How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I honestly have no idea and that’s scary as hell. If Pence had acted in accordance with the Eastman memos all hell would’ve broken loose. The only other time in our history it was attempted it took weeks of backroom deals in cigar smoke filled rooms and was only resolved by the occupying Union troops being removed from the south allowing decades of discrimination and oppression. In today’s iPhone world those backroom dealings wouldn’t happen. How would we reach a deal in today’s polarized America? It very well could have meant the end of our republic. How do you think it would’ve gone?
Why do you guys keep parroting this 58,000 illegals voted fake news. Nowhere in the report does it say any non-citizens actually voted or that anybody was illegal. The state said 95,000 people between 1996 & 2018 had registered to vote at some point. They state thinks they MAY match people who used visas or green cards to get state ID's. So first of all that means they are not illegals but documented immigrants or refugees. 2nd of all In no way does that mean they illegally voted. It means in 96 they weren't citizens when they got their state ID and then at some point after that they became citizens and voted. the state even says in the report that they are considered weak matches so in Texas that means at least half of the report will be completely made up. 2,000 votes per year is also .0001% of the voting population. You also seem to forget that Texas has been run by Republicans for 30 years now so any non-citizen voting is the fault of the SecState.

“All records submitted through this process will need to be treated as WEAK matches, meaning that the county may choose to investigate the voter, pursuant to Section 16.033, Election Code, or take no action on the voter record if the voter registrar determines that there is no reason to believe the voter is ineligible,” Director of Elections Keith Ingraham wrote.

Instead of listening to FoxNews try reading the actual report

@Dionysus444 , @sambowieshin : You wonder why conservatives no longer trust current electoral process?
Meanwhile, Democrats are. . .
Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to political battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.
Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.
Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.
Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."
Control the entire news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes, from Fine People Hoax to the J6 Insurrection Hoax.
Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.
Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.
Fake pollsters support any suspicious vote outcomes.
Take away your most useful firearms.
Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging.

All you lefties are full of CRAAAAAAP on the Lowry thing.

He clearly started to say "immigrants" in his mind and changed it to migrants and the pronunciation was wrong. It was CLEEEEEARLY an "M" not an "N." You race baiters are jackasses and idiots if you think people will fall for this nonsense.
We know. You don't ask questions about anything. You have an opinion and just spout without looking into anything. The woman had interviewed SS agents who said a couple of Iranian immigrants failed their polygraph test on the section asking about terrorism ties and they were allowed to join anyway. One is currently handing out security clearances. People like you are why this country is going to hell. Just keep your head in the sand and keep saying "nuh uh".
So you just repeated yourself:

"Megyn interview with a female reporter who's been following the SS for good bit. It's worth a listen. The SS is worse than you know. She says there are Iranians in SS who failed their lie detector test and were allowed to retake them til they passed."

There's no value in that.

Besides, if I bothered to view the video, the part I'd value & possibly comment on would be different than you do & you'd jump on me for that too. It's your system of attack. Also love the, We know", part - i.e., you leading the cult.
OK, what makes pagers so explosive? Batteries? Would phones be the same problem?
Initially I thought that Mossad had pushed a firmware update that forced an overvoltage to the capacitors (not that difficult if you have the MAC addresses) in the pagers, which WOULD make them explode, but when the videos came out, the explosions were far more violent than popping caps/batteries would cause. So that pretty much means that they were able to modify/booby trap those devices somewhere along the supply line, and then wait for the right time to detonate them.
Fredcom Caucus Chairman Andy Harris:

""The leadership he’s shown on this issue is excellent," Harris said. "I think if we had had this discussion one month ago and someone suggested that Speaker Johnson (That's neocon Speaker Johnson, Thomas Massie.) was going to bring a six-month CR to the floor, and, oh, by the way, we add the [Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act] into it – most people wouldn't believe it."