PF Chris Cenac and PG Mikel Brown coming in for OVs

Exactly, that’s why I love the signing of Chandler, Perry, Noah. Guys who you can build a team around that have talent, and could be major pieces their 2nd and 3rd years here. Retention of those guys, maybe some junior portal guys from the previous year. Then recruit 3-4 high quality Freshman, along with 2-3 portal studs each year. You have guys who know and fit the system, a great coaching staff, veteran college players who have strength and D1 experience, impact college players, and NBA talent of the young guys. That adds up to a winning formula now.
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How would BBN respond to a class that included:

C - Moreno
F/C - Cenac
F - Wilson
G - Johnson
G - Lewis

I know it would be longshot, but can you imagine the hype?
With a coach who actually draws up plays and cares about winning. Wake me up because I must be dreaming.
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