Political failure pays well. Good riddance to USAID. Nothing more than a bloated bureaucracy funneling taxpayer dollars on globalist pet projects and a slush fund for corrupt politicians. They really know how to look after their own. In a full-blown meltdown now that the grift is up with one of their income streams finally being exposed. Keep digging, it's just getting good!
Cliff notes version:
This research from
@IanCarrollShow on USAID funding is INSANE: Ian says roughly 93% of USAID funding is estimated to be fraud
- Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and their friends appear to be the top money laundering recipients
- The majority of sub awards being given out by USAID are all just transporting pharmaceutical products all around the world to all sorts of developing nations
- There was a contract to build a power plant in Afghanistan that was paid for through USAID, it was never finished. “it's producing 2% of the power it was intended to generate”
- This happened when Hillary Clinton led the State Department
You’re never going to believe this,
- The firm that built that power plant that never got finished and doesn’t work, they're represented by John Podesta and his lobbying group
- One of those companies was that's the largest recipient of USAID money there is
- That same company thrived during Clinton's tenure, nabbing more contracts during the Haiti reconstruction effort than any other company
After the disasters in Haiti they moved to Afghanistan- This same company continued to win lucrative USAID contracts in 2011 in Afghanistan
- The project was intended to create 300,000 jobs by 2013. After two years, it had only created 2,458 jobs
- They were bribing the Taliban with our tax dollars not to attack their projects
Ohh, and Pfizer is the 2nd largest recipient of USAID…..