How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I’m guessing Kamala, along with the legion of liberal press outlets, are supremely pissed this evening. So much for the buzz they’ve been manufacturing and cultivating for her after the debate. Now they are forced to cover ANOTHER assassination attempt and Trump dominates the news cycle again.
It doesnt matter They'll push it out in 2 days, they've normalized violence, or they'll do what you already see posters on here do...they'll say it's actually his own fault. If they don't finish the job before the election and he wins they will burn this country to the ground.

I don't put it past the democrats to collude with Iran to put him down. What happens when it's more than a lone wolf and it's multiple people. The SS can't combat sloped roofs or bushes, apparently.
Love it @KAB Cats the ole anecdotal assumptions based on non existent hypotheticals bc it will deflect responsibility to pretend you have moral superiority.

Let's be honest Dion, and you know it...the ends justify the means. Just like you're completely a okay if every jew is slaughtered, you want Trump murdered, just the same as you want any dissent silenced bc it needs to be bc its wrong think. And do it under the guise that you sit on a moral throne and it's bc they deserve it or that they're racist, or whatever else the cover is.

But the circle continues:
I think many more Palestinians have been "slaughtered" than "jews" at this point.

Liberal Jimmy Dore interviews Liberal actress Drea De Matteo.... She has only voted once and it was for Joe Biden.... She's out on the democrat party..... All of you people saying Trump is the extreme one need to realize that tons of people disagree with you.
Biden's DOJ has put grandmothers in prison for peacefully protesting at an abortion clinic. Of course the Antifa types get off far lighter:

Why do they always look like this?

Hey vhcat... Putin endorsed Kamala.... so are the people supporting Kamala Putin puppets? Why aren't you attacking them like you do us guys that don't want our nephews and cousins to die?
Hey vhcat... Putin endorsed Kamala.... so are the people supporting Kamala Putin puppets? Why aren't you attacking them like you do us guys that don't want our nephews and cousins to die?
Because that's when putin was playing 4d chess you see.

If he says something he actually means the opposite, yet sometimes he says things and he actually means just depends

Like how he's going to cause ww3 if ukraine doesnt stop him, but when he says directly he's going to cause ww3 it's actually a bluff.
If he says something he actually means the opposite, yet sometimes he says things and he actually means just depends
Yes. That's how people, and absolutely heads of state, work. You think the world is like the movie Liar, Liar where everyone's forced to tell the truth all the time?