How will they rule ??!

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"Magic Dirt" theory which is what Democrats always promote. Let's also point out how white female Democrat voters will drink a Starbucks with a paper straw and convince themselves they're saving the environment. Meanwhile in Africa and Asia, it's stuff like this.

Uhh what? Does this person not know wtf Liberia was? It WAS a colony. I'm sure he thinks the capital of Monrovia was named after an African.
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"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."
Yawn. We hate what it’s become under Liberfilth. Have fun in the women’s bathroom today. I mean that’s the country LIB scum has created that I live in. Back to ignore. You bring absolutley nothing to the table.
You have fun watching pregnant 12 year olds give birth to rapist's babies. That's about as low as it gets on the Pedo scum meter.
They do. They just don't win much so don't make headlines. It's useful for rightwing media to highlight the instances of one and not the other.

Possibly. Got kids in multiple in MS and HS sports and the number of biological boys in girls sports out here anyway is at least 50-1. Anecdotal obviously, but you just don’t see it go the other way at the MS/HS level. On the middle school level, its nearly every school and every sport. But again, this is CA.
This why it’ll never end. Most women care too much about social appearances and cultural acceptance to be able stand up for themselves with something like this. Not many Rileys out there even though they’re all thinking the same thing.


Get on the illegal alien crimes account and look, so many cases. A lot of crimes against children/teens, a church arson, a DUI that killed a cop, murders, assaults, a cockfighting ring where 50 vehicles were seized and at least 5 were illegals...endless. Here is just a couple:

Because nobody cares about hunter biden. Just like nobody cares about Jr meeting with the Russians. All of politics, including the Trump family, is dirty as hell. Americans just want to go back to not seeing it all over the news 24/7. If people wanted something different they wouldn't vote the same people into office for 40+ years.
Politically motivated sentencing. Wonder if they throw the book at his ass?

Because they aren't as good on that day as the person who does win. That's reality, and no amount of mollycoddling with separate divisions changes that.
So it's just a coincidence that Trans men are hardly ever "as good on that day" as their opponents, so much so that we hardly ever see any instances of these cases. Whereas it's quite the opposite in the other direction. Hmmm, wonder why that is?
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You have fun watching pregnant 12 year olds give birth to rapist's babies. That's about as low as it gets on the Pedo scum meter.
You still beating that dead horse.

I will play along.

Most of that occurs in what what we would call the illegal alien community and if we had our way they would not be here for you to cry about this. Instead of coming in to cast ballots for the Democrats, and creating this problem.
Sean Hannity...what a Goober! Seriously, 11 Million Illegal people...I mean people streaming across the MEX/US border ILLEALLY? Come on Sean, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG WITH THAT? Seriously?
Much of it illegal. Thats why act blue has all those micro transactions in random name generators. Reporters even go to some the identifiable names and theyre poor old people who still can't work their vcr

If a pub wins, that org needs turned inside out.
We'll see if anything comes of it.

So it's just a coincidence that Trans men are hardly ever "as good on that day" as their opponents, so much so that we hardly ever see any instances of these cases. Whereas it's quite the opposite in the other direction. Hmmm, wonder why that is?
You're preaching to the choir. You aren't getting the part where I don't care. And neither should you. We are not all born the same. That's just the way it is. Or are you a communist?
Sean Hannity...what a Goober! Seriously, 11 Million Illegal people...I mean people streaming across the MEX/US border ILLEALLY? Come on Sean, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG WITH THAT? Seriously?
Can't stand Hannity. Never listen. Comes across to me as a pompous know it all. I can't imagine people calling that show....staying on hold for an hour or longer....get on the air, say about 5 words and then he starts talking and they never get to say what they called for.

Little note. Remember driving in Huntsville, Al years ago to an appointment at the Marshall Space Flight Center. Had the radio on to a local talk show. This guy with a very thick New York/Brooklyn accent was the host. Obnoxious and talked nonstop. Was Hannity. Got his start in Huntsville of all places. There about a year or so before he went to Atlanta.