How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
All across society now, just make everything easier:

This election really boils down to this: do you want socialism? There are at least two generations infected with the socialism mind virus thanks to teachers' unions. They think non socialist are just old boomers standing in the way of utopia.

Then you have the blue no matter who fools who just want to win and fuel them on for that purpose.

It brings to mind Reagan when he was governor lecturing libs and marxist about riling up those Berkeley kids to raise hell. He said basically they're kids, but you adults manipulating them should know better.

So it doesn't matter what chips someone likes, how theyd order s donut, mean tweets, or joy. It really only matters if you want socialism.
Anytime I hear someone say something, in a political conversation/forum that starts like this:

"Both are garbage/what difference does it make/arguing about politics is a waste of time" etc. It is almost always followed by some sheepish excuse to vote for the socialist simpleton.

Why? Because voting for, and supporting the far left is the easy thing to do. And, like most things in life, the easy things are the choice of half-wits that are not particularly interested in things like self-reliance, effort, and learning.

Liberals fancy themselves as intellectuals, but they're mostly just lazy people, with low self-esteem. This thread is living proof of that.

Socialism doesn't require that you get up at a particular time, if at all, if you don't want to. It doesn't make you earn things, or take pride etc. It's safe, easy, and each day is like the one before it. Life is painlessly monochrome...
This election really boils down to this: do you want socialism? There are at least two generations infected with the socialism mind virus thanks to teachers' unions. They think non socialist are just old boomers standing in the way of utopia.

Then you have the blue no matter who fools who just want to win and fuel them on for that purpose.

It brings to mind Reagan when he was governor lecturing libs and marxist about riling up those Berkeley kids to raise hell. He said basically they're kids, but you adults manipulating them should know better.

So it doesn't matter what chips someone likes, how theyd order s donut, mean tweets, or joy. It really only matters if you want socialism.

It’s an odd race to the bottom right now. Trump keeps coming up with more ways to cut taxes and let specific groups of people keep more of what they earn. Kamala keeps coming up with more ways to continue taxing everyone, but give handouts to specific groups of people (like essentially implementing a ubi program by expanding worthless government jobs).
How long has the COVID debate with Shinsplints been going on?

I make no apologies for placing people on ignore. I just wish the ignore covered others’ discussions with those I ignore.
He is the ultimate hypocrite. It's My Body My Choice....except if it's Ivermectin or HCQ or some other method that the Big Pharma or Deep State overlords he workshops disapproved of.
"Fuentes, one of the most famous bigots in the country, has denied the Holocaust, advocated for domestic violence, and expressed his desire to see the conservative movement push back on “Jewish Power.”"

That sounds like the prototypical "squad" Democrat.
The New York Times is their Bible and it was a Holocaust denier. The left is beneath contempt.
What US war zone are they in??
If the US declared war on a country I must have missed it.
Are US troops in harm's way in various areas? Yes. They always are serving anywhere in the Middle East.
But please enlighten me if there are US troops serving in battles in Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine.
Yes you missed it, because your programmers didn't tell you.
This is why I chuckle when liberals say "there is no proof".

Bless your hearts; the proof is a steady stream of incompetence by "our" government.

Surely you see that now, right?
Cheating, lying, gaslighting, dividing, and psyops are all demo☭rats are competent at. It's a shameless, scumbag strategy that works with the stupid bottom feeders.
Watched that kamabla interview.

I’ve interviewed a bunch (and hired some) of people for knowledge service positions whether legal or accounting.

A lot of times people come off decently in the first interview and can hit the high level stuff.

Bring them back for a second interview and you realize they’re just saying what they think sounds good, it’s completely rehearsed for a typical interview and they have no depth.

That was kamabla.

No way I would hire her.