How will they rule ??!

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Sick of antisemite dion and his insane takes. Like I’ve told dion Muslim countries forced us out. More Jews were displaced in the years after 1947 in the Middle East than Arab and Bedouin that occupied Israel pre 47. But this is the entire deal for people like dion. Be horrified by Israel’s defense of itself while glossing over and really straight out ignoring the oppression jews faced before 47 after the forced mass movement of mizrahi in the Middle East. To October 7th. Blame Israel for how they handle Palestinians but don’t give a shat my family was forced out by nasser. My grandmother sexually abused. All of our wealth taken but the Egyptian government. Can you imagine Israel doing this to “Palestinians”? The left would freak out like never seen. But look it’s happened to the Jews in the region meh dion and the left dismisses it and goes straight for Israel’s jugular. You see this is what antisemitism is. Blame the Jews, justify oppressing and killing us, use semantics like the difference between ”jew” and “Zionist” to further justify.
Ha, look who wants to play the numbers game only where it favors them. Israel killing thousands more than Hamas, no big deal, clear outcome based on actions to you. But Arab countries expelling Jews in direct response to the Jews perpetrating the Nakba? Gotta check the numbers! That spiral of sectarian violence was awful, but it wasn't initiated by Muslim people or in any way one-sided.
Ha, look who wants to play the numbers game only where it favors them. Israel killing thousands more than Hamas, no big deal, clear outcome based on actions to you. But Arab countries expelling Jews in direct response to the Jews perpetrating the Nakba? Gotta check the numbers! That spiral of sectarian violence was awful, but it wasn't initiated by Muslim people or in any way one-sided.
I can’t read your garbage past the first sentence. Jews have been slaughtered in the last 80 years and run out of countries they had been in for millenia yet you’re still fixated on these Palestinians. The Palestinians should be treated like the Jews were by muslim countries. “Here you go here is your new birth certificate” country born in; Muslim.

That’s what they did to all of my family stripped their national status and then without a country made to go. This has been happening to Jews for decades centuries millenia. But you’re fixated with this moment in time brought to us by hamas/Iran/Hezbollah. You’re a clown who 6 months ago knew nothing now you think you know everything when in reality you choose events that fit your 80 year narrative. You have zero to say about the Jews who were kicked out of their home counties only to attribute it to the nakba. You know this is why there is no such thing as a non Zionist jew. Because those people the mizrahi my people they weren’t given a choice. They were moved right on along whether they were Zionist or not.. you get it now. More justification using nakba to jusify more dead Jews. This is hard core antisemitism you’re witnessing right here.

And dio Israel belongs to the the jews today and forever. What do you want? What do your nut job leftist want? Israel jews to leave and ho where? No you prove why this is a lost cause and while anti Israel sentiment is high they might as well just move the gazans out to an African country. People in WB should have a choice and if they commit acts of terror the entire family expelled to Jordan. It’s time for the Jewish people to exercise their power over the lane and expel those who do not want peace. That would solve all of it and shut a lot of people up. People who think they know what they’re are talking about when infact have been brainwashed by the Chinese and TikTok.
its comical how triggered you snowflakes get with this caravan shit. remember that caravan that was supposed to invade us last month and end humanity? what happened with that one? absolutely nothing. a few applied for asylum, a few tried to sneak and and got arrested and the rest went back home or stayed in Mexico. its pretty hard to sneak across the border when your with 4000 people. Trump really knows how to fear monger his brain dead base. sending the military is ingenious pandering. Trump knows the military isn't and can't do anything at the border but his faithful dogs lap it up.
Peaceful protest, eh?

"To date, from protesters, weapons have been confiscated in the form of guns, buckets of large rocks, bricks, steel enforced wood planks, mallets, and chains," the statement read. "Staff have been physically assaulted and threatened, and police have been headbutted and hit with horse excrement, while their police cars have had tires slashed with knives."
How is it that the guys here on the right can discuss substantive issues and disagree, amd still agree we need fundamental change in this country's direction, amd the leftists we have (mostly Dion and The Village Idiot, sam) are basically 100% lockstep with every idiotic destructive ideology possible?

How is it even real? How absolutely mindfvcked do you need to be to believe the way they do?

I do agree with SOME of dions more libertarian policies, but those are just because he likes to get high and such.

The Village Idiot on the other hand, is just that.
When is last time anyone on the Left told the truth?
Ha, look who wants to play the numbers game only where it favors them. Israel killing thousands more than Hamas, no big deal, clear outcome based on actions to you. But Arab countries expelling Jews in direct response to the Jews perpetrating the Nakba? Gotta check the numbers! That spiral of sectarian violence was awful, but it wasn't initiated by Muslim people or in any way one-sided.

I don't know how to break out and post just the vid, but its in the tweet. Click on the thumbnail and it will full screen with sound.

The events leading up to this moment are chronicled.

As a GDI, God bless the fratbros today.

Dion and Sammy won't like it. Too many smirks.

