Our coach?


Gold Member
Feb 23, 2014
A lot of stories behind paywalls but what little I can gather texas a@m might have coach Ming on their short list. Anyone care to add on this?
A lot of stories behind paywalls but what little I can gather texas a@m might have coach Ming on their short list. Anyone care to add on this?
I have nothing substantial to add. However, A&M would be crazy to not have the SEC COY and NCBWA National COY on the short list. Especially since he has had recent success at a school not traditionally known for baseball, has done well in the portal, and and solid morals (would make the sell easier to the bible belt boosters after what just happened to them).

That said, I really think Ming loves coaching UK and loves working for Mitch. Mitch not only gave him his first HC job, he stuck with him when the mob got rowdy. I'll never say never, but I think Ming stays loyal to UK and Mitch for now.

Mitch needs to bump Ming's salary to $1MM (from $705k I think) to make sure money is not a reason to leave.

With A&M's Montgomery likely being drafted in the T10 of the MLB draft (even being injured) and with 9 players now in the portal I am not sure that is a roster one would want to even try to rebuild at this point anyhow.

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I wonder if Louisville's Dan McDonnell is on TA&M's list. He has had a lot of success there, and he could do well in that environment.
I wonder if Louisville's Dan McDonnell is on TA&M's list. He has had a lot of success there, and he could do well in that environment.
I was surprised that his name hasn’t already came up in this cycle. There has been some pretty good jobs that have been open already.