How will they rule ??!

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If Biden gets forced out and Kamala runs, we know she'll get an enormous women and black vote. She could also be the most dangerous president in history.

Lets not forget that she got creamed in the Dem races 4 years ago and even Bernie said she's too radical. When Bernie says youre too radical, thats saying something.

Biden only chose her because she's black and a woman. Not due to her intelligence or experience. Not making this up, he actually said prior to his decision, "my running mate will be a woman and she'll be black". Which is not only racist, but sexist.
We’re not talking about the same people. I’m talking about the highly qualified scientists and others whose job it is to just look at the facts and provide advice. That guy is not a political appointee.. for now. That guy is required to have degrees and a certain amount of experience.. for now.

Project 2025 was to eliminate NOAA. They study hurricanes like the one hitting the gulf now. They protect wildlife. So why can them? Easy. It’s possible they might warn of climate change. Guess we gotta own the libs so screw hurricane research and wildlife.
Gavin Newsom completely gutted the fire prevention budget in California and spent it on renewable.s You said nothing.

Now insurers are pulling out left and right. And numerous fires started bc the ground wasn't cleared.

And you yourself are running a nonsense talking point again. Ppl know climate change exists, they also know the weather is not the climate...but you ppl have a religion and it fits all the criteria. Is Jesus the son of God, is Muhammed the profit, is a hurricane in Florida in an overall mild hurricane season climate change.

I brought up Newsom bc remember when an arsonist set fire there...and the religious cult automatically blamed climate change without investigation, or when the Dixie fire happened...the largest in California and you guessed it, climate change...but it was actually a faulty electric company equipment combined with Newsom not cleaning the place up.

Or remember the Hawaii fire where ppl died and biden slept on a beach. I totally bet you'd have been cool with that if it was orange man.
I’m not going to continuously post about it. You can simply read the damn thing, it’s not hard to find. But let’s start with them wanting to push the unitary executive theory to allow the new king to skirt congress and everyone else. Add in Schedule F, making porn illegal, defunding the department of education, FBI, etc., and taking away all of women’s reproductive rights. I’m not interested in any of that. Not sure owning the libs is worth living in the modern Handmaids Tale.
You do know that making porn illegal is a very leftist feminist movement.
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Normally I would agree but as a matter of public health, it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea to let anyone say anything. People aren’t smart enough to not follow dumb ideas.

Last thing to add to wrap things up on this topic.

Ask yourself if you’d be saying the same thing about censorship if it were Trump making all of the decisions…

If you correctly answered “no way in hell”, that’s good and I’m proud of you.

No one should be allowed to control the flow of information…ever.
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Maybe instead of spending their time making shit up about project 2025 the lefties should focus on finding out who’s actually running the Biden administration and drafting letters doubling down on him staying in the race.

My only question is whether it’s Hunter looking for a new payoff, or whether it’s Hunter who knows he owes some debts to the foreign actors for the previous payoffs and he needs his dad to stay POTUS to keep paying those debts.
Ah but you see that's the goal - they would rather talk about ANYTHING other than their party's imminent collapse. Thus the current focus on the straw man that is the fictional Project 2025.
The President doesn’t control grocery store chains. Thats why I keep laughing at the people on here that think Trump is going to magically lower prices too by “asking them” to do it. You think Kroger and others are cool with just cutting the record profits they’ve been making since COVID? Nope you’re not getting your old prices back. We as the working class just have to figure out how to deal with it. Glad to see Biden call out the illegal price gouging though. That’s the real issue.

Yup. Absolutely nothing Biden can do about it. Just has no power, except to blame corporate America.

And, Biden would have done better in the debate had Trump not been yelling and screaming when Biden was talking. We all saw it. Damn Trump.

Just not Joe’s fault. None of it.
We’re not talking about the same people. I’m talking about the highly qualified scientists and others whose job it is to just look at the facts and provide advice. That guy is not a political appointee.. for now. That guy is required to have degrees and a certain amount of experience.. for now.

Project 2025 was to eliminate NOAA. They study hurricanes like the one hitting the gulf now. They protect wildlife. So why can them? Easy. It’s possible they might warn of climate change. Guess we gotta own the libs so screw hurricane research and wildlife.
Buddy you don’t seem to get it. I don’t know what’s in your crazy project. Nobody does but you and your buddies and that would immediately give pause to a rational person.

As for legit scientists: Some of them are unnecessary. When we can’t even defend the border, studying hurricanes becomes far less weighty.
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Yup. Absolutely nothing Biden can do about it. Just has no power, except to blame corporate America.

And, Biden would have done better in the debate had Trump not been yelling and screaming when Biden was talking. We all saw it. Damn Trump.

Just not Joe’s fault. None of it.

Grocery prices is a funny one for the left to crow about as the Biden admin is forcing some of the large grocery chains to spend tens of millions of dollars in legal fees as the Biden admin prevents them from merging to drive economies and lower prices.
What gaffe. At what point did Trump ever mention Project 25 as part of his agenda? Other people attributing it to him just makes it a lame false flag. Still want someone to explain the aspects of it that are so abhorrent. Again I’ve never researched it. Just anxious to hear the spin.

