How will they rule ??!

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Find me any Democrat media that challenges the Biden/Harris admin or has any critique whatsoever. The press serves as a PR machine for Democrats which is shameful especially with someone with as much stuff to criticize and inform the public about in regards to her history and beliefs.

Now point to any part of my post that's incorrect. Trump was in control, went personal and got offensive with his public display, then began questioning whether or not Harris is black, his friendly media sources like Jesse Watters followed, and in days his lead is gone. Harris now has momentum and still has the DNC which could give her another slight bump. Focus on the issues, not racial stuff of your opponent. Same thing with tampons. I know that's coming from the right too. You think America wants to hear the right's view on tampons with the election three months away?
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Now point to any part of my post that's incorrect. Trump was in control, went personal and got offensive with his public display, then began questioning whether or not Harris is black, his friendly media sources like Jesse Watters followed, and in days his lead is gone. Harris now has momentum and still has the DNC which could give her another slight bump. Focus on the issues, not racial stuff of your opponent. Same thing with tampons. I know that's coming from the right too. You think America wants to hear the right's view on tampons with the election three months away?
This is correct. I've been telling people for a few weeks now, just focus on economy and the border. Don't get sidetracked, but pound away on those 2, and you'll win.

Trump just can't resist. He's gonna get himself, and us, beat.
DEI with a hard r.
The wackos and idiots control the Democratic party right now: that's why nothing they promote makes sense.

Until moderate Dems step up and take back control, their party is useless to anyone with a working brain.
Divide the voting public ... control the voting public. Politics was designed to "divide" the public and get them to choose sides and argue among themselves, like pinheaded idiots. Working like a charm. No one in their right mind could support policies of today's Democrat party ... no one. This poison must be eradicated, or we won't have a country for our children. All that said, I was raised by parents who were both Democrats but that was a different day and time. Today's Democrats are domestic enemies to this Republic, sad to say, and some Republicans aren't much better.
This is correct. I've been telling people for a few weeks now, just focus on economy and the border. Don't get sidetracked, but pound away on those 2, and you'll win.

Trump just can't resist. He's gonna get himself, and us, beat.
If he had stayed off Twitter, even with the cheating by Dems, he would have won the last election. The media is terrible but Trump gives them way too much to play with. If he loses it's his own fault. But we will pay for it.
Simple Sam fired up today. off his meds again.
Another clueless fool claiming there are exceptions for rape and incest in Ky abortion law. Learn to read Horatio, or find someone who can read this to you.
"Current Ky abortion law does not include exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest."
Another clueless fool claiming there are exceptions for rape and incest in Ky abortion law. Learn to read Horatio, or find someone who can read this to you.
"Current Ky abortion law does not include exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest."
Show me ONE post where is made that claim, simple Sam. You are a loon, plain and SIMPLE.
Some of us don’t discount the life of a baby based on the crimes of the father.

Assuming your link is correct, you have 6 weeks to kill babies in KY. After that, KY doesn’t let you kill the baby just because the father is a criminal.

If that’s not good enough for you, move to Minnesota where you’re free to kill babies all the way up until you hear their cries outside the womb.

Right now, the position of the Republican presidential candidate is abortion laws should be left to the states. The Democrat party, as best we can tell, wants abortion policy dictated at the federal level (and has threatened to pack the Court) and the democrat VP candidate has actually signed a law allowing abortion after birth.

If you are in favor of less government control of your life, flexibility to have an abortion if you want one and sane, non demonic, abortion policy, pretty clear the choice is Trump/Vance in November. That’s indisputable.
How are Republican party policies "Less Government" when the laws you are passing introduce "More Government" into our lives?
I get that the vast majority of people would prefer that a pregnancy isn't terminated. I feel the same.
But that is also a reason we need "Exceptions" for rape/incest.
You are laser focused on a non living/nameless clump of cells while completely shi**ng on the life of a young girl who has been traumatized by a rape and then told her life/body is now under state control. That's F'd up dude.
I get limiting late term abortions.... But at 6 weeks a 12 year old girl may have no idea she's pregnant. It's draconian and completely unreasonable imo.
Make it 10-12 weeks with exceptions and I'm all in.
Trump would be up by 10+ if the corporate media in the country was not corrupted and covered the news fairly and honestly. Instead they can convivence nearly half the country that its is better for the country to vote for two communist that want to destroy this country from the inside out.

For Jimmy Carter, the media set up a tally of the days that hostages remained in Iran. Every news broadcast in evening reported this.

Contrast this with:

Prior to the FBI seizing documents at Mar-a-Lago, Trump loaded mysterious boxes onto a plane and shipped them elsewhere. The FBI raid did not secure all of the documents that they had requested. Where are they? The media do NOT begin every broadcast with a question about where are Trump's missing documents? Are they buried on his golf course? Where are they?

If Trump had been treated fairly -- which is to say, "as he deserves" -- he would be begging some TV network to renew The Apprentice. The outsize attention that grifter received helped him win in 2016. If he were treated fairly, he would have received a jail sentence for the loan between him and his father to save his casino. If he had been treated fairly, he would have been criminally prosecuted for fraud over Trump University. If he had been treated fairly, his trial for not returning government documents would have taken place as quickly as the one that put Reality Winner in jail.
Make it 10-12 weeks with exceptions and I'm all in.

