Panhandlers - what percentage are for real?

Driving around Lexington it never fails. The same intersections in the same group of guys it seems work the corners.
I travel twice a week to Lexington for work and I see the same people in the same exit, especially the black dude who sits where v you turn from N. Broadway to 1-75. I once saw him take food a nice lady had went and gotten him and he threw it on the ground.

Although one time I saw a methed out dude argue with grass for 45 minutes. Like full throated screaming, then they (made up). He hugged the grass. Man I couldn't help but laugh the whole time, especially when he was accusing grass of cheating on him. I feel bad for laughing cause America is one big mental crisis but even the most stone faced person would've laughed. This was on Russell Cave.
I travel twice a week to Lexington for work and I see the same people in the same exit, especially the black dude who sits where v you turn from N. Broadway to 1-75. I once saw him take food a nice lady had went and gotten him and he threw it on the ground.

Although one time I saw a methed out dude argue with grass for 45 minutes. Like full throated screaming, then they (made up). He hugged the grass. Man I couldn't help but laugh the whole time, especially when he was accusing grass of cheating on him. I feel bad for laughing cause America is one big mental crisis but even the most stone faced person would've laughed. This was on Russell Cave.
Was this right by the Cowboys bar? I think I saw the same guy doing Kung Fu moves against some imaginary person.
I tend to not give panhandlers money. I used to because it made me feel good, but I witnessed a shift change near the mall in Etown. Nice Lincoln SUV dropped off a new worker, picked the previous worker up and the new worker took over the sob story sign. The new worker took off their nice hoodie and hat to reveal tattered rags, and put their smartphone and cigarettes in their pocket.

I did give to a panhadler in Denver for being honest. His sign said “I’m just trying to get high.” I gave him a free preroll I got for being a new dispensary customer. He seemed thrilled.
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I travel twice a week to Lexington for work and I see the same people in the same exit, especially the black dude who sits where v you turn from N. Broadway to 1-75. I once saw him take food a nice lady had went and gotten him and he threw it on the ground.

Although one time I saw a methed out dude argue with grass for 45 minutes. Like full throated screaming, then they (made up). He hugged the grass. Man I couldn't help but laugh the whole time, especially when he was accusing grass of cheating on him. I feel bad for laughing cause America is one big mental crisis but even the most stone faced person would've laughed. This was on Russell Cave.

Russel Cave was where I saw a homeless man with a “Will Work for Food” sign several years ago. I bought a Taco Bell combo meal and took it to him out of the goodness of my heart. Didn’t plan to mKe him work.

He looked offended and said “I don’t want this shit. Got any cash?”

