How will they rule ??!

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Here we see the honesty of a leftist in full bloom. Willing to pretend that our situation somehow had nothing to do with the word Covid, which appears nowhere in his post.

Yep, you can trust them.
Plus, his numbers are not the correct ones.
Trump left office down 12million jobs, GDP down 4%, unemployment at 6.5%, inflation already shooting up, stock market hyper inflated, Trumpsters trying to invade the Capital. HE went to NK and sucked off Rocket Boy and got nothing. He went to Helsinki and told the world that Putin had nothing to do with hacking, sucked him off as well, and got nothing. Hadn't gotten a single piece of legislation passed since his 1st year in office. What a great inheritance!

Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

  • Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%
  • Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%
  • George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%
  • Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%
  • George W. Bush (R): 2.2%
  • Barack Obama (D): 1.62%
  • Donald Trump (R): 0.95%
So he left office with less jobs then he started, higher unemployment then he started, and cratered GDP.
The only thing he accomplished was letting pharma accelerate vaccine research and his brain dead sheep think it was a conspiracy to micro chip and cull the population. LMAO!

Shut up, J. Edgar.
Ukraine is a perfect example of how stupid our politics are. the administration is proactively pulling out people that shouldn't be there and telling citizens to gtfo for weeks. And of course Trumpsters are bitching. and if they did neither of those things Trumpsters would be bitching that the administration is leaving Americans behind. And when Russia does take over Ukraine the morons that didn't listen and leave will say Biden left them behind when it was their own damn fault and Fox News will cry about it for a dew days until something better comes along. And its not exactly hard for Americans to leave Ukraine, all they have to do is drive west.
If Biden uses force to ward off Putin Trumpsters will call him a war monger. If he just lets Putin take over the country they will say Biden is a giant pussy.
In reality Ukraine is a lose lose. The country is not worth fighting over. But at the same time if we allow Putin to just roll in and take it over it could set the ball rolling on much bigger problems. The ideal solution would be Putin having a "heart attack" so Russia could maybe stop being an authoritarian autocracy. Previous Presidents also could have stopped being pussies and let Ukraine into NATO.
The only thing morons like you need to know is that Russia does not move on the Ukraine with Trump in office. This mess is because Biden is weak. The disaster in Afghanistan was because Biden is weak. Fighting (eating) Corn Pops cereal does not prepare you for real life. You liberals morons who put him in office are also weak. Mean tweets are far worse to you then massive inflation, more deaths of Americans due to covid under Biden because of the "vaccinations", invasion on our borders unchecked, massive shortage of food on store shelves, worst economy and unemployment in our lifetime (false numbers given by a lying government), false new jobs created inflated by using jobs vacated by previous workers, and Americans being targeted by the U.S. government DOJ and president Biden as terrorist for speaking out against the tyranny being levied against concerned parents, workers, normal police (not the Biden Gestapo), and courageous politicians in their ranks who can see the evil and have decided to oppose it.
And now, especially, with the IRS’ incompetence at a all time high, you should want to owe at least a little at the end of each year. Always better to pay them, than to have to wait on them.

(Plus, in my messed up situation (of Congress and the IRS’ doing), the cleared check is the best evidence I have that they received my return).
We should all do what dem politicians do and not pay them for years and then have them offer a discount if we pay a fraction of it back. We can figure out how much each month invest it safely and make a little more. If we pay a fraction of it back we would at least pay more than the politicians and race baiters out there who have not and will not.
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You're right it's a lose lose, both politically and factually. Either let a dictator invade a sovereign country or get involved in another overseas conflict we have no business in or ties to. @CastleRubric spent the other day pointing out NATO's origins and aggressions, we have no business substituting Russian imperialism with our own. It's the EU's backyard, not ours.
" But at the same time if we allow Putin to just roll in and take it over it could set the ball rolling on much bigger problems."

Well, you're definitely a dem hack. Playing both sides of the fence waiting to see what happens. You: "We should not be there, but we should be there" there is a reason nothing gets done with the left, none of you ever really take a stand. We can't take your seriously.
Oh please stop your incessant, pusillanimous whining. This is the second time you've tried this pissy little reply. You've responded to my posts in here. Don't start none, won't be none.

You freaking infant.

🤣 You're the one who told me you were doing so, so don't think you can get away with trying to turn it around now. You've now made it my go to reply to you. Thanks. LMAO.
" But at the same time if we allow Putin to just roll in and take it over it could set the ball rolling on much bigger problems."

