I wish I could give that a thousand likes
I wish I could give that a thousand likes
Chris Wallace calling Jen Psaki one of the best White House Press Secs ever. Wallace saying this comes at the 0:57 part of the video. You know he's probably right. When you have to defend the indefensible like Psaki does, you've got to be really good at what you do. Is she a liar? Yes. Is she a propagandist? Yes. Is she a despicable excuse for a human being? Yes, but you would have to be to defend the fact that the Biden regime is destroying America. I always thought that being the White House Press Secs for a republican President especially for Trump had to be the hardest job ever. But I've changed my mind. Being the Press Secs for a buffoon like Joe Biden & having to defend the indefensible has got to be the hardest job ever.
I love when the woke face the monster they created.
Are you serious? This little, idiot looking democrat looks to me like she would be so dumb, that she wouldn't know which end of the gun that the bullet came out of. But what else would we expect coming out of dumb, liberal, Hollywood. Put an idiot, democrat in charge & this is what happens.
It didn't take long did it. And Biden clown act is jus getting started. Not even a year since he was installed as Prez
Hard to have problems cowering in your closet
Even protect you from hot-headed actors on movie sets?
Even protect you from hot-headed actors on movie sets?
Jeez. Stop with this vaccine madness already. They keep it up here, in the US, I foresee a big uprising.This woman is either stupid enough to admit this, or arrogant enough to think she is now untouchable. Notice how fidgety she gets when the question is asked.
“By what’s happened” Let’s go Brandon!
Wonder if this is the video that the Jim Jordan/Pubs were wanting to play at the House the other day. A few Dems emphatically objected to the video, stating they needed a 48 hour BS notice for videos.
Because Europeans are taxed out the ass and rely on their big government daddy to solve all their problems.
Hahahahahahaha. The USPS whistleblower told the feds that project veritas wrote the script he used to make his claim. They wrote his affidavit and he signed without reading it. Man trumpsters are such blind sheep. Hopefully him and veritas spend some nice time together in prison.
So, if you get all 3, do you live forever?