Last time I bought food for a panhandler.
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This is a terrible thing to think about, but I sometimes wonder if by tolerating this stuff for the bottom 1% we've now ended up with a bottom 3% who are in a similar situation? What I mean is, by supporting these people we've made others see a survivable path here.
It’s actually not though - if no one gave them a dime how many of them would actually have to get a real job - the media really does a disservice sharing that these people can get 100k sitting on a corner a few hours a day. I understand there will always be beggars that would appreciate the money/food provided but flushing out these others would be ideal.
My biggest problem with them are those who get hit all up in the feels to give to them. What worthwhile charity is missing out on those donations?
When I tended at Pazzos homeless would come in all the time. I would walk them to McDonald’s (when I was broke as touch) and offer to buy them anything they wanted. By the time we got there (2 minutes later) they didn’t want anything food wise. Touch those guys. Die on the streets losers.
You want to touch the guys?
Yes, I want to touch homeless people. Learn the internet nerd. Touch is internet for f**k, is 2023 hard for you?
My kid is in a school program at you know I've seen some shit. There's a crazy fat redneck (sort of out of place) that sits with a sign warning of the end of time. I sort of like him. He doesn't want a damn thing other than to let you know it's all ending soon.
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If they ask for food, like at a fast food drive through line or outside a food truck, I order them something and give it to them. Not turning down anyone for food.
For cash, it's rare, but there have a been a few times I have given them some.
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This is a terrible thing to think about, but I sometimes wonder if by tolerating this stuff for the bottom 1% we've now ended up with a bottom 3% who are in a similar situation? What I mean is, by supporting these people we've made others see a survivable path here.
Today at the corner of MOW and Polo there was a guy standing there with a homeless sign and a cig in his mouth. If I was in that bad a shape, I would go cold turkey on something that cost $5-$10 a pack.
Not giving him crap.
I might have been swindled out of a few bucks today at the cross over on Harrodsburg Road and New Circle. I immediately thought of this thread as soon as the dollars were leaving my hand.
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I might have been swindled out of a few bucks today at the cross over on Harrodsburg Road and New Circle. I immediately thought of this thread as soon as the dollars were leaving my hand.
Don’t sweat it man… The fentanyl producers in China have children to feed.
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I used to work with a guy who is the most empathetic person I’ve ever met. Whatever problem someone is having, this guy is there and it’s genuine. He was upset about some panhandlers near work and decided he would do more than just give some money. He put together a folder with every resource imaginable - emergency housing, treatment programs, healthcare, and employment agencies. He seriously wanted to change lives. He approached every area panhandler and had no takers. He was undeterred and stopped for every single panhandler he found for months. Not one person was willing to accept anything he had to offer. I know a few dozen instances around central Kentucky isn’t a large group but it’s enough that I don’t hesitate to drive by without guilt.
Today at the corner of MOW and Polo there was a guy standing there with a homeless sign and a cig in his mouth. If I was in that bad a shape, I would go cold turkey on something that cost $5-$10 a pack.
Not giving him crap.
Could've been a half spent cig he found on the ground, ala Roger Miller. Or someone could've given him one/some. Maybe not but who knows?
The ones that kill me are the ones at the Leestown Rd Shell in Lexington. Guy comes up to me with some story, a piece of paper as “proof” of something, asking for money.

My plan is to wear REALLY dark sunglasses next time, and if I’m filling up and the same kind of dude walks up again with the same routine I’m just going to stare at him. No words, no expression, no anything.
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All amateurs, ought to live near DC.... professionals...
Multiple panhandler stories from my time living in Lex during college. My personal favorite...

I lived above Two Keys in-between what was then Two Keys and a Subway shop...building still there. Walked down to Jersey Mikes to get a sub. Ate half the sub and was walking back to house when a pan handler asked for money for food. I told him I didn't have any but he could have the 2nd half of my sandwich. He took it. I walked away, turned back and took a glance at him, he proceeded to throw it in the trash. 20 years ago me said nothing. Me now would have said plenty.
Are we counting the likes of Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, and the rest of those scumbags as panhandlers? Or would they be considered just straight up conmen?
I guess it's a good thing that panhandlers are just scamming and not really hungry.
If they really were, they would do far worse that just be an annoyance.
People gonna eat.
Some days I encounter 2-6 panhandlers (aka "beggars" or homeless) while out walking. They usually hang out at nearby Chinatown shopping center during the day. Sometimes we see them near gas station entrances. Here recently they've begun appearing at intersections.

No. Give them nothing. There are enough charitable organizations around Austin to feed them. The amount of food I've seen those folks throw away is astounding. Many need mental help or assistance with substance abuse.
My favs are the ones in Rupp parking lot at corner of Broadway and Maxwell. Idiots give them money, and as soon as they drive off the vagrants cross the street to the drive-thru window of Wildcat Liquors.

From the old Two Keys/McDonald's to the back side of Target is a cesspool. Can't believe LFUCG has let it get like that. Recently I see so many bodies laying around there in broad daylight. Sickening.
I have definitely noticed more people who are probably not homeless panhandling the last few years.
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I’m thinking about going into panhandling as a second job - any suggestions on outfits? Witty signs that might bring more revenue?
I think the signs admitting to wanting money for impure purposes can actually increase your cash flow if done correctly.

Ex. "My wife threw me out and all I want now is a drink."

Funny, at least semi-plausible, not purely obvious scamming/bullshit.