Remarkable traits among those young men protecting that flag.
They all have their natural hair color and respectable haircuts.
They're all dressed normally.
They aren't hiding their faces like cowards or the Feds in the "Patriot Front"
They all look like kids I would consider hiring. Who probably are all majoring in something that will generate them an income upon graduation.

And yet they are being cast as the their own Country.
They are the result of years of "liberal Arts" educations and worthless degrees where their only option is to become career students who ultimately graduate into activist teachers and professors. they live, learn and work in a bubble and have no real life experience outside of what they've read in the pages of carefully selected books and the media they've consumed. These people are basically unemployable in the real world and can barely function in normal society without something triggering them or enraging them. And these are the people who think they know best how to run a country.
Go pray for Ukraine. Better yet, go over there and put your money where your mouth is. Warmonger.

Quit blithely sending ours over. (Indirectly, a caveat I must add with the likes of you, who will argue you aren't sending our money over, it's the gubment!)
Well we are sending OUR over money there. Can't argue against that. But you knew that which is why you stated it so unnecessarily. The government has no money to send. It's all ours. You apparently don't know that.
You are a complete idiot. Drunk again?
Facts.....Trump voters are the rioters. Open your eyes to your fellow voters.

It's probably best you sit this one out. Your drivel is no longer funny, and you are a despicable dolt.

Shows exactly how powerful social media is in the propaganda war. Foreign money should never be allowed in any media or social media outlet. We're literally allowing direct straight lines for propaganda right into our population.
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Dude, gfy.

You and your fellow rioters can KMA. Trump supporters trashed our Capitol and now you all are trashing college campuses.

And here's an oldie but a goody.....Another Trump supporting riot crowd.
You and your fellow rioters can KMA. Trump supporters trashed our Capitol and now you all are trashing college campuses.

And here's an oldie but a goody.....Another Trump supporting riot crowd.

Wait a minute, you think it’s Trump supporters staging these protests?

Most of the time I can see the strained links in the lefty bullshit, but how on earth could someone say these protests and riots on Ivy League campuses are made up of Trump supporters.

Genuinely curious if you just get the bullet point, or if there’s any explanation that comes with it in the talking points.
Ha, look who wants to play the numbers game only where it favors them. Israel killing thousands more than Hamas, no big deal, clear outcome based on actions to you. But Arab countries expelling Jews in direct response to the Jews perpetrating the Nakba? Gotta check the numbers! That spiral of sectarian violence was awful, but it wasn't initiated by Muslim people or in any way one-sided.
The combatant to civilian death ratio in gaza is smaller than other conflicts...those are facts. And that's with your friends intentionally putting civilians in harms way.

Yemen, don't care, bc it doesn't fit your oppressor/oppressed narrative

In 2005 Israel left gaza, left them infrastructure, greenhouses, and they got a billion in aide...they could've been the Dubai on the Mediterranean. They immediately destroyed everything like animals, turned around voted in gaza, used all the money to build tunnels and focused their entire life on hating jews. And ppl can't seemingly figure out why there's a blockade. Whatever to justify your support for arab gender apartheid, I guess.

Well we are sending OUR over money there. Can't argue against that. But you knew that which is why you stated it so unnecessarily. The government has no money to send. It's all ours. You apparently don't know that.

the US government is $34 trillion in debt. It runs trillion plus dollar deficits every year. None of the money you warhawks are sending overseas is your money. It’s what’s going to be taken from me, my kids and grandkids in the future.
Yes, Trump voters are going wild rioting on campuses, and especially over the last two weeks.
Communism, anti-semitism, and Islam. What a witch’s brew.
Didn't Trump say there were "A lot of good people on both sides" when the Anti-Semitic protesters were marching in Charlottesville???

Are these some of the good people Trump was talking about?.....

Why were those "Good People" back then but the right wing is now going nuts over anti-Semitism on college campuses now?? Make up your mind Pubs.
Wait a minute, you think it’s Trump supporters staging these protests?

Most of the time I can see the strained links in the lefty bullshit, but how on earth could someone say these protests and riots on Ivy League campuses are made up of Trump supporters.

Genuinely curious if you just get the bullet point, or if there’s any explanation that comes with it in the talking points.
Some of the protesters are absolutely Trump voters. Many have said they will be voting for Trump because they are pissed at Biden for his support of Israel in their war against Hamas.

Didn't Trump say there were "A lot of good people on both sides" when the Anti-Semitic protesters were marching in Charlottesville???

Are these some of the good people Trump was talking about?.....

Why were those "Good People" back then but the right wing is now going nuts over anti-Semitism on college campuses now?? Make up your mind Pubs.
No, he didn't. It's been debunked, it was taken out of context, even if you want to say it wasn't...he also condemned white supremacist multiple times and in person. Biden has yet to condemn anyone outside his own very fine ppl on both sides comment...ONLY his staffers and spokespeople have condemned, biden never in person outside of a written statement.

He's worried about votes in Michigan