How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I’m mad that while the Democrats were stealing the election, they forgot to steal senate seats. WTF! How did they overlook that right?! I mean while we were stealing things, why not take it all? You MAGA morons are so stupid, you make no sense.
Meanwhile, back in the real world....

Time to vote out kooks, loons, freaks and flakes. Adult supervision incoming.
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Amd yet he's not mad harris has been asked zero questions.

Had she been asked yet why she lied about bidens cognitive abilities? Why not? She's on film saying repeatedly how sharp he didn't just magically turn after his debate? Has she been asked why she didn't push for a primary before then? Why not?

Is she for or against tracking? What changed
Is she for Medicare for all? What changed
Has she been asked why she claims she'll lower prices even though she's currently in office? Why not.
Has she been asked about her arms embargo on Israel and why she now says differently? Why not.

She could have a press conference to clear all this up at anytime.

Weird Laurance isnt mad that the press is treating a person who finished dead last in 2020 primary, hasnt had a press conference in months and has done a sit down interview since 2023 any differently.

I guess more shopping trips with know...truth to power!
This is why trump needs to get past these petty grudges like with Brian kemp. Kemp is popular in GA and already said he would endorse...stop trying to make a layup difficult.

The no tips should get him NV as hard as the unions will try to stop it. Would be interesting if he could flip Virginia bc of youngkin.

Kemp and Raffesberger are as corrupt as you can possibly get. Directly responsible for the “find me the votes” hoax by secretly recording and selectively leaking conversations.

Georgia is fully dependent on fraudulent Fulton county. Kemp has fully supported the fraudulent prosecution of Trump.

So on the one hand, maybe Trump should bend over for Kemp and Raffesberger.

On the other hand, maybe he should treat them like the treasonous, uniparty shills they are.

They’d be better off just treating Kemp like the traitor he’s been, and sending an army of lawyers, poll watchers and computer engineers to Fulton County.
I don't think I've seen Democrat polling suggest they were going to lose since 2004.

I think only two times have I ever seen the Democrats suggest they lost a debate. That was the first one in 2012 with Romney and Obama where Obama did so bad that his media acknowledged it. The second one was the debate in June where the Democrats intentionally sent Biden out there to put the plan in motion.

Speaking of which, are there Democrat voters on here who would actually contest this assesment? When have you ever seen a presidential debate in June? Never. When have you seen a debate with someone before they even became the nominee? Never. Despite hiding this fool for four years (who DC circles knew in 2019 that Biden was failing), you want to try and say that it was a shock that he was going to bomb? They magically do this in time to replace him on the ballot? C'mon.
They scheduled the debate bc they thought trump wouldn't agree...its why they put all the conditions on it..specifically picked cnn, no crowd, cross talk.

That's the thong to remember about how awful these ppl are...if that debate didn't happen they'd still be gaslighting everyone that he's sharp as a tack. They don't care about anything but winning.

How many ppl have asked what the hell is biden doing right now...who is running the country. He didn't even address the country to say why he's stepping down...they just installed the next person

More. Shaking my GD head.

Meanwhile Trump says, "I'll do three interviews by Tomorrow".

Libs, is this REALLY what you want in a candidate? one shielded and protected from the press or any scrutiny whatsoever? One who literally has ZERO policy positions? One who can't even discuss policy? Really? you all will run to the polls to vote for that?
Closing 315 stores and 19 jobs will be lost.

Have you read about the business practices of that chain? It’s a horror show.
Better business practices than California and Minnesota where the leaders their let shit burn to the ground and if they did not, allow looting to take place and bail them out? people are stealing to this day and nothing is being done but carry on with Big Lot business practices.
Saying RD is needed in FL as an excuse is absurd. Pubs would win anyway. There would be a need to have RD in the WH if Trump loses while RD could easily win. But haters will hate.

Vivek may be a better answer than Trump. He'll get to show that in 2028. I prefer RD, but VR fine.
If Harris wins this election, a Repbulican will have no chance in 2028 or any election in the near or distant future. the border will let in another 15 million illegals and all these millions will be given amnesty in next four years.
Kemp and Raffesberger are as corrupt as you can possibly get. Directly responsible for the “find me the votes” hoax by secretly recording and selectively leaking conversations.

Georgia is fully dependent on fraudulent Fulton county. Kemp has fully supported the fraudulent prosecution of Trump.

So on the one hand, maybe Trump should bend over for Kemp and Raffesberger.

On the other hand, maybe he should treat them like the treasonous, uniparty shills they are.

They’d be better off just treating Kemp like the traitor he’s been, and sending an army of lawyers, poll watchers and computer engineers to Fulton County.
Orrr...and hear me out, appeal to more than a base. The ppl in Georgia like Kemp. Remember when trump got mad bc Kemp wouldn't keep georgia locked down during covid.

Brain Kemp destroyed media darling Stacy Abrahams in the governor race, on that same ballot warnock beat maga endorsed herschel walker...not because all those ppl voted for warnock but bc they left the ballot blank.

