PF Chris Cenac and PG Mikel Brown coming in for OVs

Exactly, that’s why I love the signing of Chandler, Perry, Noah. Guys who you can build a team around that have talent, and could be major pieces their 2nd and 3rd years here. Retention of those guys, maybe some junior portal guys from the previous year. Then recruit 3-4 high quality Freshman, along with 2-3 portal studs each year. You have guys who know and fit the system, a great coaching staff, veteran college players who have strength and D1 experience, impact college players, and NBA talent of the young guys. That adds up to a winning formula now.
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I wonder if the team and recruits were at pope's house watching our football game today. I assume their formula includes some relaxed time so there is a mix.
Show him some BBN love on Twitter.

Gosh. 2012 seems like ages ago. It keeps getting further and further away. Cal pissed away so many golden opportunities the last 12 years since then. Hopefully Pope gets #9 within the next half-decade or so. BBN is hungry for another national championship.
Gosh. 2012 seems like ages ago. It keeps getting further and further away. Cal pissed away so many golden opportunities the last 12 years since then. Hopefully Pope gets #9 within the next half-decade or so. BBN is hungry for another national championship.
so did 1978 to 1996 and 1998 to 2012
we have had some huge gaps in our championships
Gosh. 2012 seems like ages ago. It keeps getting further and further away. Cal pissed away so many golden opportunities the last 12 years since then. Hopefully Pope gets #9 within the next half-decade or so. BBN is hungry for another national championship.
In a way, 2012 is kind of “ages ago” in basketball, right? So it makes sense that it feels like that to us. The game has changed a lot even just since 2012. Perimeter shooting has become much more indispensable due to the fact that almost every team is now trying to take advantage of it. Many more players are now better at taking and making the 3pt. shot. I think that’s due to an emphasis on the shot and its popularity. It used to be dunking was about all you ever saw popularized in the game. A team doesn’t have to shoot the most 3s to win, but you can’t play 2s vs 3s if the team shooting 3s is relatively efficient at it and still plays defense, rebounds and takes advantage of easy shots at the rim.

Calipari has had to be dragged into the modern game – and to me it still seems like he’s fighting it every step of the way. Even thought UK did shoot plenty enough 3s last season, for example, if a coach at his core really doesn’t believe in its importance and coach to reflect that, then the results won’t be there. In my opinion, Calipari squandered potential opportunities with the way he built rosters due to what he emphasized.
Saw them and Mark Pope walk into biscuit belly and eat breakfast on Saturday. From my eavesdropping it seemed to be going well, Cenac is a big french toast fan lol. Go ahead and do the crystal ball prediction this is real insider info...

FYI if you ever want a good brunch spot in Lexington biscuit belly is hard to beat
I've heard some people claim we can get Cenac along with Wilson AND Lewis. To me however, these both feel like alternative options if one or the other goes elsewhere. I just don't see a freshmen class of more than four with the transfer portal and two or more of the potential four freshmen being one and done.
Nah. One of Wilson or Cenac. Or possibly even Bundalo.
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I hope the staff have all their ducks in a roll because it’s going to be tough to land the big boys in today’s recruiting world but I’m optimistic that this staff will figure it out.