How will they rule ??!

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I do not believe that misinfo. That sweet sleeve tat indicates he's BillyJoeCommonMan.
Dan is mad at CBS

Here's a reminder why Dan was fired by CBS

The left thinks America is better now than at any other time in history. MAGA is the one that wants to turn back the hands of time to some imaginary great time in the past. When do you want to go back to specifically?
The left is in denial if they believe that. This country was clearly better off in 2019 than it is now and that's undesputible. Was it great back then? I dunno, but atleast things were affordable and we didn't have rampant inflation etc crushing peoples lives.
I don't think anyone is arguing going back, however maga as you call them is pushing the idea of making America great once more because things are so good right now. The "again" part is just a left talking point used to distract and decieve because they know that their policies are crap
Please link a single post where I've ever used that. (Other than the one from today explaining it, obviously.)

I'll wait.
I'm referring about today. You used it to make a weird point and I called you out. The name was obviously rattling around inside your brain. Do you oppose all immigrants trying to assimilate into our culture by Americanizing their name...or just Trump?
The left thinks America is better now than at any other time in history. MAGA is the one that wants to turn back the hands of time to some imaginary great time in the past. When do you want to go back to specifically?
Troll. Tell that to every single whiny leftist on every campus in the land who says we are systemically racist and half of the country is racist subhumans. You are the most miserable people in the country. Fearing your own shadow. Hating your neighbor. You really take a giant set of plums to even type that out. Seriously?!?!?
Troll. Tell that to every single whiny leftist on every campus in the land who says we are systemically racist and half of the country is racist subhumans. You are the most miserable people in the country. Fearing your own shadow. Hating your neighbor. You really take a giant set of plums to even type that out. Seriously?!?!?
You never answered the question. 🤡
I'm referring about today. You used it to make a weird point and I called you out. The name was obviously rattling around inside your brain. Do you oppose all immigrants trying to assimilate into our culture by Americanizing their name...or just Trump?
No, @BigBlueDave "used it to make a weird point", not me. Wrong again. Go back and look.
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You picked the only one where data wasn't exchanged to single out. What about the others?
Aside from the only one that anyone has ever heard of? I don't even know what microtargeting is. Giving poling info? Who cares. They can get that on CNN. What the fk. You really do go down into the leftist fever swamp for your shit. How about paying a foreign spook to make up a fake dossier? That was real and significant. How about censoring the Hunter Biden Laptop and coordinating 51 traitors to vouch for the lie? That is real and significant. Microtargeting? WFT dude.
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No, @BigBlueDave used it, not me. Wrong again. Go back and look.
YOU typed those words yourself. I don't really care what BBD typed. You used it as a pejorative directed at Trump. Have you seen any of us doing that toward Bernie until you idiots started making an issue about it with Trump. Americanizing or melting a good thing. You idiots want Balkanizing.
The left is in denial if they believe that. This country was clearly better off in 2019 than it is now and that's undesputible. Was it great back then? I dunno, but atleast things were affordable and we didn't have rampant inflation etc crushing peoples lives.
I don't think anyone is arguing going back, however maga as you call them is pushing the idea of making America great once more because things are so good right now. The "again" part is just a left talking point used to distract and decieve because they know that their policies are crap
Trump used MAGA before 2019. What time period are you MAGAs wanting to go backwards to??
Aside from the only one that anyone has ever heard of? I don't even know what microtargeting is. Giving poling info? Who cares. They can get that on CNN. What the fk. You really do go down into the leftist fever swamp for your shit. How about paying a foreign spook to make up a fake dossier? That was real and significant. How about censoring the Hunter Biden Laptop and coordinating 51 traitors to vouch for the lie? That is real and significant. Microtargeting? WFT dude.
Paul Manafort gave the Russian government the campaign's internals so they could use it to help him. That stuff isn't public, my guy. It isn't on CNN.
YOU typed those words yourself. I don't really care what BBD typed. You used it as a pejorative directed at Trump. Have you seen any of us doing that toward Bernie until you idiots started making an issue about it with Trump. Americanizing or melting a good thing. You idiots want Balkanizing.
No, I didn't. Again, show one post where I did that.
Paul Manafort gave the Russian government the campaign's internals so they could use it to help him. That stuff isn't public, my guy. It isn't on CNN.
Who give a f? seriously. POLLING INFO. It is meaningless. The only polling info that matters is Nov. 4th. And who says that the internal polling is better or more accurate than all off the ones out there done by professionals. You cannot be that stupid to think that the campaign has some magic data better than anyone else. Paul Manafort who 95% of the world has never heard of...did what he did to help Paul Manafort....assuming this hasnt been debunked or is not just one of your leftist narratives you heard on Madcow. I personally couldnt give a damn about Russians getting something that they can easily get in the NYT. WHO CARES?
No, I didn't. Again, show one post where I did that.
Apparently then you've been guy:

Drumpf is their original German family name before they changed it. Not an intentional mispronunciation. Did you not know that? Did you think liberals just made up a funny-sounding nickname for Trump like he does?
Jokes are funnier when you get them. Whoda thunkit? Y'all are in a bubble.
Then your base should have stuck with "Trump has Cooties," or the real knee slapper "twig." That would have been more sophisticated than making fun of someone's ethnic heritage. MOST family's surnames have changed over the centuries, either due to illiteracy, misspellings on immigration papers, or simply making it more pleasing to the English-speaking ear or easier to pronounce. But let's pretend Trump time traveled to get one of his ancestors to change their surname to pull the wool over your eyes. Is he that devious......or do you simply have late-stage TDS? Which scenario is more plausible?
It's a verifiable fact.
There is a record of every incoming and outgoing phone call made from the oval office.
This is not debatable. It is a fact.
He didn't make one solitary call for assistance from the military or police to stop the rioting.
He tweeted.
He is unfit for office period.
Select Committee and CNN.😟 It has been shown that was incorrect.
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I think the VP debate last night represents better the state of public opinion than the Presidential debate did. There is more agreement and in common on most issues than you hear from the more extreme members from both parties.
They both run on division instead of running to get sh** done for the American people.
Hell, I think the mainstream Pubs and Dems are closer than they've ever been on immigration, housing, energy production, police/military and crime.
The fringe might talk different but not the mainstream in either party.
The Democrat mayor of Louisville is calling for the crushing of any vehicle caught street racing right now.
Kamala knows she can't win Dems Or independents without being mainstream on the border, crime and energy production (fracking).
Trump is NOT a conservative and is divisive as hell..... Kamala is a left wing liberal in moderate sheep's clothing. Neither is my first choice.
I do think our system of checks and balances can contain most anything kooky Kamala would try. The same can't be said for Trump this round. He's learned from last time to surround himself completely with yes men, suck ups and loyalists. That's bad for America.
That's why I can't support him.
Absolutely Sam. Those checks and balances have worked magnificently on Joes puppet handlers the past 4 years.
Sam the timeline was posted on here I think last week. Sure you just ignored it because it didn’t agree with what the Left wants you to believe. I will go back and find it but even if I do you’ll just ignore it again.
Sam doesn't understand timelines. He thought Reagan was President in 1980. Doubled down on it. He's a total moron.

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