How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
An absolutely ridiculous statement. If 33% of votes are in, you don't think the other 67% matter? Especially in a state that is likely to have a margin of 5% or less when it's over?

A much better argument is that Virginia isn't really a swing state at this point and that his time is better invested elsewhere. If he can somehow win Virginia, it's a national landslide anyway.

President Trump will win Virginia!!!!

I've been working....sigh but lost my next door neighbor...
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2 weeks overdue clown. My F*ing pool is still open. Ain't putting a lid on it when it's 82 degrees and not in the 20s at night. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
No lows in the 20s forecast for weeks.
Your flex is a fail.
Ask a farmer if global warming is real Capt Cave boy .

I am sorry you cannot find joy in the beauty of nature and have made politics an idol in your life. Sad.
And the irony is that I've had numerous above ground pools in my life, and I live in a poor neighborhood, in an extremely modest house. LOL (but I'm in no way defensive about it. I'm actually proud of it, because I know that it has helped me to be in a position where I don't have to sweat bad circumstances that might arise. In spite of not being rich. )
Sam has the same nightmare every night. He always wakes up before Trump swings...


This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol
What does the story of Kamala's husband slapping a woman for putting her hand on a strangers shoulder make you feel? Surely it's more than just mad?
Cool one church said we should pray for Biden. But of course they had to put a little dig in there like “hey we might not like him but it’s your duty”. I’ve posted numerous churches and insane pastors like Kenneth Copeland saying Biden is evil and we must pray for Trump to get elected. I realize you also believe this and live in a bubble but trust me, the religious right has sold their soul for Trump and it’s gross.
Wait... they did a dig at Biden???? ouch. You guys have tried to assassinate Trump 4 times this year.... We are definitely the problem.
haha this is great. Another funny one Trump said if Kamala did the Rogan show 'she would be a mess. she would be laying on the floor comatose...but it sounds more like he said 'kama-tose'.

RFK Jr.:

Trump also said of RFK Jr. a funny line:

Joe Rogan: “Are you completely committed to have him a part of your administration?”

Trump: “Oh, I am. But the only thing I want to be a little careful about with him is the environmental. He doesn’t like oil.

I love oil and gas … I said, focus on health, you could do whatever you want, but I’ve got to be a little bit careful with the liquid gold.”
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Chart showing: Facebook Age Demographics (2024)

The age demographics of TikTok users in the United States are as follows:

  • 18–24: 25% of TikTok users in the US are in this age group

  • 25–34: 35% of TikTok users in the US are in this age group

  • 35–44: 19% of TikTok users in the US are in this age group

  • 45–54: 13% of TikTok users in the US are in this age group

  • 65 and older: 10% of TikTok users in the US are in this age group
The average age of TikTok users is increasing
Those facebook numbers contradict what FB itself reports. Even Zuck says that FB is skewing older and they get more of the young people through Instagram. I would bet this graph is showing "meta" as a total and not just actual facebook users.
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Since NH will come in early...if Trump's projected the winner that could/should be an indication of a 'wave' across the land.
Baris had a guy on today that does a computer model prediction that has Trump at 312 more times than not. He said 320 came up more than anything less than 300.... They are going to have to cheat bigly to win this thing.
Why in the world is RSBN playing undertaker music at President Trump's rally in Michigan right now?

Just wow....

God Bless the USA please....

Just RSBN doing it I guess but way too long....

Now Lee Greenwood 😍

Been a long time since I was in Traverse City....
Trump did a podcast with Undertaker a few days ago. It ended up being Trump asking the dead man about wrestling for over an hour. It was awesome.
Lol, I love yhe she laid out simply to him the ole liberal logic aka the Obama formula: "everything good happening after me was bc of me, everything good happening during me wasnt bc of the person before me that was me too, all the bad stuff is the person before me"

She's a bad ass. In more than just looks, although she's doing well in that department, too. She needs to consider a political career.
If your question has merit then wtf is there a law that mandates that a child have their daddy's baby?! You got some splainin to do Bill. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
The exception should be the law not the prohibition. Weirdos.
Bill... You know you agree with me on this.

There’s no law like that you goddam lunatic.

No, I don’t agree with you that you should be able to murder babies. Just control yourself you goddam creep.
If I may; I think what sam was so ineloquently trying to say is that if a father impregnates his daughter, and they happen to live in a 'no exception" state, then the law says, de facto, that she must carry that pregnancy full term and give birth to the child.

There are 9 states (Kentucky is one of them) that don't have a rape/incest exception.
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For anyone that didn't get to watch it. Rogan did a great job of keeping Trump from rambling and on stay on different topics. That was probably the sharpest I have ever seen Trump on so many issues, considering the length of the talk makes it even better. Really good stuff. Good format for him.

Lincoln gets talked about (Trump gets Lincoln's sons Willie and Tad mixed up, I knew when I heard him say Tad that the libs would be saying he got the sons mixed up--he is the busiest man the world good lord), Robert E. Lee, President McKinley/tariffs...RFK Jr, UFC and boxing part was really cool, Afghanistan, UFOs, voter ID, Taiwan/the chips, North Korea, Jim Comey and Hillary, Kamala being dumb as a rock...the list goes on and on. I listened in to it about 15 minutes at a time, really worth a watch.

Trump was talking about Lee and his ability during a part about Lincoln and the Civil War, out of context I'm sure that will be one of the few things the left mentions about the interview...that Trump loves Lee and blah blah racism.

This was funny.

"I can definitely tell you, you said a lot of wild sh-t" Rogan. "And then CNN in all there brilliance, by highlighting all your wild sh-t, made you much more popular"

That is all I got. Insomnia night.
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even I was only expecting it be like an hour.

Drops tonight apparently

About 30 minutes in and this is the best by far i ever saw trump present. Not because hes talking any substance, but because he actually admitted he made some mistakes his first time in appointing some people.

That is a mind-blowing thing because before trump never ever admitted a mistake. That was one of my biggest concerns with a hopeful second turn. Never admitting a mistake is an old school business thing but I really think this will be huge. It shows a human side of trump I talk about on here thats been lacking all these years.

I know this sounds stupid, but i really think he drops his guard in these podcasts because hes sitting down. Standing up i think his persona kicks in plus hes usually towering over people or on a dais and that has certain psychological impact.
If I may; I think what sam was so ineloquently trying to say is that if a father impregnates his daughter, and they happen to live in a 'no exception" state, then the law says, de facto, that she must carry that pregnancy full term and give birth to the child.

There are 9 states (Kentucky is one of them) that don't have a rape/incest exexception.
Also like .5 % of abortions are bc of incest, it's something like 1% bc of rape.

But the way @sambowieshin tells it, it's an all engulfing part of life. Which is why for years on here it's been bizarre that he constantly talks about it
Democrats aren’t serious people. Nobody is in charge.

Biden in Delaware, Harris at Beyoncé Concert amid Israeli Strikes on Iran: ‘Who Is in the White House?’