How will they rule ??!

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I think the debate broke him. He was sure they would be able to roll Joe out there 4 more years as a front for his Marxist comrades agenda. They almost had it.
And to think THE ONLY REASON this is a topic right now is because Trump challenged Mushbrain to a debate, "anytime, anywhere" and Biden could not put his ego aside for a while. Instead, he came out with that 15 second, 5 takes video talking trash back. Like a child...
Why do you guys continue to engage Dion? I’ve never met a more hopeless and useless pos than that guy. He is quite literally wrong about everything and doesn’t give an inch ever. Almost certain he has a personality disorder to top it off. Better to just leave him alone in his basement.
I just enjoy pointing out when he is wrong or lying. I'll try to stop. (but it is too easy ... and he falls for the setup every time too...) And I think you mean his momma's basement?

I wonder if his bottom-surgery didn't go well?
Beat me to it. Was gonna say look up Lewy Body. Have worked with many clients who had it. Rough diagnosis/prognosis.

Hey man, when do you think Joe B drops the N-word. That filter erosion is going to cause a major major racist drop here soon. With his historic blatant racism and his ties to racism. He is going to say it clearly soon. He already is yelling at black journos.

Thanks for educating us. Now, are you proud you knew that and others here did not or does it make you question how you spend your time?
I mentioned it a few weeks ago too. Probably would be smart for you guys to read up on it and realize what you’re voting for. You guys saying “I don’t even know what that is” isn’t the flex you think it is. You just look ignorant.

You should also make yourself aware of schedule F before it’s too late to change your vote.
I mentioned it a few weeks ago too. Probably would be smart for you guys to read up on it and realize what you’re voting for. You guys saying “I don’t even know what that is” isn’t the flex you think it is. You just look ignorant.

You should also make yourself aware of schedule F before it’s too late to change your vote.
Yea it’s a huge flex to obsess over something that won’t have any impact at all on trump and scream how it’s the basis of his entire campaign. Then call us ignorant for not buying into the stupidity.

You want Trump to be the evil bad guy so much, you’ll literally believe and say anything, no matter how nonsensical. The rest of us just laugh at your new project 25 obsession.

He will almost certainly do some of what is in that, because a lot of it is just common sense and good. That doesnt mean that encapsulates his entire agenda though.
The President doesn’t control grocery store chains. Thats why I keep laughing at the people on here that think Trump is going to magically lower prices too by “asking them” to do it. You think Kroger and others are cool with just cutting the record profits they’ve been making since COVID? Nope you’re not getting your old prices back. We as the working class just have to figure out how to deal with it. Glad to see Biden call out the illegal price gouging though. That’s the real issue.
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Hey man, when do you think Joe B drops the N-word. That filter erosion is going to cause a major major racist drop here soon. With his historic blatant racism and his ties to racism. He is going to say it clearly soon. He already is yelling at black journos.
The Mrs' career was in the medical field. She used to tell stories of people when the 'filter' was compromised....of what they would say. Blurt out things that no one thought they ever would.

I hadn't thought of it....but you're right.
Cuomo sounds like he has been red-pilled big time. Or vying for a spot in Trump's cabinet
I imagine he's still a Dem/lib. But like Trump and his entire family, when you get thrown under the bus by the Dem/lib makes you look at things differently. I'm sure Cuomo is much more conservative now than he has ever been.
Yea it’s a huge flex to obsess over something that won’t have any impact at all on trump and scream how it’s the basis of his entire campaign. Then call us ignorant for not buying into the stupidity.

You want Trump to be the evil bad guy so much, you’ll literally believe and say anything, no matter how nonsensical. The rest of us just laugh at your new project 25 obsession.

He will almost certainly do some of what is in that, because a lot of it is just common sense and good. That doesnt mean that encapsulates his entire agenda though.
Definitely not his entire agenda. But these are people from his administration that have outlined this plan and have said it’s to help Trump get started right away. I doubt Trump has read it (like the Bible) but he’s aware of it.

