How will they rule ??!

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Really? Sambowieshin The Village Idiot said it at least once a week, until he witnessed the debate. Now, he, like the rest of the liberal idiots, are saying these are the worst 2 candidates ever.

But just last week, they were all about them some Biden!

Damned utter fools.

Leave the cows out of it
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You can use similar logic to make an assumption that anything is false. None of the issues you mention above are straight forward as you indicate either. For example, Trump was never exonerated pertaining to Russian disinformation. In fact, Muller, a Republican, repudiated the idea of exoneration, but he did say a sitting president should not be charged.

On Democrats “lying” about Biden’s health. This involves more assumptions. I think many Democrats were surprised about how bad he performed and I think if Biden’s handlers understood the extent of his decline he never would’ve agreed to a debate. Declining health also increases with age. So what is true now was not necessarily true to the same extent 6 months ago.

But regardless of any specific circumstance none of the above has anything to do with the fact that despite numerous lawsuits and third party investigations, the most solid evidence we have on changing the election came from the guy who lost it. That’s the truth.
Wow....Just wow.
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Pure spin.

What I love about KJP is that you can really tell she doesn't believe a word of what she's saying. She's not the sociopath that Psaki is. KJP is just showing up and getting paid
There are a lot of idiots in Kentucky that would vote for that ticket. Especially in Louisville and Lexington.
Teachers unions own Lexington and Louisville. Teachers in Lexington and Louisville are the’s the unions that control the politics and schools that are the problem. And unfortunately they control the vote from president down to school board.
"The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

As far as obstruction, the Mueller report laid out facts on both sides but did not reach a conclusion. Barr’s letter said that “the Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’”

But Barr said that he and Rosenstein "have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.""

This all sounds like exoneration w/o wanting to say it. 😆 😆 😆 😆
Kamala / Andy loses Kentucky by 1 pt less than Biden / Kamala. At the end of the day, nobody gives AF who the VP is. In a vacuum, If the dems want to have a chance they'll put Andy up as the president. But we're not in a vacuum and Kamala would lose her shit.
The year of fear is in full effect now that the Democratic Party realizes their party is in jeopardy. Remember the Covid fear they spilled out to the people (much of which has now been proven false). Now they are going to go full force in “democracy and freedom” will be gone if trump wins. Don’t believe their lies. And if that’s not enough, if you vote for Kamala, you have to listen to that awful laugh the next 4 years. Trump will turn this country around.
"The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

As far as obstruction, the Mueller report laid out facts on both sides but did not reach a conclusion. Barr’s letter said that “the Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’”

But Barr said that he and Rosenstein "have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.""

This all sounds like exoneration w/o wanting to say it. 😆 😆 😆 😆
Fixer Barr’s coverup piece, you mean. The investigation was hampered by the destruction of relevant communications in terms of an actual criminal conspiracy. You notably didn't link that part. But still, things don’t have to rise to the level of charged criminality to be shady AF. The campaign definitely colluded, regardless of whether the investigation was able to reach the evidence level required for a criminal conviction(because the involved parties destroyed it).
As far as replacing Joe:

You bought it "as is"; you don't get to return it for a refund. LOL
Replacing Joe with someone young like Andy would be a fantastic decision. Which is how you know it’s extremely unlikely; Democrats are nothing if not incompetent.
So what are D's cooking up? There is no "letting biden decide" that's not how that party works. There is no individual decision only what's for the party collective power
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Did anybody think the baseball team would go to the CWS? Anything can happen.
I would love to see it happen but Stoops is too conservative for it to happen. I think this year's team should be pretty good though. Maybe a 9 or 10 win team which could be a borderline playoff team.
Because you quoted me 842 times sequentially so I didn’t read any of your posts (and not going to). You’re in timeout. Think about what you’ve done
Deflection I see, can't answer or just will not answer the question proves to me what kind of person you are. A liberal cuck who lies about everything not unlike your president. Not only that but you lack the courage to answer the question.
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When you are posting under your 40th account (and your latest one isn't 9 months old) and you have embarrassed yourself under all previous accounts, you shouldn't talk about other posters b-tch. You are more of a b-tch than the Canuck.
That kind of made me chuckle too. Not that I like that canuck POS ..but ballercal (wasn't that his original name I believe) has had several names.
So what are D's cooking up? There is no "letting biden decide" that's not how that party works. There is no individual decision only what's for the party collective power
I think Joe gets to keep punching and hanging around as if he’s staying in the race for the time being. This leaves less time for a replacement candidate to be burdened with pesky things like campaigning, answering questions, and be at risk of independent/middle of the road voters to find things they don’t like about them. Plus that helps solve their problem of not being able to transfer funds to a replacement.