You are one deranged dolt.

At 12 weeks into a pregnancy, or 10 weeks after conception, a baby is fully formed and about the size of a plum:
  • Size
    The baby is about 2.5 inches (61 millimeters) long from crown to rump, which is about the length of a short side of a US bill.
  • Weight
    The baby weighs about 1/2 ounce (14 grams).
  • Features
    The baby's internal organs and muscles have grown, its skeleton is hardening into bone, and its sex organs have formed. The baby also has fingernails and toenails, vocal cords, and early sweat glands.
  • Function
    The kidneys are functioning and it can pass urine out of its body after swallowing amniotic fluid. The placenta is also working, sending oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord and removing waste products.
  • Movement
    The baby is making spontaneous movements,
This is how us living breathing human beings feel when reading your posts....arguing w/ a non person clump of unformed cells.
So if you are saying that a 2 month old fetus is a living PERSON..... Please explain to me why we don't all list our birthday as the day we were conceived?
Why don't we acknowledge that on birth certificates or tombstones?
Why don't we celebrate Conception Day instead of birthdays?
Why can I not claim a fetus on my taxes?
I'll tell you why....
Because it ain't a person yet. It's a clump of cells that has not developed into a person and is incapable of living outside of the woman's body.
Until it is capable of life outside of the womb, it is NOT a person.
You are one deranged dolt.

At 12 weeks into a pregnancy, or 10 weeks after conception, a baby is fully formed and about the size of a plum:
  • Size
    The baby is about 2.5 inches (61 millimeters) long from crown to rump, which is about the length of a short side of a US bill.
  • Weight
    The baby weighs about 1/2 ounce (14 grams).
  • Features
    The baby's internal organs and muscles have grown, its skeleton is hardening into bone, and its sex organs have formed. The baby also has fingernails and toenails, vocal cords, and early sweat glands.
  • Function
    The kidneys are functioning and it can pass urine out of its body after swallowing amniotic fluid. The placenta is also working, sending oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord and removing waste products.
  • Movement
    The baby is making spontaneous movements,
It's not a person.
It is not fully developed.
It can't live outside of the womb.
It is not up to you to decide for others what they do or don't allow to grow in their own body.
You do you. Mind your own body and let others mind theirs.
I know that both parties are firmly entrenched into the "anyone but them" system of voting at this point, and I won't pretend that conservatives aren't doing this just like the libs.

But, the difference is republicans still WANT Trump because they want his policies. Tighter borders, less global conflict, pro-drilling and pipelines, not wasting time on Gender and woke shit. I can;t say I;ve seen any of that sentiment from the left. The one and only goal is literally "Don't let the other side win" (because this isn't really a "Trump" thing, they'd pull this to whoever we run), with zero regard as to who wins for them. Hard to imagine how they can see a scenario where Kamala is successful as president... but to them, that part doesn't matter, because it's still not a republican in the Oval Office, and thats their Superbowl.
Of course they're all in on Not Trump. If they campaigned on their policies they'd lose big time. Same reason she hasn't taken questions. All that said, Trump gives them attack ammo & they use it well.
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Dow was at $39,380 a few minutes ago. Granted, this is down a bit, but no where near as low as some news sourses were anticipating. Must say that I am feeling better.
Huh? What's with the $ sign? Dow is a number, not money. And Dow has been up all day, not down at any time.
Trump would be up by 10+ if the corporate media in the country was not corrupted and covered the news fairly and honestly. Instead they can convivence nearly half the country that its is better for the country to vote for two communist that want to destroy this country from the inside out.
Y'all totally miss that the low info voters said all year that both candidates were too old. Dims fixed that. Pubs didn't. What did you expect those people would do?
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For Jimmy Carter, the media set up a tally of the days that hostages remained in Iran. Every news broadcast in evening reported this.

Contrast this with:

Prior to the FBI seizing documents at Mar-a-Lago, Trump loaded mysterious boxes onto a plane and shipped them elsewhere. The FBI raid did not secure all of the documents that they had requested. Where are they? The media do NOT begin every broadcast with a question about where are Trump's missing documents? Are they buried on his golf course? Where are they?

If Trump had been treated fairly -- which is to say, "as he deserves" -- he would be begging some TV network to renew The Apprentice. The outsize attention that grifter received helped him win in 2016. If he were treated fairly, he would have received a jail sentence for the loan between him and his father to save his casino. If he had been treated fairly, he would have been criminally prosecuted for fraud over Trump University. If he had been treated fairly, his trial for not returning government documents would have taken place as quickly as the one that put Reality Winner in jail.
Which bucket do you fall in?

