More from JD on CBS Sunday Morning News show.
Find you something you love as much as Vance loves murdering 'journalists':
This exchange:
Vance: We absolutely cannot unleash thousands of unvetted people into our country.
Brennan: These people are vetted.
Vance: Just like the guy who planned a terrorist attack in Oklahoma a few months ago? He was allegedly properly vetted…
Brennan: Uh…
Vance: I don't want my children to share a neighborhood with people who are not properly vetted…
Brennan: It wasn't clear if he was radicalized when he got here or while he was living here…
Vance: I don't really care, Margaret.
Liberals would allow 1000 bombs to hit the country w/ the promise that only 1 of them is real.....and then they would hope it didn't cause any damage.