How will they rule ??!

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Congrats, its great to retire young. No, I don't have a liberal bone in my body. As for believing nothing you're read or told, that's an awfully arrogant position to take. I'll assume you simply mean you want to get information from sources you trust which is what I do and none of those are general web sites and certainly not social media.
Never said I don’t believe nothing I read or am told. I said I don’t believe “everything” I read or am told. You sure like to twist things around. You seem to be the arrogant one.
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Oh I’m pretty anti-cop and see them as the thugs that they are (screw the blind support for cops). They will do whatever as long as they keep their pension. They’re no ally. But I just find it funny how lefties hate them but are the first to cry to for a cop.
I’m guessing there’s a backstory there. Probably not a pretty one.
I’m guessing there’s a backstory there. Probably not a pretty one.
No, never been arrested. Just know how many cops are egomaniacs and corrupt as hell. That’s not even mentioning how many of them have no issue harassing people and hurting people at the behest of politicians. Think of the cops who harassed churchgoers due to ole Andy. Look at the Canadian cops who are stealing gas and firewood off trucks while claiming to care about “safety.”
Thanks….right now she is possibly in remission. She had kidney cancer that spread to her bones. She has lots of scar damage on her bones, so the dr can’t really say she is in full remission. But scans have been showing no change in the bones. I pray for all of you fighting this disease. It is a hard thing watching a loved one go thru it. There has been many days, I have wished it was me instead. Having a positive attitude is probably the best thing anyone can have. She has been a trooper to say the least.

Seeing the bills come in woke me up to the money that is made from it. Folks, unless there is a change, there will never be a cure for cancer. There is no way they are going to let go of that cash cow. I fully believe, there are cures out there that are being suppressed. There is way to much money to be lost for any of them to come to light.
We have to remove the profit motive from the equation or it’ll never get better.
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Do any of the lefties see the irony of their “defund cops” “F the police” mantra all while lefties are the first people to cry for a cop to silence an opposing view?
Do any of the righties see the irony of their “Thin Blue Line” and “Back the Blue” mantra all while the cops beat them and disrupt their peaceful protests at the behest of the powers that be?
Who didn't see this all coming? After the Virginia election, a near defeat in N. Jersy, and with '22 election cycle cranking up...... suddenly Covid cases/alarm is dropping like a rock in all these Dem/lib states.
Don't you know, the science has changed... the political science, that is. Having glimpsed the terrible polling data, after all this time and all this gaslighting, Democrats are now going to portray themselves as the good guys.
Lol, well, that's quite a bit of irrelevant information you just posted. As for idiocy, I'm apparently at least a tad smarter than you. Do you make it a habit of using cherry picked or ancient information to make a point. For that matter, do you really think plucking a few poor doctors out of history is representative of the profession? But lets try this point by point since you think you're so smart.

1. You realize you posted a marketing piece from a tobacco company that simply says that brand was less irritating. Who knows, that may have been true. Long ago doctors did not understand the link between smoking and lung cancer. Certainly not from 1930 which is when your ad was published. That didn't change until the 50's. Those are facts that you should have realized before making your ignorant statement.

2. Why are you pulling out tidbits of info, mostly about the 19th century, as if it is representative of anything today. That said, everything you cited wasn't bad, they simply didn't understand it yet. For instance, using heroin for a cough. It would help a cough. I have a chronic couch and a few times a year it gets bad enough that I have to be on narcotics for a week to calm it down again. Over time, they learned how to use it properly. The same goes for shock treatments and cocaine and the vibrator you're referring too isn't quite the same think we think of today. You have a bad habit of superficially looking at something, doing no actual research and then, even though your info is effectively incorrect in context, you have the audacity to call someone else an idiot. The irony of that is amusing. You are correct that fen-phen was a terrible mistake.

3. Those guys are horrible, that must mean every doctor is horrible. Thanks, I had no idea. Btw, not to defend flip flop but we had no idea how HIV could and could not be transmitted in the beginning.

