How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Why would Rivals be censored in the UK?.
It's not being "censored" there despite it being called such. Rivals is not paying the fees, whatever they are, to allow people to access it there. I've had this happen with Rivals over & over while in Europe. I suspect it's a business decision as they feel they don't have enough viewers there to justify whatever the fees/costs are. Maybe it's a technical issue that would cost too much to correct. I was in South America earlier this year & not a problem.

Also. I have a repeated refresh issue & slowness with Rivals HERE whenever I access it on my iPad. Maybe that's part of it.
Crazy to hypothesize that it is solely the “Hispanics” that have caused political demographics to change since 1980 where a Reagan-like landslide is impossible. I mean, just 16 years before that, LBJ won in a landslide.
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California was not a predominantly Hispanic state in 1984. The moving left of the United States coincides with the mass immigration. I don't know how that can even be argued.

I guess I'll get called racist but go watch American Graffiti, and do you think it looks like that today?
Yep. California was red for nearly 40 years. The state voted Reagan- Reagan- Bush in three consecutive elections. Think about that! Demographics matter. This was an intentional population replacement for power and has been done to western countries intentionally.
Hispanics still have far greater family values than progressives and the inner cities, so I'm actually not too worried about them.. so long, as they are vetted and come here legally.

But they aren't going to be fine with abortion and LGTBQ bullshit like the left thinks.
This keeps being said and has been said for years but they simply vote Democrat overwhelmingly. Why wouldn't they? Get free shit. Dems have got 60-70% of the vote the last four elections. California changed because of them.
This keeps being said and has been said for years but they simply vote Democrat overwhelmingly. Why wouldn't they? Get free shit. Dems have got 60-70% of the vote the last four elections. California changed because of them.

I feel like Trump was able to bring many Hispanics and AA to his side, but that also might have coincided with the left getting too progressive.
So you're saying for the future of the human race the the right to abortion is more important than eating?
It's wild how evil ppl will justify their actions simply by adding or subtracting words. Instead of "murdering children" it's actually a "human right." So therefor not only is it a cause that's not evil, but the main one that matters. It's actually quite easy to brain wash people when you think about it. I understand now how the Germans were convinced to go along with the holocaust by the nazis.
“Hispanics” aren’t a monolith. Cubans are very conservative, for example. You blaming Hispanics is just flat out stupid. It it’s a way for you to lump legal immigrants, in many cases people who have been here for generations, with illegals.
I feel like Trump was able to bring many Hispanics and AA to his side, but that also might have coincided with the left getting too progressive.
Here's how the last 20 years of presidential elections have went with the Latino vote for Democrats.

2004- 58%
2008- 67%
2012- 71%
2016- 65%
2020- 66%

Their population is overwhelmingly responsible for our country going to the left.
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Yep, I think a lot of things will open up. The housing market I do think will just take some more time. I really think the minute the rates drop a full point (which we might already be close to this level), everyone's jumping back in the pool. Which, will still make it a competitive market, but it will be the catalyst that starts the flow. Because it's not just first time home buyers, it's anyone who wanted to move over the last 3 years. The housing market is like one giant clogged pipe. We just need to get a little flow going and then things will open up.
Honestly depends on who our next POTUS is. If it’s Trump, housing market will flourish. If it’s dipshit, it’ll crumble again. Especially with that BS of giving first time buyers a 25K tax credit. What a HORRIBLE idea! Damn socialists! 🤢

EDIT: Said 25K credit will mainly benefit illegal border jumpers.
“Hispanics” aren’t a monolith. Cubans are very conservative, for example. You blaming Hispanics is just flat out stupid. It it’s a way for you to lump legal immigrants, in many cases people who have been here for generations, with illegals.
You can't even do basic math.

The mass immigration of Hispanics has changed the voting patterns in the western United States significantly. States that were once solid Republican states are now solid Democrat states. People that once compromised 80% of the population of those states are now 1/3 of those States. Why do basic facts bother you so much?
“Hispanics” aren’t a monolith. Cubans are very conservative, for example. You blaming Hispanics is just flat out stupid. It it’s a way for you to lump legal immigrants, in many cases people who have been here for generations, with illegals.
Oh, shut up, Dore. It's 100% the case that those from the southern border come and vote Democrat. You're trying to compare Cubans which are 3-4% to those that are of Mexican origin which is over 64%.

