How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If the staters that vote Dim report & are the majority of EV's, what the Pubs do is immaterial.
Depends on who's in what state position doing the certifying. If enough states withhold their EC votes for long enough neither candidate would make it to 270 which would kick the election to the House for a contingent election constitutionally, which Trump would win.
In some area's, yes, and it shouldn't be like that. Of course, Gorton is being controlled by the developers in many ways, who aren't exactly jumping up and down to hit the lower income areas of Lex.
I'm not disagreeing with you on that (like I disagree with your EDLC takes on the baseball forum 🤣) It shouldn't be like that. Inflation and the costs of building materials have turned what used to be able to be built for $250K into a $400K project. I'm in the design and construction Industry, and I can't stand cookie cutter developments, with highly restrictive deed restrictions and HOA's full of Karen's. Then these developers like to sell these homes as "custom" when the only thing Custom about them is you get to pick from one of three brick or siding colors. Anywho, I digress. Yeah, there needs to be more mixed use development and a variety of housing options and less cookie cutter neighborhoods with postage stamp lots.
I just don't think cheating has been organized beyond a local level in very many cases & thus hasn't affected many individual outcomes. Every thing I've seen about say thousands of votes being manipulated all assume those have moved only one way.

And yes, without all the safe-guards mentioned, it does allow anyone to claim an election wasn't valid. And so when a side loses, they do make the claim.
Pivotal states, decided by mere 10's of thousands of votes have decided a LOT of Federal elections. It isn't just a "flight of fancy", and, as I said, they appear to actively oppose any common sense measures to correct very simple things.
I'm fine with having NO political parties. We'd be a helluva lot better off. That is an idea I could get behind. Unfortunately, that would go against the Constitution.
At least make it where you have to be a moderate, one way or another, to run for an office. Anti-Americans, non-Americans and communists only make this country worse so why should people like that have government positions?
At least make it where you have to be a moderate, one way or another, to run for an office. Anti-Americans, non-Americans and communists only make this country worse so why should people like that have government positions?

I'm not going there. This is America, and people have the right to be Anti-American. That's sort of the entire point...

You can call people you don't agree with awful names in public, you can burn flags, you can hoist a Nazi flag in your front yard etc. without going to jail. (it does NOT protect you from losing your job etc. though)
Supporting someone in return for a job makes sense.

I’ve seen people try to make this point like it’s a bad thing.

Seems rather obvious to me, if your number 1 priority is ending childhood chronic disease, ending the forever wars, etc., you would absolutely support the person who is willing to bring you on board to try and tackle your number 1 priority.

I don’t see how anyone would perceive it as a bad thing that RFK is supporting Trump because Trump wants him in his admin to tackle certain very important issues.
The level of ignorance you have on this topic is really amazing, or you simply have a lot of blind faith.

You do know that Biden hasn't been calling the shots for well over a year or more, right?
Which is it? A coup that forced him out, or a braintrust cabal that's had this as their plan all along? DEMOCRATS ARE NOT THAT SMART OR POWERFUL. They're just the same idiots as you and me, going along doing their thing. Yes, they're corrupt as hell. But it isn't some master plan. No one plans these things and executes them years in advance like supervillains. They all just react to changes in circumstances and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Dems care about winning; if Biden were polling well, he'd still be the candidate. He's not and so he isn't.
Also, please don’t tell me you think Bobby Kennedy’s son, JFK’s nephew, is whoring himself out for a cabinet salary because that’s more than he could make if he were to sign on to the establishment democrat grift.
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You are not very nice. Surely you see that I am just kidding about more than eight years. And Trump is ALL about America just like me. It's the communists trying to change our way of life and puts illegals before poor needy Americans just for votes.
You aren't kidding. You just have to say that because your true feelings are abhorrent to any true American who has our foundational values at heart. You make your anti-American positions clear in every post you make. Why would I be nice to anti-American scum that endeavor to take away our hard-won rights and freedoms?
The states that cleaned up their voter rolls have found dead people, people that have moved, illegals and others that should not be there. Which swing states will do this? If Texas can find over a million you would have to think a swing state would have a ton also. Can easily make a difference of winning and losing with that many.