1) Academic professional
4)Crazy Cat Lady

I'm not judging you for being any of the above but Dem voters tend to be a collection of weirdos. You should turn the volume down on Chris Hayes and and turn the channel to Andy Griffith or maybe pick up a fishing pole and head down to the lake or maybe attend a nice local Church. The hate your side feels toward anyone who disagrees with their cult ideologies is not healthy. Try being a nicer human being.
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How are Republican party policies "Less Government" when the laws you are passing introduce "More Government" into our lives?
I get that the vast majority of people would prefer that a pregnancy isn't terminated. I feel the same.
But that is also a reason we need "Exceptions" for rape/incest.
You are laser focused on a non living/nameless clump of cells while completely shi**ng on the life of a young girl who has been traumatized by a rape and then told her life/body is now under state control. That's F'd up dude.
I get limiting late term abortions.... But at 6 weeks a 12 year old girl may have no idea she's pregnant. It's draconian and completely unreasonable imo.
Make it 10-12 weeks with exceptions and I'm all in.

We are never going to agree on this topic. I don’t think a child’s life is worthless simply because the father is a criminal.

There are dozens of states that allow you to abort as many kids as you want. You don’t even have to prove that the father was a criminal, and therefore the child’s live is worth so little it qualifies as a worthless exception that can be killed.

I don’t want you lunatic lefties trying to set a blanket federal policy on abortion. You are demons. Your VP candidate signed a law allowing babies to be killed outside the womb.

I’m fine if MN sinks to that level (I mean I’m not fine with it, but I can generally avoid MN and hope you their lunacy stays contained). You can move to MN and kill all the babies you want. But in KY I’d rather live amongst sane humans that value human life. I’d like the opportunity to stay in the United States and live amongst people who aren’t soulless, baby murdering demons like you.

Abortion policy in the country is where it needs to be - with the states. The federal government does not need to be involved.
Find me any Democrat media that challenges the Biden/Harris admin or has any critique whatsoever. The press serves as a PR machine for Democrats which is shameful especially with someone with as much stuff to criticize and inform the public about in regards to her history and beliefs.
Yea, that's what they do. So what's Trump going to do besides talk about KH's race? Hold another rally where 20K people who are already going to vote for him show up & shower him with the adoration he craves above all else? It's a very stale routine.
If he had stayed off Twitter, even with the cheating by Dems, he would have won the last election. The media is terrible but Trump gives them way too much to play with. If he loses it's his own fault. But we will pay for it.
It's not strictly his own fault. It's also the fault of his followers who want him & NO ONE ELSE despite his faults & vote him the nomination. He won't be alone in the causes of Pubs losses. How can you not know he'd make self-destructive moves?
Which bucket do you fall in?

1) Academic professional
4)Crazy Cat Lady

I'm not judging you for being any of the above but Dem voters tend to be a collection of weirdos. You should turn the volume down on Chris Hayes and and turn the channel to Andy Griffith or maybe pick up a fishing pole and head down to the lake or maybe attend a nice local Church. The hate your side feels toward anyone who disagrees with their cult ideologies is not healthy. Try being a nicer human being.
'I'm not judging you for being weird, but could you try to be more exactly like me? It'd help me feel more comfortable.' The most insecure bunch of babies and whiners this world has ever seen. So afraid of dudes kissing they're bout ready to kick off a civil war. Snowflakes.
How are Republican party policies "Less Government" when the laws you are passing introduce "More Government" into our lives?
I get that the vast majority of people would prefer that a pregnancy isn't terminated. I feel the same.
But that is also a reason we need "Exceptions" for rape/incest.
You are laser focused on a non living/nameless clump of cells while completely shi**ng on the life of a young girl who has been traumatized by a rape and then told her life/body is now under state control. That's F'd up dude.
I get limiting late term abortions.... But at 6 weeks a 12 year old girl may have no idea she's pregnant. It's draconian and completely unreasonable imo.
Make it 10-12 weeks with exceptions and I'm all in.
As I've said before, why should a guy go fight for this country when he has no say in whether his baby is allowed to be born alive & kept alive, or not?
Three months to go. Don't waste time openly debating your opponent's blackness and tampons, which I'm sure will be the next right wing talking point that's just going to waste more time. Beyond dumb move for Trump, Vance, and his friendly media.
That's rich considering Kamala and Walz are basically running their campaign on Trump and Vance being weird which is extremely laughable given their actions and background.

If you actually paid attention, you would notice Vance has attacked Kamala on not accomplishing a single thing as VP, her avoiding any actual media where she can't read a prompt since she was hand picked as the nominee, the current climate of our economy and inflation, her disastrous handling of our border, and now he's picking apart Walz as a the clown he is with the 2020 riots, tampons in boy's restroom, bills to assist illegals, and running from war when called upon in 2003.
As I've said before, why should a guy go fight for this country when he has no say in whether his baby is allowed to be born alive & kept alive, or not?
What do those two things have to do with each other? Why should a guy go fight for this country when you're an asshole? Both things can be true but that doesn't make them related.
So if you are saying that a 2 month old fetus is a living PERSON..... Please explain to me why we don't all list our birthday as the day we were conceived?
It's their birthday, DA. It's when they leave the protection of their mother's body. The whole point is that they are a person before they are born & that goes right over your head. Has nothing to do with with birth. You want to celebrate Conception Day? Go for it. Just how do you know which day that is?