How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You guys never cease to amaze me with always blaming it back on the Republicans. Why do you pass on this disinformation? Just how stupid are you?

The stupidity is their believing we don't see through it. We know they're degenerate liars trying to make people believe they don't know any better. That's the long con. No one on here (besides shamblowmestain) is stupid enough to really believe what the system is shoveling.

They know their lack of representation is their own fault. They know they are responsible for killing off their future through embracing Sanger and her PP so they can use murder for birth control, accepting free money and abortions so they don't have to legitimately be responsible for valuable production snd the children they produce, and for signing themselves into a new indentured servitude with no desire to change things.

It's in their "culture" and traditions (programming) now. They don't WANT to work their way out of it if they can have their lies and worship their idols. They just want to hide among fellow believers and enjoy the ride at the expense of others, waiting for the opportunity to get the big score and loot someone else's earnings.

Hollywood movie lifestyles
Yes, I didn't watch a 2 hours+ video & don't intend to. Whether I did or didn't doesn't change what I wrote or make it incorrect. And I didn't ask you anything about it.
We know. You don't ask questions about anything. You have an opinion and just spout without looking into anything. The woman had interviewed SS agents who said a couple of Iranian immigrants failed their polygraph test on the section asking about terrorism ties and they were allowed to join anyway. One is currently handing out security clearances. People like you are why this country is going to hell. Just keep your head in the sand and keep saying "nuh uh".
rottenmeathead—so mentally unstable former trump supporters are taking orders from trump to kill trump.

these people are despicable loons

Archive that post. That makes clear that he belongs in a mental institution before he jiffypops that ugly noggin of his. OFOTCN has proven to be prophetic about the useless idiots voting for the democrats. Reiners finally gone all "7 monkeys Brad Pitt"
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That’s actually a really good way to describe how she answers questions. Like a college kid asked to explain the reading assignment they didn’t do.

Unfortunately there isn’t a single “journalist” she’ll answer questions from who will push back on her word salad one single bit.

Have you watched the JP Sears "interview" of Timpon and Kamelia?
We know. You don't ask questions about anything. You have an opinion and just spout without looking into anything. The woman had interviewed SS agents who said a couple of Iranian immigrants failed their polygraph test on the section asking about terrorism ties and they were allowed to join anyway. One is currently handing out security clearances. People like you are why this country is going to hell. Just keep your head in the sand and keep saying "nuh uh".

Yep. Might as well be a liberal doormat for all the good they aren't doing
LMAO. Um, yeah. That Vance sure says "all the right things." Guess that's why his numbers suck and he's getting called out daily for lying about Springfield and having out of date stances when it comes to women.

You're another one I can't wait to see react when Trump loses in Nov. Is it something you'll accept or no?
It's because the media are lying POS who nobody trust anymore. You're only hear because your scared. If you really thought Kamala and Walz were good you'd be outside touching grass and grilling with friends.
She didn't say she was the one to decide.

She mentioned civil means. She's thinking of libel there. And Fox was stung by the Dominion suit and Semantec settled its suit with OANN. Fox owner Rupert Murdoch even acknowledged on the stand that the Fox on-air people lied. They made a show of repentance after the suit, but their content now seems like they're treating even very large settlements simply as the cost of doing business. They make too much money for even billion dollar settlements to discourage them.

Criminal libel used to be a thing. She didn't indicate -- at least in that clip -- if that's what she's thinking of. If money damages don't deter lying, what would? What has happened this election is that it's very difficult to use libel laws when groups are involved. Libel has always been an individual issue. The Haitians in Springfield have been model citizens but they currently have no recourse against Vance and Trump etc spreading malicious stories about them. What is the legal remedy when there is no cost for harmful behavior?
Let's start with Russian Collusion...

Until then, shove it up your A$$
Weird. Someone inciting a mob doesn't usually call in the National Guard to stop the violence of the mob they incited.
Kinda like Trump never called for help during the Jan 6th riot. He just watched it unfold on his TV and DID NOTHING for hours.

Pence called for the National Guard on Jan. 6th not the F'er that incited the riot.

What was Nancy's job? Who turned down the troops that Trump offered?

Why can't your peabrain recall those two inconvenient facts??
Archive that post. That makes clear that he belongs in a mental institution before he jiffypops that ugly noggin of his. OFOTCN has proven to be prophetic about the useless idiots voting for the democrats. Reiners finally gone all "7 monkeys Brad Pitt"
I mean , the guy votes Dem, donates Dem, posts Progressive on social media, has Harris sticker on vehicle, his own son admits he hates Trump, and even wrote a book in which he urged Iran to kill Trump……

But Meathead, Olbermann and others insist he’s MAGA
This was such an insane take of yet another woke white woman.

By the way, funny how Americans are always beat over the head with “respecting culture” and expected to bury your own values and culture for someone else. They don’t do that for the people coming here. They don’t encourage assimilation at all.

Of course the problem is us thinking eating cats and dogs is uncivilized and disgusting; not that they’re in the west now and are behaving primitively.

They will tell a woman to wear a head covering if in an Islamic country and be like “it’s their culture” but then call you racist and (a new one) “speciest” for not finding it acceptable to eat someone’s pet.

The left is so GD crazy. Like talking to a zombie.
The stupidity is their believing we don't see through it. We know they're degenerate liars trying to make people believe they don't know any better. That's the long con. No one on here (besides shamblowmestain) is stupid enough to really believe what the system is shoveling.

They know their lack of representation is their own fault. They know they are responsible for killing off their future through embracing Sanger and her PP so they can use murder for birth control, accepting free money and abortions so they don't have to legitimately be responsible for valuable production snd the children they produce, and for signing themselves into a new indentured servitude with no desire to change things.

It's in their "culture" and traditions (programming) now. They don't WANT to work their way out of it if they can have their lies and worship their idols. They just want to hide among fellow believers and enjoy the ride at the expense of others, waiting for the opportunity to get the big score and loot someone else's earnings.

Hollywood movie lifestyles

So, I'm going to go ahead and put Girthang down as a hard NO, re: liberal fascism...
I think this is basically how our entire political system works. Compromised and blackmailed with honey pot type traps as Epstein would do and apparently Diddy now as well (the intel agencies no doubt do this with all of the access they have to comms).