How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Simple, they don't want the profits of a sensitive industry that is vital to our national security going overseas. Let alone the potential to do harm to our national security.

The workers simply want to continue their good lifestyle and have it continue for generations after them.
I hope you're not being serious. The production would not anywhere. US Steel's plants are in the US & Nippon will upgrade those plants' efficiencies & still make the steel here. If Nippon pulls out, US companies can run the plants (Probably less efficiently for at least a while.).

US Steel makes about 9M tons of 80M+ tons of steel produced in US. Why those mere 9M tons makes them sensitive & a threat to national security is pretty lame. At least I agree the workers want to maintain a good lifestyle vs. US Steel going bankrupt. I mean why should workers have good jobs? $0.5B profits is peanuts in our economy.

Curious, should the US force all foreign car makers to turn their plants over to US owners to keep they're much larger profits here? If not, why are they OK?
None.... Nada..... Zip of the elderly people I know getting Covid shots experienced negative health effects from it.

From my perspective, Christians generally only use the Bible as a weapon to attack and not to give assistance to those in need.
Good for you. A healthy early 60’s guy I know suffered myocarditis and his doctor told him to avoid the boosters which would likely kill him. Of course there are thousands of stories like that across the US but since you don’t know anyone then it just isn’t true.
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ANYONE could accidentally forget to write the date if focused on checking a box for your candidate on a mail in ballot. Has zero to do with needing help.
It's a dumbass law looking for any way to take away as many votes as possible from Democrats.
If the demographic of voters who use mail in ballots was more Republican... this stupid law would have never seen the light of day. If someone is cheating they could write in whatever date they chose.
BS Law.
IOW, the law requiring a date is anti-Dimocrat votes because Dimocrats are likely more stupid according to this, correct? LOL. What it comes down to is you want anyone to be able to scribble down who they are voting for on anyy piece of paper, mail it it, & it counts, no name, no date, no nothing.
I always want American companies to be successful with American ownership. But i don’t see a huge issue with Japan, one of our strongest allies, buying US Steel. As long as the company stays here and doesn’t drastically cut jobs. What’s the pushback on this? I haven’t really followed it. Are Joe and the rest not getting their standard kickbacks?
Trump opposes it too, so can't lay it all on Joe/Kamala. Nippon isn't buying it to move production but to upgrade the facilities to make it cheaper. Why USS hasn't bothered I don't know. I'd guess current owners are milking it & then crying for subsidies or higher tariffs. Of course Trump has no problem with the latter.
It makes no sense for Nippon to move production. The resources to manufacture steel are more plentiful here so, ummm,

Look, I don't think anyone is saying Trump is perfect, but my word, Harris is SO horrendously stupid that there really IS no choice at this point, other than to vote for Trump.
What do you think they're coming here for?
Many? To escape criminal prosecution in their own countries. Ask the Tren De Aragua gang members why they’ve infiltrated a number of cities, including Louisville. The violent crime rate falling by 18% in Venezuela isn’t a coincidence. Same goes for MS-13 gangs and Cartel members. Why would you be all for allowing people to come here unvetted? Why are you pro crime? What Asylum are Chinese Nationals needing? It amazes us how oblivious you are to reality.
Resident Dims? What say ye?
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So, are the American people going to get answers about the assasination attempt before election?
Absolutely not. Mainly because, at this point, the most logical explanation involves our own SS/DHS looking the other way while someone tried to assassinate Trump, and that’s about the least scandalous explanation that can be assumed.
Many? To escape criminal prosecution in their own countries. Ask the Tren De Aragua gang members why they’ve infiltrated a number of cities, including Louisville. The violent crime rate falling by 18% in Venezuela isn’t a coincidence. Same goes for MS-13 gangs and Cartel members. Why would you be all for allowing people to come here unvetted? Why are you pro crime? What Asylum are Chinese Nationals needing? It amazes us how oblivious you are to reality.
Both candidates were dogshit.


Well, you're going to end up with one of them. If you believe that there is no difference between the two, then I would implore you to not vote. That way you don't cancel out the vote of a person that DOES believe there is a difference, however small that may be.
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Immigrants flock here because they know what the far left in this country refuse to believe: That the United States is the greatest country in the world. What other reason COULD there be? I mean, DUH... 😆 😆

How about for every immigrant, illegal or otherwise, that enters the country, we deport a Dion, sam, sam'sdaddy, Lox, KAB etc.? Who is with me? They despise it here anyway, so what's the difference?
Mail in ballots are a joke. Some might deny that, but they know they're wrong, and have an ulterior motive for supporting them.

Unless the Secretary of State can produce:

A valild voter roll

The exact number of mail in ballots that went out

The exact number that were received

And reconcile the number sent out against the number received (see below)

And further, that each mail in ballot includes return receipt, and that mail in ballots are received BEFORE the polls open on election day. IOW - No mail in ballots to be received or counted AFTER the polls open. And that number shall be made public BEFORE the polls open. PERIOD. Nobody should have a problem with that.

re: drop boxes - no ballots shall be valid unless received BEFORE the polls close. If a box didn't turn up before the polls close, they should be destroyed immediately. All drop box ballots should be counted before 8:00 PM on election night. That isn't a difficult task.
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What do you think the media looks like in 20 years? Vast majority of the audience of the 3 networks is older. Even cable news wise, and Tucker has more people watching now on X than when he was at Fox I think. Never got on TikTok but did see 25 million or more watched Trump's closing debate statement on it, about 4 times more than Kamala's closing. I'm assuming most of them probably didn't watch the debate when it was on.

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Both candidates were dogshit.


We should all be grateful to have the candidate who has risked everything to fight the corrupt establishment on both sides, transform the Republican party, and always do what is best for the American people. And has the RESULTS to prove it.

Freedom, peace, and prosperity --> Trump
More corrupt establishment wars, censorship, high taxes, and leftist insanity. --> Leftist Puppet KH
Facts for fools. Trump doubled Biden's debt numbers period. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

More facts for Democrat fools:

A Record $1.2 Trillion Interest Payments Are Blowing Up The Federal Budget​

<p>Jemal Countess / Stringer / Getty Images</p>

Thanks, Joe!

Which party controlled White House 11.75 years out of last 15.75 years? I'll hang up and listen.
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