Then perhaps around the Dem Convention time, Joe finally decides to step aside and gives a rousing speech about how he is making this decision “for the sake of our democracy” so that the Dem base and possibly other undecided voters rally around his replacement with sympathetic support. This also give the DNC more time to decide who will replace him, because the will of the primary voters is of no consequence.

Then the willing media runs an all out campaign effort for the new candidate right up until Election Day in order to provide cover, and painting them as the “savior of our democracy.”

That’s one possible eventuality. The alternative is the polls get so bad for Biden that the DNC decides they can’t drag it out any longer and pulls the plug sooner.
So, what is the take on Merchan delaying the sentencing? What is up with that? Are they worried that the trial consisted of official acts? That is confusing to me, considering the scope of the case started BEFORE he was POTUS.
Did we ever find out whose cocaine stash was found in the WH?

I’ll hang up and listen.
I forget who it was...I think it was Dan Bongino (he still knows people in the secret service) but he was saying he heard it wasn't Hunters but it was another Biden family members. Maybe it was being dropped off to Hunter though in like a drug deal or something.
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I’ve had to use the word a few times today given the lunacy, but if you still believe Russia collusion, you are a retard.
I've had many posts over the years outlining the details but here's one that sums up pretty well:
That's Stone's public story. That's exactly what he was convicted of lying about, covering for the actual connection as Credico wasn't even the go-between. The Senate Intelligence Committee's final report in August 2020 found that Stone did have access to Wikileaks and that Trump spoke with Stone and other associates about it multiple times. Immediately after the Billy Bush tape was released in October 2016, Stone told Jerome Corsi to get Julian Assange to "drop the Podesta emails immediately." Wikileaks leaked the Russian-hacked material minutes later.
It's a fact they colluded. Unquestionable. Now whether that rises to the level of criminal conspiracy or not is up for debate. But not the fact that it happened.
Little Stanley is clearly a previous poster that had his "pride and joy" alias taken away, got misgendered and cry's on the floor every day while making it look like he's happy.

HAHAHA! What a gas. What an utter waste of a pulse.

See ys soon.
He is the Canuck that when he first got here attacked me and family because of my military background. He is notorious for bragging about getting a high paying job from his American father-in-law and wanting to compare W2's saying he makes more in a month than most here do in a year. He is also an America hating liberal who has used the n-word here I believe in reference to Clarence Thomas. Just pure scum to put it succinctly.
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Fixer Barr’s coverup piece, you mean. The investigation was hampered by the destruction of relevant communications in terms of an actual criminal conspiracy. You notably didn't link that part. But still, things don’t have to rise to the level of charged criminality to be shady AF. The campaign definitely colluded, regardless of whether the investigation was able to reach the evidence level required for a criminal conviction(because the involved parties destroyed it).
Well, if that's the bar, then Biden has definitely sold influence, and he and his family have prospered by doing so.

And a lot of this precluded Biden's term as POTUS, so he doesn't enjoy immunity from the recent SCOTUS ruling. Nor does he get immunity for removing classified documents and storing them all over creation, and showing them to people w/o the proper clearance levels. And yet... no charges.

You can't have it both ways. So am I presume that you are in favor of Biden facing criminal charges for those, once he's out of office in January?
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