What is the ROE for the troops on the border? I don't think I have heard anyone address this.
The cartels are heavily armed with just about every kind of modern weapon one could imagine. They are also highly trained. If I'm not mistaken the Zetas were former special forces.
It is almost certain that at some point lead will be exchanged.
had an active duty asset join my defense contractor team as he was separating wounded fm Afghan campaign
Billions in US special forces gear and weapons abandoned - ordered to be left operational -- fkking Illegal orders obeyed
About 5-6 mths later you could find reports of the Taliban ( the medieval religious faction we lost to) brokering sales of US gear left behind
Mexican govt suddenly demands the US government to account for why cartels have mraps, night vision upgrades, rifles, choppers, surface to air missiles - ETC
Shit is clearly ours and as I recall the Homeland Security guy replies that the "us will look" into it
Heard SOME were coming into the US and immediately going to NA-Indian reservations out west --- brilliant if you think about it
So - US airspace should be considered at risk immediately if we engage - military and civilian
irrespective of how we got here them sitting US
CINC is faced with a decision about monitoring the region and be reactive - OR take initiative and identify / eliminate certain hostile forces jn that region
Cartels were officially listed as a terror organization right before the new year right?