyone driving 10-15 mph over the limit for years & years & out of the blue some cop decides to give you a ticket for driving 2 mph over. Laugh & giggles all you want but it's the same dam thing.

Anyone can venture anything. So what? It's not a leap of faith to say they are productive & law abiding when they are. Leap of faith to from where to where?
If you get pulled over today and get a ticket for two mph over the posted limit, It will NOT be dropped for entrapment.
This is not a thing.
having undesirable or negative qualities


1. Something or someone that is mad or out of his wits.
2. Someone that is funny looking. Strange.

Love how the MAGAts immediately attack when I use a term from some obscure 80s show nobody has ever seen but have zero issues calling me the Village Idiot for the millionth time.

So typical. Whiny AZZ Hypocrites.

Go to bed Corkys
You constantly display astounding levels of ignorance. That show was mega popular. I didn't watch it but it was impossible not to know all about it.
I don't think people appreciate what Vance did, that was a speech for the ages...and it was a warning. And Vance was talking not to you or me, but to anyone with some sense over there.

This is a great comment by Victor Davis Hansen on JD Vance's speech "We are losing Europe and JD Vance's speech there wasn't just directed at the ministers nor even the MAGA crowd at was really to the Silent Majority in Europe. And what he was saying was this elite has failed and anytime you fail that it when you start to censor.

They failed on the border, on the economy, on energy, on immigration, on defense...and in their failure they try to stifle all forms of dissent and free expression and he was trying to give encouragement to all the people in Europe who know that and want to rise up."

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And in other news.... Water is still wet.
Like we didn't already know there is some fraud in SS?? Family members who keep cashing someone's check.
Find it and cite examples. Nobody has an issue with that.

From 2021...

You fools jump up and down like giddy school girls at a Beatle's concert for anything TruMusk does that is nothing new.
Why didn't China Joe and Kamalahoe crack down on SS fraud?

Because they didn't want to as it benefited them. Probably personally.
"... overturning the will of the voters..."
-fascist/Democrat Governor of NY

No way to spin this. They'll try, and their NPCs will eat it up like dogs to yesterday's vomit, because they always do, but there's no way to call this anything but fascism.

"Democracy is dead, when and because we say it is."
- the DNC in NYC

"They want 1776 Philadelphia, we'll give them a blend of 1920s Russia and 1930-1940s Germany!"
- Democrats
This. And the lefties will support it, just as you say.
Why didn't China Joe and Kamalahoe crack down on SS fraud?

Because they didn't want to as it benefited them. Probably personally.

My main question is if these people are breaking laws funneling money from these NGO’s or did Congress slide guardrails in place to make it legal (obviously highly unethical) so they can all enjoy stealing our money knowing they can’t be put of prison for it? Is it crazy to think that half our of national debt is a product of fraud?
@Catman100 you talk about TDS...

Here is Elon talking about TDS with Trump beside him haha

A friend of mine told me about a lunch he came back from where this guy became completely unhinged at a small restaurant. Utter TDS to this guy's core just came busting out. Totally irrational and unable to form a coherent thought. Kept asking "how?!" is Trump going to do this, "how's he going to do that?!" And then wouldn't listen to people with him calmly explain exactly HOW. Flew off the handle every time his name was spoken, just in answering questions. "Show me!" the proof... "Show me!" the video.

Every time they'd pull up something, he'd screech about how that isn't CNN or ABC or blah blah blah.... Wouldn't look at a govt website. Couldn't bear to look at a public document filed by the courts. Just a complete, raging lunatic saying he'd never be re-elected.

Since they've been uncovering all of this fraud and waste, the guy has been joking and fake happy any time politics are mentioned. Cowering and quiet, refusing to make eye contact. Probably boiling and seething inside.