Back to schedule F which Trumps former OMB director is obsessed with implementing. It reclassifies thousands of government jobs as political appointees instead of merit based employees. Meaning Trump can put some moron in those positions like the my pillow guy so he can’t be told no when he wants to do something dumb or illegal. Does that sound like a good idea to you? Those employees now are protected from being fired by a president for reasons like they don’t support him politically. Schedule F removes that. Remember a day will come when dear leader is gone and a pesky democrat will win again. Now it doesn’t seem so great does it? Look I don’t like Trump, no surprise there. But just in general, I don’t like the idea of any president enacting this at all. It’s a horrible idea to think that thousands of civil service workers with thousands of years of experience could just be replaced with any moron Trump likes. Let’s be real, even you guys noticed how bad Trump is at hiring people. And that’s my biggest issue long term. Trump is ruining everything for his own short term gain and it’s going to have long lasting impacts way beyond him that even the most loyal MAGA are going to regret supporting.

And no schedule F isn’t some crazy left wing conspiracy. Trump signed an executive order in October 2020 trying to implement it but then Biden smartly reversed it. So don’t act like nothing in the Project 2025 is news to Trump. It’s definitely part of his agenda. He’s already said he’s doing it day 1 of his next term.
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This guy wants to get rid of the department of education, FBI, DOJ, ATF, etc. Every major government institution and things that republicans used to worship. All because Trump got his feelings hurt. You guys are insane if you’re willing to dismantle all of this lol. Who would’ve thought that a reality tv host would completely warp the minds of so many.
Very disheartening that this country has these two (2) candidates for the Presidency.
It is a disservice to the country and its voters.
Biden is clearly too old, feeble and mentally unfit. I believe the entire country realizes this.
Trump is simply unfit. Former aides and allies have publicly said so:
1. His vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”
2. His second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.”
3. His first secretary of defense, James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.”
4. His second secretary of defense, Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.”
5. His chairman of the joint chiefs, retired Gen. Mark Milley, seemed to invoke Trump: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.”
7. His first ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley: “He used to be good on foreign policy and now he has started to walk it back and get weak in the knees when it comes to Ukraine. A terrible thing happened on January 6 and he called it a beautiful day.”
8. His presidential transition vice-chairman, Chris Christie: “Someone who I would argue now is just out for himself.”
9. His second national security adviser, HR McMaster: “We saw the absence of leadership, really anti-leadership, and what that can do to our country.”
10. His third national security adviser, John Bolton: “I believe (foreign leaders) think he is a laughing fool.”
11. His second chief of staff, John Kelly: “A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.”
12. His former acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who resigned as US special envoy to Ireland after January 6, 2021: “I quit because I think he failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.”
13. One of his many former communications directors, Anthony Scaramucci: “He is the domestic terrorist of the 21st century.”
15. His secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, who resigned after January 6: “When I saw what was happening on January 6 and didn’t see the president step in and do what he could have done to turn it back or slow it down or really address the situation, it was just obvious to me that I couldn’t continue.”
16. His secretary of transportation, Elaine Chao, who resigned after January 6: “At a particular point the events were such that it was impossible for me to continue, given my personal values and my philosophy.
17. His first secretary of the Navy, Richard Spencer: “…the president has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.”
18. His first homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert: “The President undermined American democracy baselessly for months. As a result, he’s culpable for this siege, and an utter disgrace.”
19. His former personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen: “Donald’s an idiot.”
20. His White House lawyer, Ty Cobb: “Trump relentlessly puts forth claims that are not true.”
21. A former director of strategic communications, Alyssa Farah Griffin, who is now a CNN political commentator: “We can stand by the policies, but at this point we cannot stand by the man.”
22. A top aide in charge of his outreach to African Americans, Omarosa Manigault Newman: “Donald Trump, who would attack civil rights icons and professional athletes, who would go after grieving black widows, who would say there were good people on both sides, who endorsed an accused child molester; Donald Trump, and his decisions and his behavior, was harming the country. I could no longer be a part of this madness.”
23. A former deputy press secretary, Sarah Matthews, who resigned after January 6: “I thought that he did do a lot of good during his four years. I think that his actions on January 6 and the lead-up to it, the way that he’s acted in the aftermath, and his continuation of pushing this lie that the election is stolen has made him wholly unfit to hold office every again.”
24. His final chief of staff’s aide, Cassidy Hutchinson: “I think that Donald Trump is the most grave threat we will face to our democracy in our lifetime, and potentially in American history.”

