How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I would love to read the abortion preacher's take on all this...remember that dude?

He was one of my absolute favorites, he wrote very long posts in defense of abortion...and then literally questioned how some here could call themselves Christian men for calling Biden 'Sleepy Joe'.

Imagine a moral compass that isn't bothered by killing babies, but how dare you call someone Sleepy Joe!
I would love to read the abortion preacher's take on all this...remember that dude?

Yeah. He had a nasty case of TDS as well. You could agree that Trump had flaws, then ask about Biden and he would ignore it or make an excuse.

IIRC, he claimed to be for abortion because we have no way to guarantee that the child will be taken care of… so killing the child is the best solution we have available. One hell of a take. That thinking drives me crazy. Guarantee? We have no guarantees in life except death, taxes and the Reds losing. I’d rather have a chance than no chance at all.

Until we realize that some individuals will always suck and stop trying to broad brush everything, we’ll continue to get horrible takes like that.
I know to not turn on the TV or browse Facebook or twitter for the next few months.

The left is so insane and will kill someone. You're not going to be able to have a civilized and unified country with this group. Can't do it. They're violent, lie, and operate with pure lawlessness.

The best thing this country could do is simply divorce. Start figuring out how to do that because how it goes right now, you're not going to be left alone. The left is hellbent on destroying you, ruling you, and replacing you. We do not have shared values. This isn't 1980s decorum and gentlemen politics. It's a war.
70+% of the country approves of Roe v Wade, but hey let's cater to a small minority of extremist Republicans who want to turn the USA into some sort of backwards ass restrictive authoritarian country like you find in the Middle East!
OK, now do every LGBTQ..., CRT, BLM, Border Security, Voter ID, Socialist Green New Deal, Defund the Police, Policy that your side wants to cater to a small percentage of Americans actually for all that shit.
That's your mistake...if laws are good or bad or in your case "popular" is irrelevant. That's not the job of the Supreme court. Awful laws can be constitutional and vice versa. As much as leftists want them to be politicians or activists they aren't

Their only job is to apply law to the constitution.

Never fails to amaze when leftists struggle with this.

You did well to go on an unhinged slippery slope tho, as expected.

Besides, this will do nothing as far as states ability to have them...of course not having them at 16 weeks or whatever isn't enough for some reason
Well, the democrats seem to think the Constitution is only good for wiping their asses with. So we can understand the struggle to comprehend the role of the Supreme court.
I know to not turn on the TV or browse Facebook or twitter for the next few months.

The left is so insane and will kill someone. You're not going to be able to have a civilized and unified country with this group. Can't do it. They're violent, lie, and operate with pure lawlessness.

The best thing this country could do is simply divorce. Start figuring out how to do that because how it goes right now, you're not going to be left alone. The left is hellbent on destroying you, ruling you, and replacing you. We do not have shared values. This isn't 1980s decorum and gentlemen politics. It's a war.
I am afraid you are right. The proof is as simple as reading a CI message board. The left is vicious and vindictive. It is their way or no way. They would blow up the world to support their position. We have posters who are now supporting the killing of the elderly. They call it "assisted suicide" but what if grandma does not want to die. Kill her anyway because she is costing too much to support and can not work to support herself. So kill her and blame it on Trump.

It is insane that a political ideology of being against killing a human life in the womb or moments after birth would bring out such hatred. But it is the left and false narratives are their means of operating. So today we have the false narrative that abortion will be illegal in America. How do you respond to people so simple minded. It is best to just separate and let them be.
Dems needed to change the subject for the midterms due to how pathetic Biden's term is going. So, here is their powder keg issue to rile up their base who are too stupid to realize they can still kill their babies in certain states.

There is absolutely NOTHING these lunatics will not do to keep their power and get what they want.
So what shithole Middle Eastern or Central/South American country do y'all want to turn the USA into? Iraq, Colombia, etc?
I thought calling third world countries shitholes was racist. That's what you all said when Trump referred to them as such. Therefore you must be a racist.

Oh, and with all those Illegals pouring over our borders at the behest of the Administration you support, Your side is rapidly turning this country into just that, by allowing all those people from those "Shithole" countries as you call them, into our country.
Few things beyond dispute:

Abortion was entirely judicially created right that exists nowhere in the constitution.

The ruling doesn't make abortion illegal. It's now to the states.

This should've always been a state issue. Tenth amendment is clear. The federal government was always supposed to have a small role in governance.

Opinion: Never thought I'd see such a sound ruling in my lifetime. There is hope once again in the judiciary even if just slight. What a payoff for Mitch and his gigantic gamble.

Also I guess it's less than 6 months till the law clerk has a massively high paying job at a dnc chosen firm
Few things beyond dispute:

Abortion was entirely judicially created right that exists nowhere in the constitution.

The ruling doesn't make abortion illegal. It's now to the states.

This should've always been a state issue. Tenth amendment is clear. The federal government was always supposed to have a small role in governance.

Opinion: Never thought I'd see such a sound ruling in my lifetime. There is hope once again in the judiciary even if just slight. What a payoff for Mitch and his gigantic gamble.

Also I guess it's less than 6 months till the law clerk has a massively high paying job at a dnc chosen firm
The person who leaked this and put a black mark on the Supreme Court will become a multi millionaire. They will have TV appearances, sell millions of books and become the toast of the far left . The once honorable Supreme Court will be the institution to suffer.

Washington DC is a leaking swamp of human garbage and barbaric baby killers.
I am 100% for anti-racial marriage.

I am 0% for every single couple in commercials being not just interracial, but specifically a hipster white dude with a beard and a black wife with the exact same haircut. She’s always the one driving the car too.
I like to play a game during commercial breaks to see how many black dominated commercials there are and you're lucky to find one that isn't. I'm always a fan of the black nuclear family portrayals (something that's less than 25% of the black community which only equates for 12-13% of the pop) or the smart black person and the really dumb white person.

There was a commercial a handful of years ago where it showed all of these white kids doing dumb and dangerous things and then the one black kid at the end being the responsible and sensible one. 😆

Let me know when you see a security system commercial that doesn't feature a white burgular.
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Also is there any doubt this leak was intended to show Roberts how much social media backlash there would be? None of the others are changing their votes.

Everyone always highly suspected Roberts had rabbit ears and this confirms it
Does anyone need a leak to know how insane the left is and how they organize violence and try to intimidate you to sway your decision? They do this over everything so that's not surprising. But it's meant to scare them because the left can get their mentally unstable foot soldiers to try and kill someone. They had a guy try to massacre GOP Congressmen over Obamacare.
I like to play a game during commercial breaks to see how many black dominated commercials there are and you're lucky to find one. I'm always a fan of the black nuclear family portrayals (something that's less than 25% of the black community which only equates for 12-13% of the pop) or the smart black person and the really dumb white person.

There was a commercial a handful of years ago where it showed all of these white kids doing dumb and dangerous things and then the one black kid at the end being the responsible and sensible one. 😆

Let me know when you see a security system commercial that doesn't feature a white burgular.
I get companies that want to showcase the best of people. I also get that companies want to avoid being painted as racist. But I don’t get why companies continually want to be seen as woke.