It's okay to criticize trump, I promise. It doesn't matter how "the base" feels...what does the majority voters feel. It's the same thing none of you want to talk about...he lost arizona bc of his treatment of McCain. In fact they had 2 republican senators and both flipped too bc of it. Doesn't matter what muh base cares about.

Is glen youngkin a traitor? Remember when he trashed the R governor who won in a blue state? Most ppl would try to build coalition around that...nope youngkin has to do all the work.

Again, stop with the loyalty nonsense. Do ppl want to win elections or not? You'd think ppl would finally learn after the midterms when ppl were cheering winning primaries only to lose generals.
Better business practices than California and Minnesota where the leaders their let shit burn to the ground and if they did not, allow looting to take place and bail them out? people are stealing to this day and nothing is being done but carry on with Big Lot business practices.

California is set to close 75% of it's state's stores, 25% of the 315.

None are in Texas.

The state of California is set to lose 75 of Big Lots' 109 stores, according to the company's website, while none of the 116 locations in Texas are shown as closing.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t even think hermaphrdites are offended with “Ladies and Gentlemen”. They just want to board

So, abandon 99% of your customers to appease the 1% or less than 1%.

Of course, this is blackrock funding payrolls...
California is set to close 75% of it's state's stores, 25% of the 315.

None are in Texas.

The state of California is set to lose 75 of Big Lots' 109 stores, according to the company's website, while none of the 116 locations in Texas are shown as closing.
those facts seem kinda important. Wonder what the differences are between the two??
Whatever Trump is ALL the things he does is ALWAYS for the good of the country and the citizens. I know of not ONE thing he has ever done policy wise that has not been for the betterment of all of us. Harris and Walz both have always been involved with things like defunding the police, rioting, getting criminals out of jail, China, Palestine, open borders, illegals, gay parades, sex changing and the list goes on and on. Why in the world would you or any common sense person be for things like that? Are you denying they have not been involved with things like that? Because if you are you must not know anything about any candidate and just for whoever has a D by their name.

Some people don't like Trump for these reasons. He tells things like they are without doing it as politically correct or in a more civil tone. He is always pro American so the masses of anti Americans in this country hate him for that. He tweets all the time to get information out that a lot of people on the other side does not like because again he sometimes does it harshly without civility and it educates people about what is really happening and the other side doesn't like that. He is called racist, which is a lie, if you know him well enough he cares for every kind of people if they are pro American and good citizens.

But when it comes to running this country there is nobody better on either side. Forget about the way he says things, what does it matter? His policies make everybody's lives better and the world and our country safer. And isn't that the things that matter from the job of the President? Put the policies of the candidates side by side and compare. There is no comparison. They are almost totally opposite. And if you like what your people stand for then I don't know what else to say.

Why is Manchin a traitor? A guy that had the guts, unlike people like you, to say the Democratic party is not what he has always known anymore. He said they was so far left, things not good for the country or the people, that he did not want to be identified with that anymore. Not that I am a Manchin guy, just using him as an example as someone that wants to keep America like it has always been and not be on the train of turning it over to the radicals, freaks and low IQ idiots.
You’re the “radical, low IQ freak.” Your stated issues are a laundry list of bigotry and hate. America will be better when you’re dead and in the ground. Then us real Americans can get on with the American dream. America is leaving your sorry ass in the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Which surprised me and disappointed me as I wanted him to be the guy. He had momentum but Trump is so polarizing that DeSantis could not get that type of popularity needed.

I wanted Trump as a 'godfather' role behind the scenes considering the people are with him now.
I like Desantis well enough, but he has the personality of a brass tack. On top of that he was trying to be Trump. Why would someone not go with the original? Desantis should have waited 4 years. Someone was giving him terrible advice.
Trump claimed his Jan 6th crowd was larger than MLK's. MLK's was 25x bigger.
Amd yet he's not mad harris has been asked zero questions.

Had she been asked yet why she lied about bidens cognitive abilities? Why not? She's on film saying repeatedly how sharp he didn't just magically turn after his debate? Has she been asked why she didn't push for a primary before then? Why not?

Is she for or against tracking? What changed
Is she for Medicare for all? What changed
Has she been asked why she claims she'll lower prices even though she's currently in office? Why not.
Has she been asked about her arms embargo on Israel and why she now says differently? Why not.

She could have a press conference to clear all this up at anytime.

Weird Laurance isnt mad that the press is treating a person who finished dead last in 2020 primary, hasnt had a press conference in months and has done a sit down interview since 2023 any differently.

I guess more shopping trips with know...truth to power!
Building a campaign from the ground up eats up time. In the debates coming up she'll school Trump who will just lie, lol. Not even Elon's full throated support will be enough.

Trump bashes electric vehicles and then has to hold back remembering that's what Elon does lmao. He's such a loon
If Harris wins this election, a Repbulican will have no chance in 2028 or any election in the near or distant future. the border will let in another 15 million illegals and all these millions will be given amnesty in next four years.
If Harris wins, we are officially done as a Country as a whole. Our Sovereignty will be ceded to the Globalists.