You're not going to win this battle despite your arrogance. Democrats have been very deliberate about getting this specific group into the U.S. because it equates to Democrat power. This is undeniable. It is a fact. It's why your party is so against protecting the border, all about giving them resources to incentivize them to be here, it's why you have demonized ICE, fought a wall, fought voter roll audits. Your party stopped getting the majority of the white vote which is why Teddy Kennedy's Immigration Bill in the 60s set to do exactly what has occurred.
Oh shut up Dore. It's 100% the case that those from the southern border come and vote Democrat. You're trying to compare Cubans which are 3-4% to those that are of Mexican origin which is over 64%.

You're not going to win this battle despite your arrogance. Democrats have been very deliberate about getting this specific group into the U.S. because it equates to Democrat power. This is undeniable. It is a fact.
Cubans compromise as much of Hispanic Immigration as the Welch did of Anglo colonization.

In other words, it's pretty damn small.
Bash is just like all of them. No no, let's not talk about the despicable behavior on our side, let's stay on our only topic of conversation: DJT. This woman is repulsive.

Good Lord, I hate these people! They’re so fvcking disingenuous, it is hard to wrap my head around! Repulsive is correct!
Yep. California was red for nearly 40 years. The state voted Reagan- Reagan- Bush in three consecutive elections. Think about that! Demographics matter. This was an intentional population replacement for power and has been done to western countries intentionally.
Hadn’t ever really thought about that before (Cali), but you’re right! Demographics absolutely matter. That’s why we’ve had an open border for 3.5 years now.
Florida is solidly red state despite there being many Hispanic people here. Decades ago it was solidly blue when there were far fewer Hispanics here. You accuse democrats of race baiting but that is exactly what you are doing here. Claiming that the “white” states should secede. Just total stupidity.
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Florida is solidly red state despite there being many Hispanic people here. Decades ago it was solidly blue when there were far fewer Hispanics here. You accuse democrats of race baiting but that is exactly what you are doing here. Claiming that the “white” states should secede. Just total stupidity.
What's stupid beyond comprehension is voting for INSANITY because "he insulted her".

Do you agree that people like that are smug and spineless? TIA
elon is putting a target on his back

“And, I’m sorry to say that it appears that some former Twitter employees were complicit in helping him do so.Anyone with examples or evidence to this effect, please reply to this post.”
Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was one of the best things to ever happen to the US. Especially so in modern times.
Here's how the last 20 years of presidential elections have went with the Latino vote.

2004- 58%
2008- 67%
2012- 71%
2016- 65%
2020- 66%

Their population is overwhelmingly responsible for our country going to the left.
Yea, not blacks, not Asians, not Jews, not LIbs getting more left, just Hispanics. LMAO. And how did Trump win in 2016 & Bush in 2004 if Hispanics are responsible?
This keeps being said and has been said for years but they simply vote Democrat overwhelmingly. Why wouldn't they? Get free shit. Dems have got 60-70% of the vote the last four elections. California changed because of them.
You're sick.
Your media overlords are getting ready to tell you to let this one go Sam. You and Harris’ tweet writers are picking fights with Gold Star families. It’s a losing issue big time. I’d listen to them on this one.
It has ZERO to do with the media.
It's ARLINGTON CEMETERY rules that were trashed dude.
Just because you have a loved one buried there doesn't give you the right to piss on sacred ground.
But not surprising coming from the same entitled crowd that thinks it's ok to piss on our Capitol if you lose an election.
Cults are never good at introspection.
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Yea, not blacks, not Asians, not Jews, not LIbs getting more left, just Hispanics. LMAO. And how did Trump win in 2016 & Bush in 2004 if Hispanics are responsible?
Did I say they were the only voting bloc? No. You can’t import millions upon millions of people who vote nearly 70% Democrat and think that’s not going to change elections. California is a perfect example of what demographics mean.

You think Omar is in Congress without Somalians there to vote for her? Nope.

Demographics matter.
Um, can you walk around a Kroger with an open beer?

Smoking a blunt?

Oh my God, he doesn't want people.smoking weed on street corners, what a fascist.

You fvcking idiot.

You should be applauding his moderate stance on simple possession, commie boy.

But no, you have TDS and must show your ass like a baboon..
Lmao this guy is literally bitching about smoking weed in public and something about Twitch and video games. For SEVERAL pages now! The stupidity knows no bounds. Real life issues here! This is coming from an every day smoker. These people are absolutely unhinged! 🙄