Well, you're definitely a dem hack. Playing both sides of the fence waiting to see what happens. You: "We should not be there, but we should be there" there is a reason nothing gets done with the left, none of you ever really take a stand. We can't take your seriously.
That was @Platinumdrgn you quoted, not me.
Ukraine is a perfect example of how stupid our politics are. the administration is proactively pulling out people that shouldn't be there and telling citizens to gtfo for weeks. And of course Trumpsters are bitching. and if they did neither of those things Trumpsters would be bitching that the administration is leaving Americans behind. And when Russia does take over Ukraine the morons that didn't listen and leave will say Biden left them behind when it was their own damn fault and Fox News will cry about it for a dew days until something better comes along. And its not exactly hard for Americans to leave Ukraine, all they have to do is drive west.
If Biden uses force to ward off Putin Trumpsters will call him a war monger. If he just lets Putin take over the country they will say Biden is a giant pussy.
In reality Ukraine is a lose lose. The country is not worth fighting over. But at the same time if we allow Putin to just roll in and take it over it could set the ball rolling on much bigger problems. The ideal solution would be Putin having a "heart attack" so Russia could maybe stop being an authoritarian autocracy. Previous Presidents also could have stopped being pussies and let Ukraine into NATO.

"The ideal solution would be Putin having a "heart attack" so Russia could maybe stop being an authoritarian autocracy."

So ... you're saying there is ... a chance.
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Wonder how much China pays Nike for this bs propaganda were fed.

It is tempting to lay the blame on China for how far US companies have fallen into the SJW nonsense, but, if you really want to know why these companies are doing this then prepare for a trip down the rabbit hole and look into a company called Blackrock.

Blackrock is owned and operated by a guy names Larry Fink. Blackrock is the largest hedge fund in the world, and has now become known as the 4th arm of the government. Fink managed to worm his way into the Obama admin during the crash in 2008. The FED "allowed" him to handle the distribution of QE. 2020 as well. Remember those big trillion dollar loans I posted about a while back, yeah Fink. He still handles the loans for all companies in the USA.

Biden's admin is full to brim with former Blackrock people, as are many other governments in the world; most notably Germany.

I will spare you the diatribe, but Fink is all in on something called ESG (Environmental, Social and Cooperate Governance). Think of ESG as a woke social credit score. If companies don't toe the woke line then they get no business loans. He has all the money, and no one wants to cross him. This is the reason why you see all the F'ed up commercials everywhere.

I know this sounds like another grand conspiracy theory, but it isn't. When I first heard it I was like, WTF ever. Then I did my own research. Do your research and see for yourself.
It is tempting to lay the blame on China for how far US companies have fallen into the SJW nonsense, but, if you really want to know why these companies are doing this then prepare for a trip down the rabbit hole and look into a company called Blackrock.

Blackrock is owned and operated by a guy names Larry Fink. Blackrock is the largest hedge fund in the world, and has now become known as the 4th arm of the government. Fink managed to worm his way into the Obama admin during the crash in 2008. The FED "allowed" him to handle the distribution of QE. 2020 as well. Remember those big trillion dollar loans I posted about a while back, yeah Fink. He still handles the loans for all companies in the USA.

Biden's admin is full to brim with former Blackrock people, as are many other governments in the world; most notably Germany.

I will spare you the diatribe, but Fink is all in on something called ESG (Environmental, Social and Cooperate Governance). Think of ESG as a woke social credit score. If companies don't toe the woke line then they get no business loans. He has all the money, and no one wants to cross him. This is the reason why you see all the F'ed up commercials everywhere.

I know this sounds like another grand conspiracy theory, but it isn't. When I first heard it I was like, WTF ever. Then I did my own research. Do your research and see for yourself.
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Many companies across the country made similar threats to employees about making any statements whatsoever that might be interpreted as causing vaccine hesitancy or be covid misinformation. They did the same things on blm stuff.

So noone has any idea what anyone thinks because only one side can vocalize it.

Speaking of vaccine exemptions, I bet you can look across the country and not find one single religious or medical exemption that was ever granted for masks or vaccines. Not one. It was all a show
It is tempting to lay the blame on China for how far US companies have fallen into the SJW nonsense, but, if you really want to know why these companies are doing this then prepare for a trip down the rabbit hole and look into a company called Blackrock.

Blackrock is owned and operated by a guy names Larry Fink. Blackrock is the largest hedge fund in the world, and has now become known as the 4th arm of the government. Fink managed to worm his way into the Obama admin during the crash in 2008. The FED "allowed" him to handle the distribution of QE. 2020 as well. Remember those big trillion dollar loans I posted about a while back, yeah Fink. He still handles the loans for all companies in the USA.

Biden's admin is full to brim with former Blackrock people, as are many other governments in the world; most notably Germany.

I will spare you the diatribe, but Fink is all in on something called ESG (Environmental, Social and Cooperate Governance). Think of ESG as a woke social credit score. If companies don't toe the woke line then they get no business loans. He has all the money, and no one wants to cross him. This is the reason why you see all the F'ed up commercials everywhere.

I know this sounds like another grand conspiracy theory, but it isn't. When I first heard it I was like, WTF ever. Then I did my own research. Do your research and see for yourself.

Isn’t Blackrock connected with the CCP? And yes, the social credit score is the goal for sure.
This is to funny. You dopes spent the last month saying Biden would "get" Covid to skip the debates. Band now Trump "gets" Covid after a horrible debate and just in time the cancel the rest. Must be a conspiracy!