It's a real shame that this country simply does not have better choices !!
Thanks for providing real data. Despite that clear sh!t, I'm left no choice but to vote for him.
Definitely not his entire agenda. But these are people from his administration that have outlined this plan and have said it’s to help Trump get started right away. I doubt Trump has read it (like the Bible) but he’s aware of it.

Back to schedule F which Trumps former OMB director is obsessed with implementing. It reclassifies thousands of government jobs as political appointees instead of merit based employees. Meaning Trump can put some moron in those positions like the my pillow guy so he can’t be told no when he wants to do something dumb or illegal. Does that sound like a good idea to you? Those employees now are protected from being fired by a president for reasons like they don’t support him politically. Schedule F removes that. Remember a day will come when dear leader is gone and a pesky democrat will win again. Now it doesn’t seem so great does it? Look I don’t like Trump, no surprise there. But just in general, I don’t like the idea of any president enacting this at all. It’s a horrible idea to think that thousands of civil service workers with thousands of years of experience could just be replaced with any moron Trump likes. Let’s be real, even you guys noticed how bad Trump is at hiring people. And that’s my biggest issue long term. Trump is ruining everything for his own short term gain and it’s going to have long lasting impacts way beyond him that even the most loyal MAGA are going to regret supporting.

And no schedule F isn’t some crazy left wing conspiracy. Trump signed an executive order in October 2020 trying to implement it but then Biden smartly reversed it. So don’t act like nothing in the Project 2025 is news to Trump. It’s definitely part of his agenda. He’s already said he’s doing it day 1 of his next term.

Sorry, I fell off my chair laughing when you mentioned government jobs and merit based in the same sentence. I finally stopped, thinking you had to be kidding, so I got a few words further and fell again realizing you’re actually serious.

You have no sense of reality do you?…
So, Nebraska's second is trending Trump. If that IS actually true, and he can secure that electoral vote, along with Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia, it will put him back in the WH, regardless of what happens in: Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia, and the overall state of Maine.
Assuming he holds NC. Polls aren't much different than GA.
Wow...thanks for the breaking news there vh. Literally everybody knows he isn't a conservative. He just doesn't hate America like liberals do.
No, not literally everybody. Trump gets referred as conservative at times. That he doesn't hate the US is the only really good point in his favor.
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Definitely not his entire agenda. But these are people from his administration that have outlined this plan and have said it’s to help Trump get started right away. I doubt Trump has read it (like the Bible) but he’s aware of it.

Back to schedule F which Trumps former OMB director is obsessed with implementing. It reclassifies thousands of government jobs as political appointees instead of merit based employees. Meaning Trump can put some moron in those positions like the my pillow guy so he can’t be told no when he wants to do something dumb or illegal. Does that sound like a good idea to you? Those employees now are protected from being fired by a president for reasons like they don’t support him politically. Schedule F removes that. Remember a day will come when dear leader is gone and a pesky democrat will win again. Now it doesn’t seem so great does it? Look I don’t like Trump, no surprise there. But just in general, I don’t like the idea of any president enacting this at all. It’s a horrible idea to think that thousands of civil service workers with thousands of years of experience could just be replaced with any moron Trump likes. Let’s be real, even you guys noticed how bad Trump is at hiring people. And that’s my biggest issue long term. Trump is ruining everything for his own short term gain and it’s going to have long lasting impacts way beyond him that even the most loyal MAGA are going to regret supporting.

And no schedule F isn’t some crazy left wing conspiracy. Trump signed an executive order in October 2020 trying to implement it but then Biden smartly reversed it. So don’t act like nothing in the Project 2025 is news to Trump. It’s definitely part of his agenda. He’s already said he’s doing it day 1 of his next term.

Taking this a bit more seriously, I’ll read up on it and get back to you with an opinion. What I’m hoping it says is he plans to ELIMINATE thousands of government jobs. There has never been a more bloated and wasteful organization in all of human history.
Sorry, I fell off my chair laughing when you mentioned government jobs and merit based in the same sentence. I finally stopped, thinking you had to be kidding, so I got a few words further and fell again realizing you’re actually serious.