And, what measures are in place to verify mail-in and drop-off ballots? Will there be a person from each party verifying all these are legal and real voters?
You must admit though, there are things we could do to make the process more trustworthy and transparent. Not suing to keep dead people on the voter rolls, for example. Things like that, tell me that the government isn't really INTERESTED in making a good faith effort to hold a valid election. I mean, what else am I SUPPOSED to think? I surely don't deserve to be branded a kook or consipiracy theorist, when they won't put any effort into something as simple as cleaning up the voter rolls. On the contrary, they fight AGAINST doing so. It makes my case pretty strong when they do that.
Sure. Requiring an ID is better than nothing even though they don't prove citizenship. Matching voter numbers with vote total is another. Eliminating unguarded drop boxes & the number nay one person can insert. Having both parties viewing ballot counting wherever. Hiring more people to count to get it done quickly.
Pivotal states, decided by mere 10's of thousands of votes have decided a LOT of Federal elections. It isn't just a "flight of fancy", and, as I said, they appear to actively oppose any common sense measures to correct very simple things.
Sure. Just hasn't been shown cheating was the reason for the outcomes in those close elections.
You aren't kidding. You just have to say that because your true feelings are abhorrent to any true American who has our foundational values at heart. You make your anti-American positions clear in every post you make.
If blasting socialists and communists is not American then yes I am not American in that way and don't care. I believe in the things the country was built on minus the free speech for commies and anti-Americans. Do you approve of American flag burners? Free speech for commies but half the country is afraid America will turn into that. Makes a lot of sense.
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I’ve seen people try to make this point like it’s a bad thing.

Seems rather obvious to me, if your number 1 priority is ending childhood chronic disease, ending the forever wars, etc., you would absolutely support the person who is willing to bring you on board to try and tackle your number 1 priority.

I don’t see how anyone would perceive it as a bad thing that RFK is supporting Trump because Trump wants him in his admin to tackle certain very important issues.
Some people do make the point that it's a bad thing - like Dimocrat MSM. And some will buy it.
I'm fine with having NO political parties. We'd be a helluva lot better off. That is an idea I could get behind. Unfortunately, that would go against the Constitution.
I agree with you in theory, but you don't have to ban them. People are free to assemble as they want, including along political lines. The issues come from them having actual power outside of determining policy and positions. Why should some arbitrary, extraconstitutional group with their own aims and goals determine our candidates?
I agree with you in theory, but you don't have to ban them. People* are free to assemble as they want, including along political lines. The issues come from them having actual power outside of determining policy and positions. Why should some arbitrary, extraconstitutional group with their own aims and goals determine our candidates?
*I've found the problem. (most people gravitate towards the easisest, stupidest position)
We "argue" with these morons on here daily. I swear that is shins... or is that nochti (sp?)
And here is a scripture for those of you insisting on engaging them:

“Even though you pound a [hardened, arrogant] fool [who rejects wisdom] in a mortar with a pestle like grain, Yet his foolishness will not leave him.”

Proverbs 27:22
So you can just change candidates last minute like you're subbing in a new QB.
Depends on where you're at in the process as to which deadlines have been crossed, but absolutely, yes. Parties are nuts, they control most of the entire process for selecting their candidate. They shouldn't have such power. Ranked Choice Voting.
I'm fine with having NO political parties. We'd be a helluva lot better off. That is an idea I could get behind. Unfortunately, that would go against the Constitution.
pretty sure the Constitution doesn't say a damn thing about being a "democracy" either. Pretty sure it says we are guaranteed a "Republican form of Government"
Sure. Requiring an ID is better than nothing even though they don't prove citizenship. Matching voter numbers with vote total is another. Eliminating unguarded drop boxes & the number nay one person can insert. Having both parties viewing ballot counting wherever. Hiring more people to count to get it done quickly.
That would be a great start. I'm not sure, to any reasonable degree of satisfaction that any of those things are consistently being done, much less clearing the deadwood from the voter rolls. And until THAT is done, checking the ballots against the rolls is utterly meaningless. So, back to my point; it's not unreasonable to assume that our Federal elections ARE, in fact, fraudulent.