4. Now, we usually get along well so I have no idea why you thought it was necessary to call me an idiot. Please don't do that again. I don't mind full scale wars on here but I'd rather just discuss issues.
You're smarter than me? Fauci, Gosnell, and Klopfer were from the 19th Century? Golly I had no idea. Fen-phen was from the 19th century? Cherrypicking? Puhleeze, I could do this ALL DAY, I was just throwing stuff off the top of my head. You want me to pull a HUNDRED articles showing how corrupt physicians are? I can do it easily. The point is, there is no rational reason to trust a physician who is pushing a radical, untested gene therapy on the populace when it's being done by coercion by the federal and state governments at the same time. The fact that your antennae are not up means you are FAR dumber than I am. Go ahead, sheep, take your 'vax' and get your myocarditis. I'm not a sucker.
That's good but out of curiosity, how do you know the ivermectin cured you?
I didn’t bother with the vax because I support BLM and everyone knows BLM protests protects you from the virus as well as restaurant booths.

So I just declare a BLM protest everywhere I go and carry a restaurant table with me and identify it as a Pelosi fundraiser and that protects me.
Speaking of cops and support, I see lots of right wing people, including current and former cops, who are not down with this medical tyranny at all.

Unfortunately, like the military, there is a chain of command, so when an idiot politician tells the police to enforce certain things, they don't have much choice. It sucks, but it's human nature. Proven over and over again, throughout human history.
Do any of the righties see the irony of their “Thin Blue Line” and “Back the Blue” mantra all while the cops beat them and disrupt their peaceful protests at the behest of the powers that be?
How many truckers are lined up yelling, screaming and trying to instigate the cops into a confrontation? how many of them are out there in their best ironman cosplay gear with their makeshift shields and weapons? how many are launching concrete milkshakes or frozen water bottles at cops heads? How many are in the faces of the cops spitting and cursing? How many are jumping up and down on police cars, busting out their windows, setting them on fire?

The Cops weren't doing anything that they weren't instigated into during the 2020 summer of riots. There are good cops and bad cops, just like any profession. The vast majority of Cops are decent people and are a necessity to maintain law and order in our Country. They've been under attack, attrition is terrible among the ranks and is leading to local governments more or less sanctioning crime.

The head of the truckers protest in Canada was arrested without incident yesterday. He went peacefully. No telling what kind of hell he's going to be put through, but he has accepted his fate in the name of the cause.
Do any of the righties see the irony of their “Thin Blue Line” and “Back the Blue” mantra all while the cops beat them and disrupt their peaceful protests at the behest of the powers that be?
It sucks, but they are in the same boat as a lot of us that had to take the vaccine to keep our jobs. We can play the nobody forced you to take it game all day, but when employers say take the vaccine or lose your job and you have a family with children, mortgage payments etc out there. It truly takes an exceptional person to hold steadfast enough to walk away from their job and security. Same as a lot of these officers, refuse to do your job and you wont have it long. I have lots of really good friends that are police officers and I will still be the first to tell there are some shitty cops out there. But there are also a ton that are good people that arent looking to harass people. They just want to do their job and go home to their families at the end of the day. And they put up with a ridiculous amount of bullshit every day. EVERY body has a reason and excuse why they shouldnt get the ticket or didnt mean to break the law, give excessive mouth and talk endless garbage when they are 100% in the wrong. I couldnt be a cop simply for that. Asshole driving 70 in a 50 gets pulled over and cusses the cop out nonstop during the entire process, and people think this should be celebrated because all cops are assholes? Nah,
And for SCIENCE DUDE, kindly explain how 85% of San Francisco voted for Biden, yet just recalled 3 school board members with over 70% of vote? Was that all the Biden supporting liberals in San Francisco being fed fake news by Fix news, scare mongering them into believing that these people are woke idiots, instead of them actually, ya know, being woke idiots?