You have no sense of reality do you?…
Cool so you also have no idea about civil service and the people that make that up and why they’re important. Guess we don’t need NASA engineers or smart people at the department of energy, etc. Way to show your ignorance.
@sammysdad05 falls into this category hard. In fact I'll go further, anytime he learns about what the right is doing it's not from the right, it's from his left wing sources that give their version that always make democrats look better

Except it’s written on paper and trumps guys are actively involved in writing the plan. They’re on podcasts, tv shows and every other platform talking about it. How is that left wing telling me?
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Cool so you also have no idea about civil service and the people that make that up and why they’re important. Guess we don’t need NASA engineers or smart people at the department of energy, etc. Way to show your ignorance.
Bad thing to bring up…

Compare NASA to say SpaceX and then justify its existence…

The same department of energy that pushed EVs, but were too stupid to see why that’s impossible? Those people create nothing and do nothing. They govern by making useless rules that hurt those who actually do create, then try to take credit.

You can’t sit there and point to a single government organization that is run well and efficiently, and actually does good. It simply doesn’t exist.
Who wants to tell the smooth-brain ... the radio host did nothing but CONFIRM what we already KNEW. If he didn't already know that, then he is dumber than we thought.
Similar to me confirming that Trump isn't a conservative & being criticized for even mentioning it because that person already KNEW.
Definitely not his entire agenda. But these are people from his administration that have outlined this plan and have said it’s to help Trump get started right away. I doubt Trump has read it (like the Bible) but he’s aware of it.

Back to schedule F which Trumps former OMB director is obsessed with implementing. It reclassifies thousands of government jobs as political appointees instead of merit based employees. Meaning Trump can put some moron in those positions like the my pillow guy so he can’t be told no when he wants to do something dumb or illegal. Does that sound like a good idea to you? Those employees now are protected from being fired by a president for reasons like they don’t support him politically. Schedule F removes that. Remember a day will come when dear leader is gone and a pesky democrat will win again. Now it doesn’t seem so great does it? Look I don’t like Trump, no surprise there. But just in general, I don’t like the idea of any president enacting this at all. It’s a horrible idea to think that thousands of civil service workers with thousands of years of experience could just be replaced with any moron Trump likes.

So exchanging non merit based DEI hires and appointees (current system) with “who Trump likes” hires?

I’d take my chances with the Trump hires.
Bad thing to bring up…

Compare NASA to say SpaceX and then justify its existence…

The same department of energy that pushed EVs, but were too stupid to see why that’s impossible? Those people create nothing and do nothing. They govern by making useless rules that hurt those who actually do create, then try to take credit.

You can’t sit there and point to a single government organization that is run well and efficiently, and actually does good. It simply doesn’t exist.
I’m not sure what to say if you really believe that.
So this bill would mean you need one of a birth certificate, real ID, or a passport to vote?
That punched on "non-citizen voting" FOR WHICH THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF A WIDESPREAD PHENOMENON, which is disingenuous, because it should be a ZERO phenomenon. IOW, it shouldn't happen at ALL, and anybody that is against measures to stamp it out has an agenda for doing so. Not even open for debate.
As TheFrontRunner posted.....

My g'father died from Parkinson's. Even though I was very young, I remember him all of a sudden running thru my Uncle's backyard...jumpin a rather tall fence...and running thru a pasture. Was having hallucinations that something was after him.

Sadly my brother now has it.
Ummm, they had a split screen, we all could see what Trump was doing while Joe talked.
Why do you guys continue to engage Dion? I’ve never met a more hopeless and useless pos than that guy. He is quite literally wrong about everything and doesn’t give an inch ever. Almost certain he has a personality disorder to top it off. Better to just leave him alone in his basement.
Think about it. They have nothing better to do.
Cool so you also have no idea about civil service and the people that make that up and why they’re important. Guess we don’t need NASA engineers or smart people at the department of energy, etc. Way to show your ignorance.

The government funds many worthy endeavors, but they just don't do them very, you know, WELL. Which is the entire point. Competition, accountability etc. produce better results. It's been proven time and time again.

Now, there are SOME things, for various reasons, that only the Federal government is properly equipped to do, but not very many...

Get it now?