To put it more boldly, they ARE fraudulent. No matter WHICH party or candidate benefits from it, it is a factual statement.
I agree with you in theory, but you don't have to ban them. People are free to assemble as they want, including along political lines. The issues come from them having actual power outside of determining policy and positions. Why should some arbitrary, extraconstitutional group with their own aims and goals determine our candidates?

They didn’t determine “our” candidates. The Republican Party had a primary, and the voters selected the candidate the party hates the most.

The democrat elite selected the democrat candidate.

For a registered independent like me, I much prefer the candidate who was chosen by voters, not appointed by party elite (after they pulled the plug o. The first candidate they appointed).
Swing states vary generationally. I don't think ANY state is peforming due diligence. Our right to vote in a free and fair election is the most important one we have. And yet the government that we let run them, doesn't seem to think it's worth the time, money, and effort, to make sure it's done properly. I believe that is grounds for impeaching the entire GD lot of them.
I'm not going there. This is America, and people have the right to be Anti-American. That's sort of the entire point...

You can call people you don't agree with awful names in public, you can burn flags, you can hoist a Nazi flag in your front yard etc. without going to jail. (it does NOT protect you from losing your job etc. though)
For now, all of that can be done. Won't be allowed much longer.

Just whatever you do, don't do this.

I’ve seen people try to make this point like it’s a bad thing.

Seems rather obvious to me, if your number 1 priority is ending childhood chronic disease, ending the forever wars, etc., you would absolutely support the person who is willing to bring you on board to try and tackle your number 1 priority.

I don’t see how anyone would perceive it as a bad thing that RFK is supporting Trump because Trump wants him in his admin to tackle certain very important issues.
And to me, if you are remotely on the fence or a moderate, RFK and Tulsi are people in the Administration that can be a voice for a lot of those secondary issues that they disagree with Trump on. People who use those issues to make their choice now have representation. It's called reaching across the table and compromising and finding middle ground. Something today's Globalist led Democrat party wants nothing to do with.
This is sad. Moved from the Denver area (daughter still lives there - for now) in July and one reason was the dramatic increase in crime in the metro area (along with cost of living, traffic, potentially 9 months of snow, etc.). Denver, Boulder and Colorado are proudly 'sanctuary' cities/state and, from this article, the Denver metro area has received the largest per capita number of illegal immigrants in the country. From a US News and World Report article just recently, Denver has become the 5th most crime-ridden city in the country (TBF, much of Denver crime has been property - theft, vandalism, etc. - versus violent, up to now). Fentanyl deaths are among, if not THE, highest in the nation and homelessness is rampant in Denver metro area. Now here is this article (link below) that reveals how a hyper violent Venezuelan cartel gang has established a base of operations in Aurora, an eastern suburb adjacent to Denver, taking over apartment complexes and running their trafficking operations from there. Local police arrest them but the court system seems to let them go so they can continue to commit crimes and create havoc. I was not aware that there is a state law that forbids municipal officials from cooperating with Federal immigration law enforcement and am wondering how that could be constitutional.

What used to be a purple state has become deep blue and getting bluer (one suburb recently passed an ordinance that prohibits the new construction of gas stations - only EV charging stations are allowed for new construction). Colorado, unfortunately, is becoming California East with all their harmful policies and adverse consequences. As beautiful as the state is, I think I made a very wise decision to get out while the getting is good.