How will they rule ??!

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if i was hiring on identity i wouldn’t hire this creature to clean porta pottys. whoever hired her is the root of the peak wokeness bs

Was thinking the other day of what today would be like if Trump had 'won' 2020....which he 100% did.

Of course thing in the country and the world would be better. Not sure if he would/could have stopped Russia going into Ukraine, but I doubt if Hamas would have did 'Oct 7' to Israel like they did. But things here at home would be head and shoulders above what they are now. No mass invasion of small towns in 'red' states being overrun by them...wall would be finished and maybe even one going up on the northern inflation as we've seen....job market would be better....etc.

But...what would the 2024 tickets be? I'm sure that Vance would still be a first term Ohio senator. Pence? He would be the VP...automatic nominee for Prez? Would people (Repubs) seen thru him (as they have) or would he be seen as a Trump loyalist? MAGA? Would Trump endorse him for the nomination a year or so ago, or earlier this year? DeSantis....where would he stack up? Others that may have gotten the nomination?
And the Dems? Kamala would still be in the Senate and the country would have no idea how stupid she is. Biden would have been sitting on the beach for four years...and spending his millions that he has gotten from foreign governments over the years...and most people wouldn't know about that. I imagine Newsom would be the Dem nominee this year. But who knows.
But all the corruption that’s been exposed would still be hidden. They stole 2020 but turns out it’s probably better this way.
This morning, multiple leftists here are arguing against Trump while THESE are their ideological bedfellows: totalitarians of the worst stripe.

How can these people be so dense?

The Stupid is strong in this one, my young padawan.

What is so stupid is the idea that their censorship won't be turned on them. How many times have the Dems passed some BS procedure in Congress to get some piece of crappy legislation passed only to have it ricochet right back at them a few years later when the Pubs have the majority? Of course, then they bitch and moan in the press who dutifully print how Nazi-like the Pubs are when, in fact, they're only using their own rules against them.

Does the Atlantic editorial board approve of someone who says we need to do away with the 1st Amendment? Are the Communists so brazen now because they know there are no consequences to their attitudes and behavior?
I thought it was a parody but then Sean Davis pointed out it’s from a Super PAC.

The guy who made it lets his son wears dresses too.


"How do you do, fellow straight men?"
It doesn't have anything to do with QAnon, section 3 of the 14th Amendment:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Anyone who participated in the plot to send and recognize alternate electors opened themselves up to this legal challenge.
Back in the real world...

"...because Thomas dared to have “different ideas.” This is as true today as Obama despicably tries to shame black men for daring to vote for @realDonaldTrump."

Good to see this after hearing Obama yesterday tell black men they hated women if they vote for Trump, with Dems you can't think for yourself..similar to 2020 when Biden says if you didn't vote for him you weren't really black. (Also posted to annoy the Canuck)

Also from Obama yesterday, saying Trump divides people...Obama was by far the worst divider in my lifetime. Trump is trying to make every American's life better which would be awful for the Dems, they have to have the country separated by easily definable groups.

Obama is the hypocrite of all hypocrites. King Hypocritees of the Kenyan clan Hypocritees.
I’m an accelerationist. I want the outcome that ends this country the fastest. If Kam Lala is what will start the burning then that’s what I want…better than everyone going back to sleep because they think trump is their friend.

The makeup sure wore off this pig fast, didn't it? Told you it wasn't a Christian. No Christian wants this or any nation to burn. Christ died so ALL might live. Wanting anyone to burn means he's not in you
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We've had 4 years of both administrations, why is it so difficult to comprehend that we were better off with trump? It's literally the LEAST risky choice available, he's already been president. Even when you count Covid.

It's like choosing a risky heart surgery from an unqualified med student over a seasoned vet thats already done the procedure! And the med student didnt qualify for school 4 years ago because her friends thought she was an idiot.
We've had 4 years of both administrations, why is it so difficult to comprehend that we were better off with trump? It's literally the LEAST risky choice available, he's already been president. Even when you count Covid.

It's like choosing a risky heart surgery from an unqualified med student over a seasoned vet thats already done the procedure! And the med student didnt qualify for school 4 years ago because her friends thought she was an idiot.

It's very simple. Most of them have nothing to be happy about and just the very thought of the other side being happy sends them into an uncontrollable rage.
That may be the case if Trump wins (although a Vance-DeSantis primary race would be hard to call IMO). If Harris wins, she would be the Dem nominee in 28. And would Trump possibly run again at age 82? I can't see it, but on the other hand, if he wants to run again would he have the support?

Have you seen Newsom around lately? He is doing just enough to not alienate the party, but will pounce heavily when he sees her fail (as she will if she wins....she has failed for 3 1/2 yrs already)
Proven once again.... the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about 8 weeks.
@Dionysus444 still want to argue this is fake news?

Create fake news, scream about said fake news so loud the mayor has to come out and call you on your BS about their town, use mayor addressing it to then claim it's real. Totally reasonable adult behavior.
He has to do those things now. The Dems are so consumed with hate:

The left has been making and encouraging this anti hate art since the 80s. No question if someone did this with a balloon with an Obama mask on it, people would flip their sht. Their depravity and their projection of it upon others KNOWS NO BOUNDS.

They didn't reject him. He wasn't going to beat Trump, and it wasn't his time, regardless. However, don't discount him in Trump's cabinet in some fashion.

Exactly. Timing is everything.
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Heard Trump say this before. At his rally he just said we have to call her 'Kamala' because if you say 'Harris' no one knows who the hell you are talking about haha

He cracks me up.

But on serious not like how he has illegals mugshots around the stage at Aurora.

I thought it was a parody but then Sean Davis pointed out it’s from a Super PAC.

Same, until they missed some great places for greater humor in there. Then I was like... oh sht, these people are serious or being forced at gunpoint/blackmailed.

The guy who made it lets his son wears dresses too.

"How do you do, fellow straight men?"

Lmao... Like they just landed on the planet or something... "Dude, nobody talks like that."
if i was hiring on identity i wouldn’t hire this creature to clean porta pottys. whoever hired her is the root of the peak wokeness bs

Just because his job was to hire people for forestry doesn't mean he should hire them for the dye color of their bushes.
Same, until they missed some great places for greater humor in there. Then I was like... oh sht, these people are serious or being forced at gunpoint/blackmailed.

Lmao... Like they just landed on the planet or something... "Dude, nobody talks like that."
I'm telling you, it has to be written by a gay guy who is convinced this is what straight guys are like outside of California. I'm surprised he didn't make the black guy wear a durag.

"Hello straight American men, I like to drink a Miller Lite while sittin on my pickup truck after a long day of anal sex, I mean men work and that's why I'm voting for a woman!"

Biden and Kamala are too scared to go to most places in this country, go directly to the people like this and defend their record. Fake town halls and bussing in supporters/staffers is all they can do.

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