How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I’ve called you on it before but you’re anti-American scum. Openly pining for a ruler. Disgusting and you should be ashamed. Against every one of our founding values.


This is so stupid coming from the blue no matter who guy who supports a shadow government interchanging candidates, with no input from voters, so long as they keep power.
Just think how the families of these people feel...

Not "loving" their situation by ANY MEANS ... just love that this is the PERFECT response to the lefties and shins hysteria. PERFECT. IOW ... shins ... go get one of your tampons and sit this out, Princess..
Resident Libs, what’s your take on this? Is this “saving democracy” (gotta watch how I type that lest Dion get offended). Is this ensuring a safe and secure election and instilling faith in the voters that their votes matter?
The GOP plan is to not report the vote so that the election will be thrown to the House. That's the plan this year. That was what 2020 and Jan 6 was all about. They are spreading this crap all over the country because they can count noses and know they're going to lose the vote.

So, don't spread phony outrage. Ignoring the vote has always been the Republican plan. Why do you think Trump's playing golf?
The GOP plan is to not report the vote so that the election will be thrown to the House. That's the plan this year. That was what 2020 and Jan 6 was all about. They are spreading this crap all over the country because they can count noses and know they're going to lose the vote.

So, don't spread phony outrage. Ignoring the vote has always been the Republican plan. Why do you think Trump's playing golf?
Friends, this is what tinfoil mental illness looks like.
Trumps not winning Michigan. Their female Dem Governor, Sec. of State and Attorney General will make sure of that. He might win GA,WI,AZ,NV. He should win NC. PA is the key. I don’t particularly like his chances with their leadership. Is it crazy to think he has a chance at VA?
VA will decide the election. All in there or lose…
Oddly... after months of democrats trying to kick him off the ballot they are forcing him to stay on Mich and a couple other states are talking about keeping him on. LOL Democrats have only one rule... win.
Odds who Harris does her first interview with.

It's got to be a moron, I'm guessing Jimmy Kimmel
It's going to be ABC. One of her best friends is a big time exec there and introduced her to her husband and also was part of the reason Biden picked her.
He’d still have to win NC, GA and either AZ or NV even if he won PA.
GA, PA, and NC gets him 270. No matter what happens in AZ, NV, MN, MI, WI, and VA

Win the states the he's safe in, and get those three. That's his easiest path to the WH. Even if he were to lose Maine outright, he'd still be at 269 and win. Now, if he wins GA, NV, AZ, NC, and ANY Rust belt state, he's in. He's got a lot of paths to 270.
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I like RFK but not sure how I feel about this. Of course he is probably better suited to do it than the people who helped Trump hire people in 16.
It's not like the RINO rnc people would be better. LOL. Fat Christie was a plant to subvert Trump from the start. He was the one who swore Wray was a solid constitutional law guy. LOL.
GA, PA, and NC gets him 270. No matter what happens in AZ, NV, MN, MI, WI, and VA

Win the states the he's safe in, and get those three. That's his easiest path to the WH. Even if he were to lose Maine outright, he'd still be at 269 and win. Now, if he wins GA, NV, AZ, NC, and ANY Rust belt state, he's in. He's got a lot of paths to 270.
I don’t see how he wins PA, MN or MI. I think he needs 3 of AZ,NV, NC, VA, WI
He'd need all three of AZ, NC, , and VA if he loses PA. He IS still leading in PA. Although, if Harris loses VA, she's in for a really rough night, IMO.

Although, I still believe that he's going to flip Wisconsin.

(corrected to remove NV)
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You sound extremely bitter about life and this is a trend with you. I'm sorry you either dislike life in general or for whatever reason have decided to hate random states and/or America itself.
Why are so many people fleeing Cali that Uhaul is paying people to bring empty trailers back to cali then? First time in over 200 years that California has seen negative growth as an entity.
I'm sure the pilot program will be a wild success:

From the article:

Criminals opened fire on at least 134 police officers during routine traffic stops from 2021 through 2023, federal data show. Now, an equity commission convened by the Biden-Harris administration wants to spend $20 million on a pilot program that would deploy unarmed cops to conduct traffic enforcement.

The Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity, an Obama-era body revived by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg last year, said in a report released this month that cops don’t need to carry guns or tasers with them when out on the streets enforcing traffic laws.
The commission, whose membership includes an activist who once said cars perpetuate "systemic racism," urged the federal government to spend $20 million developing a pilot program to "test the use of non-lethal, perhaps non-police traffic enforcement."
I'm sure the pilot program will be a wild success:

From the article:

Criminals opened fire on at least 134 police officers during routine traffic stops from 2021 through 2023, federal data show. Now, an equity commission convened by the Biden-Harris administration wants to spend $20 million on a pilot program that would deploy unarmed cops to conduct traffic enforcement.

The Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity, an Obama-era body revived by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg last year, said in a report released this month that cops don’t need to carry guns or tasers with them when out on the streets enforcing traffic laws.
The commission, whose membership includes an activist who once said cars perpetuate "systemic racism," urged the federal government to spend $20 million developing a pilot program to "test the use of non-lethal, perhaps non-police traffic enforcement."
The overwhelming desire of libs to be like Europe is nauseating.