Constantly lying about Trump to put him incessantly on the defensive and attempting to scare people is really all they have. And, they are good at it.
There needs to be a "HOF of bad takes" pinned to the top.

Of course, every time a liberal posts "the dumbest post ever" they outdo it typically within 24 hours.

A family member recently said she believes that Trump was yelling while Biden was trying to answer the debate questions AND she claims she watched the debate. She is a wonderful person, but completely believes everything they say. At a holiday gathering she once talked about how many people were killed on J6 and was shocked when her son, a moderate, said “nope.”
Whether you interpret the comment as a smear of the left as you do, or as an explicit threat of violence, as some do, is immaterial. What got people's attention was the open self-description of the current conservative movement machinations, their own Project 2025, as the Second American Revolution. Most Americans are fat and happy and don't want a revolution. And those that do are hopelessly divided on every facet of it(horseshoe theory far right and left).

The issue normies have with this isn't whatever spin either side wants to put on it. It's the fact that he said it at all.

What got everyone’s attention is the spin machine and media trying to create a new Russia collusion and all the idiots who will believe it.
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If Biden gets forced out and Kamala runs, we know she'll get an enormous women and black vote. She could also be the most dangerous president in history.

Lets not forget that she got creamed in the Dem races 4 years ago and even Bernie said she's too radical. When Bernie says youre too radical, thats saying something.

Biden only chose her because she's black and a woman. Not due to her intelligence or experience. Not making this up, he actually said prior to his decision, "my running mate will be a woman and she'll be black". Which is not only racist, but sexist.
She didn’t even get one percent of the primary either.

To be fair, Biden never got more than one percent his two previous runs for president and then became the most popular candidate ever. 😂

It's all just ginned up fear to motivate and distract you from the real threat(s) you face.

I don't think you have to be the gigabrain this guy is, be an evolutionary biologist to notice, nor have the cultural background this guy does as a Lebanese Jew to recognize a real threat to see it, but your hive mind of 55% :rolleyes: is a cultivated hysteria designed to distract you from your own destruction, the wolf you've welcomed in with open arms trhough your own pathology, your neurosis.

Yes, keep voting in the fools that got us here because you are frightened by some hyperbolic interpretations of a conservative think tank.
See what that gets you.

If you think the happy people talking about love in that clip are "the real threat" there is something seriously wrong with you.
Also, remember we just lived through the Covid tyranny. The lefties on here fully supported the Biden admin directing social media companies to censor truthful content that went against the approved narrative.

Not a peep from @sammysdad05.

But someone floats the idea of banning porn in an effort to combat the negative societal impacts and protect children, and now we have a constitutional crisis.
Incorrect. It’s not complicated in the slightest bit. The gov’t working with social media to censor ANY info regarding Covid was unconstitutional and illegal.
What did the conservative dominated SCOTUS rule on that again?
That the people challenging the Biden regime’s tyranny lacked standing.
Yup. And they could have just called it unconstitutional when it was before them if desired. Didn't happen though, did it? You think that means it's still going to eventually?
Yup. And they could have just called it unconstitutional when it was before them if desired. Didn't happen though, did it? You think that means it's still going to eventually?

If you think the Roberts Court was going to answer a question it didn’t need to answer, when it could dispose of a case without actually ruling on merits, you need to take a closer look at how this Court operates.

And no, they’ve said the plaintiffs lack standing so they aren’t going to eventually rule on the merits.
If you think the Roberts Court was going to answer a question it didn’t need to answer, when it could dispose of a case without actually ruling on merits, you need to take a closer look at how this Court operates.

And no, they’ve said the plaintiffs lack standing so they aren’t going to eventually rule on the merits.
They could've just not taken it up and let the lower court ruling against the administration stand if they wanted to. You're trying to obfuscate with technicalities to muddy the water for the people who don't know the law like you do to try to keep your narrative of tyranny alive. But as you're forced to admit here, it is dead.
Describe it yourself then. You linked it. What exactly is "the real threat" there?

Not that you're genuinely interested (I don't take you seriously of course, no one should), but the behavioral scientist in the tweet explains it thoroughly.

Like I said; it doesn't take a gigabrain like him to see right through you.
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They could've just not taken it up and let the lower court ruling against the administration stand if they wanted to. You're trying to obfuscate with technicalities to muddy the water for the people who don't know the law like you do to try to keep your narrative of tyranny alive. But as you're forced to admit here, it is dead.

Yes, it’s me trying to obfuscate and muddy the waters.

It’s obvious in context you thought SCOTUS ruled on the merits of the first amendment argument, which is why you asked how they ruled. Now that you know they disposed of the case based on standing, you’re doing your typical bullshit.
That's complete bull, the government even gives healthy eating advice that everyone thinks is cringe and then grabs a candy bar on the way to McDonald's. That is capitalism's fault, not the freaking government. You think it's the government's responsibility to control what everyone eats and how much they exercise? That's ridiculous authoritarian crap man. EVERYTHING IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S FAULT. You even admit it's society's fault in your own opening line but then somehow still turn that on the government.
We were told that those high speed internet lines were ready to be run and would available to our home, we are in the country, by September of last yr. They have yet to begin work.
Just had AT&T install fiber optics in my neighborhood about a month ago. But it’s not online or a yet. Not sure when it will be.
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