How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Your boy Biden does. His plan is to pack the court and make it another mini congress. I notice you haven’t been complaining about that.
Biden doesn’t have to pack the Court. If Democrats control the House and the Senate, guessing they will try and impeach Kavanaugh. With Robert’s being a toss up, we are back to 5-4.
I spent weekend in Cincy, including a night in northern Kentucky, and pretty much everyone wore a mask. In fact, I went to Cincinnati Zoo, and it was a requirement.

I live in NKy. Everyone is wearing masks with exception of some hillbillies going into Speedway and refusing to wear.

I view it as no big deal...if the employee of the store has to wear one I am doing it out of respect to them regardless of my feelings on the subject.

We are members at the Zoo. You only have to wear indoors or when in line, but many wear throughout.
Calling a state is done by modeling the outstanding vote. That's why they can call KY so early with so little of the vote in, because they know the locations of the outstanding vote and can extrapolate the makeup of it based on the percentage that's in. Even someone being as intentionally misleading as you are has to admit that if 80% of the vote is in, it matters what the outstanding 20% is. Are they a representative sample of the last 20% from each county across the whole state? Or are they all mail-ins coming from one county in urban Philadelphia that's less than 50% reported when all the other counties are at 100%? This was all obvious and known from well before election day, through it, and beyond. Hell the PA absentee ballot requests are public record. Dems requested them at 2.5 times the rate of Reps and had a higher return percentage.

Again, why didn’t every state have these same swings?
How would a hand recount necessarily pick up Trump votes switched to Biden? When I voted in Indiana in 2012 it was all on a computer. There was no paper trail of who I voted. I simply used the touchscreen on the computer to select Romney (yeah I regret that) along with the other races and submitted it upon review. Again, how is there any paper trail given that I did it all on a computer? Most Trump people voted in person.
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Over 80% of the vote was in RQ, and then drops of 130000 votes for one guy come in? Why didn’t that happen in other states?
Why are the large cities in PA,OH and MI different than other states?

Trump told us what to expect as well, but you disregarded that? Why?

I don’t believe you, you’ve flat out lied about the court cases, that you’ve read all the affidavits and listened to the court hearings.
How much fraud is acceptable to you?

It is impossible to eliminate 100% of fraud. As long as it can be kept extremely rare, as long as it is statistically irrelevant I am satisfied.
You’ve failed to acknowledge that the only proven cases at this time so far are Trump voters.
I'm not a trumpster. I don't have a team.

The election was absolutely stolen my previous posts laid out exactly how it was done. Unfortunately for democracy Trump's legal team is pursuing the wrong theory.

I hope they get it figured out or they're stalling to get the servers. The former is not looking likely and the latter even less.

Mitt. If Biden gets in, get ready of four years of him riding the fence. He's as likely to vote left as right.
Biden won't be President by 2022. CDP members and USEFUL IDIOTS elected Camela Harris president...maybe? It ain't over till it's over.
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I don't give a rat's ass if it's 250,000,000 dead because I am sick and tired of hearing about this stupid shit, and you are only making it more insufferable. Go hide under your bed, you old hen. I am not even worried about Trump one way or the other, but I detest your infernal whining. I suppose that you Leftist idiots also blame Trump for all those nations in Europe and South America with an even higher death rate than America has. That's his fault as well- even in Belgium, it's Trump's fault.
And the governor's have NO culpability in their warped little minds. In fact, those governors that kill the most, get the most credit. Upside down world...
I am curious to know, what happens if a state violates its own election laws, what happens then?

It is impossible to eliminate 100% of fraud. As long as it can be kept extremely rare, as long as it is statistically irrelevant I am satisfied.
You’ve failed to acknowledge that the only proven cases at this time so far are Trump voters.

The tell you there's nothing in the affidavits, but then only give you the example in a handful. Thet did the same thing with the dead voters in GA. They checked on 4 of them, 2 of them weren't dead. Well, that still leaves 2 that were, and the list of dead voters was over 30.
It's a slight of hand to create a narrative that the affidavits are bunk, without going into to detail about the others.

I don't care who commits fraud, they need to be punished, and it isn't just Trump supporters. Thats another narrative being pushed. There were 2 guys in LA paying homeless to register, several Dem officials in Cincinnati were just arrested for election issues.

Again, it's easy to say there's no evidence when you disregard all the evidence.

It should be easy to show that every state had swings like MI, PA and WI in their vote counting.
Everyone wanting them to present their evidence before going to court only 2 weeks after the election are clueless how this works. It’s not that they do not have evidence. It’s that they are still collecting evidence to prove without any doubt the election was rigged. You do not get the SCOTUS to have an emergency hearing with half assed evidence. They may or may not have the goods but there is a process that has to happen and they are still in the midst of it. I have faith in them because frankly I have no choice since the federal law enforcement agencies we pay for appear to not care. I’ll trust someone like Rudy anyday of the week over these scumbags in the media or government.
Good post. Yesterday's press conference was like an opening statement. They told us why the election was rigged and they already have many documents to back it up. And it continues to come in. We are only a couple of weeks from election night.

This legal team are not a bunch of morons. Rudy prosecuted the MOB in New York City, For Heavens Sake. They do have a giant of a hill to climb. They have pretty much the entire media against them including Fox News. They have liberal judges and Democrats that will throw out road blocks. It will not be easy but they are not making up stuff and telling lies like Fox News accused them of.
Your boy is spending a lot of time in a state he has “locked” down.

This. This is the right answer but the MAGA morons don’t care. As long as he keeps the perception he was cheated, he keeps them all in with him buying his shitty MAGA hats and going to get their fake degrees from Trump University.
I am surprised you have not suffocated yet————————————————————————————your head is so far up your arse.
I'm halfway expecting Trump and his best friend Putin to make an illusion war in like eastern Europe or something just so Trump can say its war time and try to stay the president like what happened in WW2. His desperation is getting to that point if his plan to keep states from certifying fails
Was the Obama Administration desperate for taking us from 2 wars to 7 during his 2 terms? The decrepit child sniffer you voted for is backed by Wall Street and the military-industrial complex? Why do you think that is? Just like 2009 when Obama bailed out the central banks, Biden will do the same after the next financial collpase which is coming very soon. They’ll continue their illegal activity and be bailed out without any accountability
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DOJ supposedly has it.

Hopefully they do.

Unfortunately that isn't much evidence. The person talks about a few error messages without saying it impacted the outcome. They also said that votes could be changed, not that they were.

That's a carefully drafted affidavit that sounds great to a lay person but doesn't really address anything needed to carry a case. Especially not one of this magnitude.

Biden won't be President by 2022. CDP members and USEFUL IDIOTS elected Camela Harris president...maybe? It ain't over till it's over.

Agree. He'll be lucky to last 6 months
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I really don’t understand Trumps strategy if the really sees a path to have this all reversed. Bush and Gore had some of the brightest legal minds in the world fighting for a few hundred votes. Trump has Giuliani and Sidney Powell. Surely they can do better than that, no?
His strategy is payback to Bite Me & all Dims to the very last minute for all the crap they pulled on him for 5 years. Dims bs of play nice isn't happening. They need to feel pain & abuse. They created political war & they're getting it. This transition being hurt by Trump is nonsense.
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