My daughter is 19 now and doing online college courses and also learning about investing in stocks and bonds. Since I retired over 4 years ago at 63 and started SS she was under 18 and we received over $1000.00 dollars more a month because of her until she graduated HS. Every bit of it was put in a savings account for her to use whenever she turned 18. She had about 40k in the bank when she started investing some of it with her mother's help and has grown what she has invested at a decent amount. She will continue to do so until she is ready to go out on her own. The one thing I will say about her is, she is frugal with her money and rarely touches what's left in the bank.You bring up a good point because white people are in the minority on this topic as other countries have got houses to all live together especially Indians. Meanwhile, we are all told to leave at 18 and I gladly did, I loved going on my own. But if you want to set someone up financially, it's great to not do that.