They're ALL like that now. Just where the media and dems wanted them, like an abused an psychotic army of pugs ready to be turned loose on everyone's ankles.
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You constantly display astounding levels of ignorance. That show was mega popular. I didn't watch it but it was impossible not to know all about it.
Dude I was busy as hell, partying, chasing tail, working to pay my way thru college and had a 4 inch black and white tabletop antennae TV in my dorm room.
Not everyone was watching some obscure show that lasted 5 episodes or whatever. Let it go Blippy.
My main question is if these people are breaking laws funneling money from these NGO’s or did Congress slide guardrails in place to make it legal (obviously highly unethical) so they can all enjoy stealing our money knowing they can’t be put of prison for it? Is it crazy to think that half our of national debt is a product of fraud?

More than half.
Holy SHIT! You're my boy, Blue!! Straight up caught Simple Sam in a bold-faced lie!
Never saw that show. I was too busy working to pay my way thru college, trying to get hired and living a young man's life. Had a 4 inch black and white tabletop TV around that time.
Give it a rest Inch High Private Eye.
One was appointed legally by an elected official and one is acting via illegally appointed authority.
Musk was not confirmed by Congress and is not a duly appointed government official.
He's investigating fraud while receiving billions in US funding.
Another scam artist.
Who's investigating him??

Dare talk with, or work with Trump, the Dem/libs come after you in all directions. Even their own...

That's the new fascism we'll call the skidReich. They've sht the bed & themselves, and turned their skidmark sheets into flags of pride. They raped this country for 50 years and now they want to get in the face of their victims every day to remind them that "they deserved it" and "they ASKED for it" when nothing could be further from the truth and nothing could be more hateful.

This is exactly who they are.
Like I said. Trollshams is an unhinged and irrational lunatic, unable and unwilling to grasp truth.

Legally appointed head of an agency created by Barry Sotero Obama, and who hasn't taken away or threatened to take away your rights of free speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. He's laid bare the left's fascism and fraud, and now they're choking on their own vomit.
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Anyone know how much money Fauci received for decades before single handedly ruining the US economy, and without providing anything to the US in the way of products and services like Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink have provided? Anyone?

Now let's do Birx?
Chelsea Clinton?
Fraudulent NGOs and fake non-profits?

We can do this all day... crickets from the left and their pet rinos.

Distract, deflect, disingenuous virtue-signaling. It's all they have.
Village Idiot is completely an insult, and I don't care if you call me and everyone corky or anything. I'm just laughing when you get caught being exactly what you project on others here.

So, stop being so maniacal, and let the board discuss politics, as the thread is for, and stop spamming the board with 50 bs links a day.
This is Trump and Marley's America....Dr. Blippy approves.

Anyone know how much money Fauci received for decades before single handedly ruining the US economy, and without providing anything to the US in the way of products and services like Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink have provided? Anyone?

Now let's do Birx?
Chelsea Clinton?
Fraudulent NGOs and fake non-profits?

We can do this all day... crickets from the left and their pet rinos.

Distract, deflect, disingenuous virtue-signaling. It's all they have.

Birx is who I was trying to remember. Isn't that who Trump brought on when covid first started?
Our previous (still current) post-WW2 allies in Europe are largely going in the wrong direction with respect to free speech, democracy, demographics, maintaining national identity and economic security among other problems. Many of these problems are intertwined.

Just because it's a minority viewpoint doesn't mean it's wrong. Europe has probably 5-10 years at most to solve their problems or they will be on their way to becoming Islamic "republics" one or two generations hence.
And once that occurs, they will have just one more bastion of Western Civilization to try and conquer. and Liberals in this Country would invite it to happen with open arms.
We have relatives that live down there. Wife's uncle owned damn near a whole block on Clay St. One street over a church was bought out and housed who knows how many, not to mention the little corner market. It seemed like it happened over night as we would drive down there twice a month, and this was 12 plus years ago. They sold all the properties, then wasn't too long after they passed.
Tou talking about this area right here? google street view shows this area has all but been taken over by Mexicans.