How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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What's more disturbing is the entire media and the entire machine complex all says the same thing. Independent thought is not allowed. It's very unoriginal. It's sad that they're controlled by their Soros overlord
Sorry but I think your logic is flawed. Wouldn't Soros be ALL IN on a Nazi rally? Just sayin'.
Meh, the only ppl offended by comedy are blue no matter who ppl. It will definitely be an endless talking point by people like Sam

That guy is from Kill Tony and they do stupid huge numbers, it's the top live podcast in the world

But here's the point, it doesn't matter, if the comedian wasn't there, they wouldve found something else to complain about. If trump burned a nazi flag and pissed on its ashes they would've claimed he didn't disavow Putin, and so on. Shitlibs like Sam just cry about what they're told to

I agree. Probably the case that it offends people who already wouldn't vote for him, doesn't offend those who would.

But it is dumb, lets the left disingenuously feign the moral high-ground as they're so wont to do. It's like Dion, someone who is obviously completely bereft of integrity and morals, opportunistically crying racist! every possibly perceived chance he can to further his agenda by exploiting division and hate. He'll never not take that "opportunity." That's where killTony, whom I never found really that funny, made a mistake by giving themm this window of opportunity. But that's his comedic schtick, to be offensive like comics used to be. They should've known. Unwise not to be more careful.
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Since I've gotten to see Carlson speak like this for long stretches, after seeing only small portions of a couple dozen interviews, I can't help but think he looks like the Bridges family. Looks a lot like them even though his voice is more northeastern and higher pitched in general.

Anyone else see that?

You gotta give Dems credit for featuring a commercial solely comprised of white males and the problems that white males face.

When lesbians, trans men, 4th wave feminist and white women that will only date minorities are taken out of the pool, then the remaining swipe past you for not measuring up to the 3 six’s minimums

6 fig income

That dude will go to war over porn.🤣
The clown that torched Puerto Rico could have single handidly swung the election. I’m not saying for certain but it’s absolute stupidity to have such a long list of speakers some of which are idiots and turn voters off trumps needs to swing

Wait until you hear what he said about Palestinians and Jews!!!!
Bernie did not have over 50% support in the Democratic electorate. I know I knocked on doors for him that cycle. Fantasy. Hillary was not a better candidate than Kamala, many hated her from her career in politics. Your analysis is completely off the wall.
Speaking of "off the wall", here's an oldie but goodie.

The Obamas are disappointed and ready to lecture us again. They just won't go away

It's not close because it isn't about Kamala. She's a laughable moron. It's about the machine behind her, and no, this country isn't ready, willing or able to be forced in the direction of a Globalist tyrannical one world government ushered in by the machine pulling Kamala's puppet strings.
Thank you for posting this video. I somehow missed it all of the other 14506 times you posted it.
Just a daily reminder it wasn't a sightseeing tour. Some idiots on here still deny this assault on our Capitol ever happened..... despite video evidence to the contrary.
I agree. Probably the case that it offends people who already wouldn't vote for him, doesn't offend those who would.

But it is dumb, let's the left disingenuously feign the moral high-ground as they're so wont to do. It's like Dion, someone who is obviously completely bereft of integrity and morals, opportunistically crying racist! every possibly perceived chance he can to further his agenda by exploiting division and hate. He'll never not take that "opportunity." That's where killTony, whom I never found really that funny, made a mistake by giving themm this window of opportunity. But that's his comedic schtick, to be offensive like comics used to be. They should've known. Unwise not to be more careful.
I would pay those people a couple of million and use that on national TV. The second video.
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The clown that torched Puerto Rico could have single handidly swung the election. I’m not saying for certain but it’s absolute stupidity to have such a long list of speakers some of which are idiots and turn voters off trumps needs to swing
PR has a history of garbage handling problems. That is what he was specifically referring to. But yea, the media will & has run with it. Yes, stupid to allow idiots like him to speak. Wouldn't surprise me if other MAGA adherents did similar.
Why is your boy Mitch pumping money into Larry Hogan’s dying campaign? LOL, what a misallocation of resources. That weakling is gonna lose. Put resources elsewhere.
Most of it has gone to MI/PA/WI. It hasn't gone to Kari Lake fortunately. So 80% of his choices were good. Pretty good average.
The Obamas are disappointed and ready to lecture us again. They just won't go away

Hate the Obamas so much. Forever changed this country for the worst. They also will not eff off. It’s always some pompous lecture and meddling in shit all the time. They're the only ones who never left.

By the way, it really shows how disconnected these people are from real people because the Obamas are always surrounded by yes men.

Like you can't understand why this race is close? Yeah, you're right. It shouldn't be close but it's the other way. If not for the globalist left's complete control of media and academia and their importing of "new voters" this wouldn't be close at all. But the fact that they cannot comprehend that people reject their crazy shit, their government overlords, having high crime, and their money being depleted is a lost concept to them is absurd.

But they probably do know and it's more likely that they're just liars and gaslight on the daily.
So... can we treat Dems like they've treated us the last few years?
They absolutely deserve the worst. They deserve to have political weaponization against them. Bidens, Pelosis, Obamas, and the Clintons should all be raided. ActBlue should be targeted. George Soros and his son should be arrested and tried for treason.

Of course, none of this will occur because this entire country is compromised but in reality, we need to have a national split. That needs to be on the table. We are polar opposites who do not want to live under the same ideology which is going to be constant conflict. This is no longer gentlmen's politics where you could claim you have the same goals but two different paths to get there. No, one side wants to become a globalist shit hole with the third world, tons of crime, every depraved alphabet cult garbage there is, and be willing slaves to a globalist government.
Even though I welcome McConnell stepping down, and jokingly thanked vhcat, there’s not a doubt in my mind that he’s doing everything in his power to undermine Trump and ensure his successor is beholden to his establishment overlords, not Americans.

Everyone needs to keep the pressure on. Do not count on a Trump victory. Do not assume anyone will put America first just because they put an R next to their name.