How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha...she's so mad, and now they're talking about passing legislation...they were fine NOT bothering to pass legislation as long as RVW stood, but now suddenly they give a hot sht...bunch of weenie hypocrites...

Kind of like when all they do is bemoan the tax code and how it coddles the wealthy, etc, etc.

You clowns write the tax code. Shut up and pass some laws, clowns.
The fbi aren't going to look into because it wasn't a crime. Scotus has no rules or code of ethics. This is not the first scotus leak despite what MAGA land is parroting. The leak may have been against "protocol" but it broke no laws. Scotus documents are not classified so a clerk with legitimate access releasing them to the public is not a crime. The clerk that leaked the Roe v Wade documents wasn't even fired, he publicly apologized and clerked for 2 more years.


They've been doing that for 50 years or so.
The fbi aren't going to look into because it wasn't a crime. Scotus has no rules or code of ethics. This is not the first scotus leak despite what MAGA land is parroting. The leak may have been against "protocol" but it broke no laws. Scotus documents are not classified so a clerk with legitimate access releasing them to the public is not a crime. The clerk that leaked the Roe v Wade documents wasn't even fired, he publicly apologized and clerked for 2 more years.
It's the first opinion leak.


They have been trying to get humans raped by aliens for 50 years?

Well the rape aspect I can't speak for, but there have been multiple probes sent into space with images of humans and a simple map showing where Earth is in comparison to the Sun, in addition to recordings that scientists thought best represented Earth at the time of launch.

1) this is laughably dumb and admittedly the most male idea ever conceived.

2) why are there only two genders pictured? Imagine aliens surprise if they arrive and find out there are actually numerous genders with many of them having weird moobies and purple or pink hair. Good news is that would probably chase them away
I don’t really have a dog in the fight, but I’ll stand firmly on the side of the abortion supporters if we can also euthanize every geriatric dementia suffering invalid in Washington DC.
Talk to the WEF. They might be willing to cut a deal.

Well the rape aspect I can't speak for, but there have been multiple probes sent into space with Timages of humans and a simple map showing where Earth is in comparison to the Sun, in addition to recordings that scientists thought best represented Earth at the time of launch.

Quit defending them. They might be in bed, figuratively and literally, with alien rapists.
While I consider myself a conservative, I'm not on board with outlawing all abortions in the US. First, the opinion does no such thing, contrary to what screaming pro-abortionists are saying. All it says, the way I interpret it, is that the ruling was a bad ruling based on the law/Constitution and RvW should be overturned and each state should decide for itself via legislation. I don't see anything that outlaws abortion on the Federal level - at all.

I do believe there should be a Federal guideline of when an abortion can be considered, i.e., not later than # of weeks (or developmental stage) and the states can be more restrictive if they so choose. I am 100% against late term abortions and feel like somewhere in the early 20s (number of weeks) would be acceptable to me as an outer limit.

As a man, I don't have the personal choice to abort or not. Regardless of my personal feelings and whether I'd want my wife or child to have an abortion, I don't believe it's the government's role to require every pregnant woman to have a child as long as there is some reasonable guideline as to how long the woman has to decide. The idea of taking the 'morning after pill' is not at all repugnant to me and shouldn't be to anyone, honestly. But, the idea of an abortion in the 30th week (or, in CA, after birth) or later is absolutely repugnant to me and should be to anyone. Of course, there will be times when the mother's life is in danger (and a very few other circumstances) when reasonable people ought to be able to agree on a course of action.

It's a tough issue. What's not difficult, though, is the notion that Alito expanded on that RvW is BAD law. A constitutional right was created out of thin air that did not and, I'd argue, does not exist. Just because a bad law has been in effect for 50 years doesn't mean it can't and shouldn't be changed (legality of slavery, anyone?).
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Yeah, I saw something similar with my kids. That’s why I don’t listen to the absolute ignorance and evil of these scum who advocate for slaughtering them.

I’ve got a childless SIL who is far left on every topic and of course is pro abortion. She is too selfish and too arrogant and stupid to know she’s clueless of what she talks about.
Is Platnidumb saying what I think he is saying? The Supreme Court rules on something to make a political party happy. That’s there job? Maybe for Dims.
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Exucse me, I didn't phrase that correctly.

YOu mean like when the extremist fascist conservatives protested left and right because their fragile sensitivities couldn't handle wearing a mask?
No one says pussies like you, can’t wear a mask. Knock yourself out, loser.
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some thoughts on SCOTUS decision

first. Most people do not understand roe v wade. They think overturning it means illegal abortion. Not true it means it’s up to the states to decide. Really if most issues went back to the states there wouldn’t be this division. Once they realize abortion continues they will be like wtf?

second. It’s reported that 26 states may ban abortion. That means half the country doesn’t want it. The constitution does not address abortion nor does anything in the constitution explicitly protect a persons decision that impacts another meaning a decision a woman makes for her unborn. With half the country wanting to ban it that means it is a long frigginn way off from even approaching a constitutional amendment to allow for it. So it’s dead in the water.

Third. This will not help dems. They think this will rally blah blah blah. But they will have every lib voting for their agenda anyway. Independents will vote on the economy and how the virus, Afghanistan, Ukraine are dealt with. Abortion isn’t an issue to rally independents to the dem side. It may actually hurt them if they go batshit nuts and start crazy large scale protests. In order to save dems blacks and Latinos will have to turn out strongly for them. This will actually push many Latinos to the Republican side bc Latinos by in large are opposed to abortion rights and in the black community they do not embrace abortion or the gay marriage. This isn’t going to help dems. The media is so out of touch. They still think the country thinks like them. Hell they can’t even get their narrative on the same page as Hollywood.

Movies for instance depict illegals as cartel members who bring violence to the USA while the news media tells us the opposite.

Movies depict Russians as blood thirsty, cruel, enstilling fear in America where the Russian mob operates. The equalizer, John wick, this movie nobody. Everyone is afraid of the Russians except of course the main characters. The news media tells us the Russian military are weak pussies, powerless.

the news media is garbage. They have no clue what’s going on and anyone thinking this will rally dems ok maybe but it’s not going to change the swing voter. It’s probably 8th or 10th on the list of things to move the needle and when the needle moves it will be blacks and Latinos that move it and they are groups of voters who are strongly pro life
The Eastern part of Ukraine want to be part of Russia so it seems kind of ass backwards to fight a war over it. The issue is how far will Putin push the land claim beyond that. The Russian guerilla forces already control most of the ethnic Russian territory. But now Putin is staging troops in Moldova and Belarus. That is contesting the parts of Ukraine that don't want to rejoin Russia including Kyiv. Right now Putin is just flexing to see what he can gain. He already got the important Naval ports. The only thing left of value is the old shipyards and more control over the Black Sea.

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