I'm regularly shocked to see and hear people doing things in churches, but again, not holding people accountable and to a standard other than how nice they dress and how well they speak seems to be where people compromise very early on in their communities. Wrapping someone in a Torah scroll is pretty screwed up, when you understand what it represents. I can't comprehend the thought pattern or process that would lead anyone to do that.
My wife and I went to a Baptist church in San Antonio for several years. Went to Cornerstone Church before that and am thankful for John Hagge. My wife sang in that choir for over four years. We left Cornerstone for this church due to it's origins and the desire to help there. I thought we had made some friends and the church was growing. We've been gone from there since about 2012. I and my wife went back to that church about 2015 when we came back from Korea. (We lived in Charleston SC at the time when we got back.)
Went to the Wednesday evening service/ bible study the men had. My wife went to the main service as it is in Korean. No one knew we were coming. I sat down in bible study and a man I never saw began going into politics and talked of housing and feeding the homeless. He actually started lambasting some other agency that was supposed to be doing things his way and he was angry because it was taking money away from him.. he just kept talking and no one said a thing. I put my head down after about 15 or so minutes thinking it would stop and bible study would start. After about another ten or so minutes of his rant he made his mistake... he called me out. "Hey you with your head down, I guess you believe in the work the other fellow is doing (I forget his or that agencies name...) so I can see in your face you don't like what I am saying, are you against God..."
He said some other choice words and I kept my head down until he finished, then I looked up. (There were about 15 to 18 men in that room. I had been in church with 12 or so of them for at least three years or so we attended before I got a job offer in Korea and we moved.)
I sat back in the chair and looked him straight in the eye. and I stated this: "Mr., I don't know you and do not want to know you or who you were talking about. My wife and I drove about 1500 miles for prayer meeting and bible study and to fellowship with friends afterwards. I guess I came to the wrong place. I don't know you and it seems I do not know anyone here any longer as no one has said a thing while you spewed your hate in what is supposed to be and used to be the house of God. I zipped up my bible and slowly stood up and walked out slowly and not one of them I knew, ever said a word. It was one of the coldest feelings I ever felt in my life...
I got outside the church door and I really jumped up and down some meaning to shake the dust of that place off my shoes. (I am not exaggerating.)
I sat in the car until my wife came out, another 15 or 20 minutes. My wife didn't say anything but she did say that the church and the people had changed. As we were driving back to our hotel I told my wife what happened.
I heard from another friend a while after that, the pastor died, and several church members died, and the church closed or burnt down or something... I never paid much attention. I am no saint but I fear the Lord. I make plenty of mistakes but not on purpose. Since that time I have never felt an ungodly presence that I felt there.... I am thankful.... (Don't know why I even typed this here as I haven't mentioned it to anyone really that I remember as my wife and I were saddened to no end that a place or house of God could change like that... Take your eyes off the Lord and the devil will take advantage...) I haven't typed this much in a real long while except for work...