🤡 🌎
I donated to BLM too. Doesn’t mean I’m responsible for someone else’s actions. If you support police does it mean you’re responsible for Chauvin dragging a handcuffed suspect out of the back of his police vehicle and intentionally killing him? Fox News trying to blame Rex for something entirely unrelated is typical. That bail fund was mostly for black folks targeted by unequally enforced drug laws and if you act like you don’t know that, well, you’re probably the type of idiot that watches Fox News.
So in your mind, you're all just emotional, ignorant, naive do-gooders? Playing dumb doesn't relinquesh your responsibility to make rational decisions. That bail fund was on-going while BLM was doing their burn, loot, murder act across the country and while their divisive hate filled race baiting set race relations back 100 year or more. Yet none of that factored into your thinking because you let your infantile "liberal" emotions run your mind. You built this monster. Own it.
Same people who supported those cops are now being arrested and abused by them. Don't think the same won't happen here in the US. Heck, we have seen many cops going way too far with those without masks on, etc. If they thought the defund the police movement, looting, fires, etc. was something, start losing the support of the public who has backed them through all of this. Would be devastating to this country and our security.
Speaking of cops and support, I see lots of right wing people, including current and former cops, who are not down with this medical tyranny at all.

Unfortunately, like the military, there is a chain of command, so when an idiot politician tells the police to enforce certain things, they don't have much choice. It sucks, but it's human nature. Proven over and over again, throughout human history.
We always have a choice, brother. Some just opt for the easier option which is to bend the knee.
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More election integrity issues (Campbell County KY):

From the Campbell County Republican email:

Have you heard about ERIC?

ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) came from a George Soros funded foundation cultivating new voters and it is very good at that task. ERIC identified 17 MILLION potential new voters for the past 2020 election. ERIC was formed in 2012 with assistance from The Pew Charitable Trusts. ERIC has grown every year since, reaching a peak in the pivotal 2020 election year. ERIC is governed and managed by states that choose to join.

Read more about ERIC using theLINKS Below
Republicans Warn of Democrat Floridians to Steal the 2022 Election
Rep Mark Finchem Calls for Arizona to End Participation in (ERIC) Like Louisiana Just Did

Click on the link below (there is a one minute advertisement at the beginning) and listen to the end
NOTE: about the 22:45 minute mark see how Judicial Watch found more than 100% voter registrations in many statesjust like our Election Integrity Team did in our county.

(Parts1 & 2) How George Soros Controls Voter Rolls In 31 States!
Thanks….right now she is possibly in remission. She had kidney cancer that spread to her bones. She has lots of scar damage on her bones, so the dr can’t really say she is in full remission. But scans have been showing no change in the bones. I pray for all of you fighting this disease. It is a hard thing watching a loved one go thru it. There has been many days, I have wished it was me instead. Having a positive attitude is probably the best thing anyone can have. She has been a trooper to say the least.
Wow. Sorry to hear. Glad for the remission.

Good friend today is having kidney removed due to cancer. It was discovered back the first of Oct. when he fell, not on his arm, and the upper arm bone broke. Docs immediately suspected kidney cancer - after biopsy - and sure enough. He's been on immunotherapy till now. It's really ripped him a new one to the point of him wondering whether to go on. I understand he'll switch to chemo now & they'll see what the does, but not promising a good outcome.
I've noticed in the last few days when I'm streaming (Roku, Pluto, etc) I've seen a commercial quite a few times slamming Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania. Shows clips from his TV show of cozying up to libs, etc. Calling him a RINO.
Will be interesting how he does in the primary.
Hard to do better than a RINO in PA.
That doesn't change the AMA numbers.
Never saw the article or was given a link. Was asking a question that didn’t get answered if those numbers were pre or post purge.

Does a 60 percent free throw shooter become a 100 percent shooter if all his missed free throws are erased from the book? On paper, sure. In reality? Nope.
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The National Archives acknowledged Friday it has discussed with the Department of Justice that classified records were found in boxes at Mar-a-Lago after former President Donald Trump left office, according to a letter from Archivist David Ferriero to the House Oversight Committee.

Guess we have to LOCK HIM UP! what a traitor, trying to steal/hide secret documents.
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What on earth are you talking about? “When 99% of doctors tell you”.

Even if the 99% weren’t cut from whole cloth bullshit, I’ve not met with 99% of doctors. So if they’re going to tell me to do something, whether through the government or CNN, without ever evaluating my personal medical circumstances, they are unethical hacks.

All that matters is your doctor giving you the best medical advice for you personally.

Who is giving you advice without you meeting with them? He's just saying that would be the outcome with 99% of doctors. He's not saying they're telling you what to do w/o your meeting them.