How will they rule ??!

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Trump: MUPA Make Ukraine Putin's Again
Zero evidence of Biden doing anything.

Sad that I have to argue with another so called American that it is in the US and NATO's best interest to have a functioning democracy on NATO's border instead of a Putin controlled dictatorship with thousands of Russian and North Korean soldiers there.
Owlsh** for brains Pubs think the Putin scenario sounds peachy.
Then why doesnt your pedophile Biden just nuke Putin if he really is that bad of a threat...or is it like Trump being an existential threat...that is just all political BS used to gin up Beta Males and angry females who are all that is left of your party.

We won and you are in the sniveling minority. Scared of your shadow. Go away.
Trump: MUPA Make Ukraine Putin's Again
Zero evidence of Biden doing anything.

Sad that I have to argue with another so called American that it is in the US and NATO's best interest to have a functioning democracy on NATO's border instead of a Putin controlled dictatorship with thousands of Russian and North Korean soldiers there.
Owlsh** for brains Pubs think the Putin scenario sounds peachy.

Considering the levels of stupid you display here every hour, ANY position YOU take is going to be immediately rejected by anyone with a lick of sense.

You're Literally the dumbest poster here.

Everyone but you agrees with that statement.

Read the room.
There're insurmountable logistical obstacles to your hypothetical long before one would ever get around to considering it. 7 billion people aren't magically teleporting here. We're talking about ways to deal with our current immigration issues. Being significantly more permissive and processing people much more quickly like @TPush suggests is one potential option.
Bringing more people here solves exactly NOTHING except tearing down our culture. Of course, that is what you Marxists really want, so it's right in your wheelhouse.

Solving the world's problems is not something you're honest about. You don't care about that. If you really did, you'd encourage people to stay in their own countries and fix their own problems.

I don't believe you have the balls to watch this whole six minute video, because you couldn't refute the facts therein. So this is for those who really want to learn something.


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To address your edit, that isn't how it works. These geopolitical shifts are predicated on circumstances, both historical and current, largely as fallout from geography. We threw off the shackles of our oppressors from an ocean away, during a time when their empire was in decline and they were relinquishing overseas holdings. Does Australia have the same geographical and historical circumstances as Botswana? The differences in circumstance we were born to don't make our lives worth different amounts. You are not worth more because you were lucky enough to be born an American than someone who had the misfortune of being born in North Korea.
You're not entitled to come here just because you want to. I understand you want to use emotional rhetorical appeals, but the fact is that you are a Marxist, and as such you hate the rule of law and embrace chaos and destruction of our culture. You couch your fake arguments in pathos but I see right through you, wormwood. "You are not worth more" I never said I was. That's a straw man. You're two for two in logical fallacies in one post.
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Considering the levels of stupid you display here every hour, ANY position YOU take is going to be immediately rejected by anyone with a lick of sense.

You're Literally the dumbest poster here.

Everyone but you agrees with that statement.

Read the room.
There are at least 3 posters dumber than I on here.
Then why doesnt your pedophile Biden just nuke Putin if he really is that bad of a threat...or is it like Trump being an existential threat...that is just all political BS used to gin up Beta Males and angry females who are all that is left of your party.

We won and you are in the sniveling minority. Scared of your shadow. Go away.
You are right about exactly one thing.... Trump won.
Makes me wonder how difficult it will be for Trump getting his agenda passed.

Well they’re still counting in many places and stealing seats in the House, Senate down to a small R majority now. Dems just need a few Rs they can count on to handcuff Trump which they have. Starting to have a feeling the swamp stays put.
Who were the others? The ones listed in the post vote Dem as much or more than with Rs pretty consistently.

Senate down to a 3 person R majority now with at least 4 that will routinely just vote with the Dems unless I’m missing something.
These others will not routinely vote with Dems.

I named one the other day. Rest will leak out in the next couple days.
OK, we disagree. I can't agree with punishing people for the actions of their parents.

I find it hard to believe someone on here working alongside a 30 years old illegal (May or may not know it) brought hereat 15, now with a couple of kids, is OK with that person being plucked & deported back to say Honduras. It's sick, demented, vindictive extremism. .
Actually, it's the law. I didn't write it and I didn't sign it into law. But, it's the law.

What you did not mention is that for every 30-something with 2 kids, there is most likely at least one that still hasn't learned the language, has very few marketable skills, may be working off books and paying no taxes, may be receiving government assistance in its many forms, etc.

Also, you failed to mention that the years that family has been here illegally they may have received government assistance such as food stamps, subsidized housing, Medicaid, free school lunch, maybe ESL tutors for free, put additional burdens on our public school system, free college tuition, etc. All of these benefits were funded by taxpayers. There is a finite amount of money in each of these programs. Giving these illegal immigrants benefits to which they are not entitled to is stealing it from US citizens who also need these benefits. The city of Denver expects to spend $100M supporting illegal immigrants this year and none of those expenditures were in the budget. The city has decided to reduce Public Safety officers, cut back on health services and elderly services, etc. American citizens are being adversely affected to provide for individuals and families who have committed a federal crime crossing our borders.

We definitely disagree. You feel it's inhumane to send them back. I feel it's inhumane to American citizens who are ignored so that illegal immigrants can receive benefits other American citizens paid for. When upholding the law is sick, demented and vindictive and allowing criminal behavior to go unpunished is acceptable, then I'll gladly identify as sick, demented and vindictive .
Well they’re still counting in many places and stealing seats in the House, Senate down to a small R majority now. Dems just need a few Rs they can count on to handcuff Trump which they have. Starting to have a feeling the swamp stays put.
They don't call it the uniparty for nothing, and you are right. The swamp will continue on so long as the USA remains solvent. It is pretty much impossible to kill since they will always cover each other's backs.

This is going to go over like a lead balloon here, but one thing that would help fix the cluster eff in Washington would be to bar lawyers from holding any office that makes laws. As it is we are like chickens living in a house built by foxes. Crap needs to stop.
Don’t know right now. Everyone has been meeting on Gaetz.

Believe most nominees are in better shape than the media will have you believe.

I don't believe anything from the media. If theyre only against gaetz, wouldn't that mean they are more anti gaetz than anti trump? If it was anti trump, theyd be against them all.

Not that it excuses the typical cast of wafflers but still.
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