OT: The Culty Religious People Outside of Rupp Arena

I clearly stated that it was an ACCIDENT.. (I tripped)

Ida means no harm. From time to time, he likes to run through the room to remind everyone there's no one else here who is as unhinged as he is. It's for entertainment purposes only.

I get as many laughs from him and his circle jerk buddies in the political thread as I do from anything else. It’s excellent comedy.
Ida means no harm. From time to time, he likes to run through the room to remind everyone there's no one else here who is as unhinged as he is. It's for entertainment purposes only.

I'm unhinged?

I speak of a cult that is actively working to impose their ideology on the world by force, in this case via an AI system integrated into perhaps the largest internet platform in the world.

A racist system programmed to show hate for white people. That when queried can't create an image of a single historic white person, (or any white person???). That can't say that Joseph Stalin, a genocidal communist dictator who murdered 60 million of his own people was a worse force for humanity than a conservative lady who re-posts "liberal" tik tok videos on X. That when asked, will not say that pedophilia is wrong, ...

An ideology that directed the state to remove a child from his home because the parents won't recognize the child's chosen pronouns (headed to SCOTUS). That is providing hormone therapy and sex change operations for young children (lucrative business). That does not recognize the scientific biological differences between males and females, that fights against the freedom of speech and actively censors and suppresses opposing views, ...

The insanity is endless, far exceeding all attempts at forcefully implementing any wacky religious doctrine on the whole of modern society.

I don't find this topic entertaining at all. You sit back in your smug ignorance and pompous arrogance and belittle me while completely avoiding the ideas being considered. Are you a true believer or just dgaf?
And I’m not deflecting, religion has done good for millions, likely billions, of people, why is all that discounted?

What has money done that’s so great? What has a nuclear bomb done than was so great? What did the AK 47 do that helped humanity?

And most of those wars that were “religious” were leaders “using” religion to get people to conquer territories for them to expand their wealth, plenty couldn’t have cared less about the actual religion part.

Just like whoever you work for uses money as an incentive to get you to do things. You’re no different, just different objectives.

Okay I’ll say religion has caused more death and misery than anything else if you’ll admit it’s cause more happiness and love than anything else too.

And actually mosquitos have killed more people than anything ever.
Again, with the deflection. What does mosquito's have to do with mankind's worst inventions?
The Catholic church is still contributing to millions of deaths in Africa, for condemning the use of condoms.
The topic of conversation was mankind's worst inventions. You presented AK-47's, Nuclear Bombs, and Gas Chambers over religion. I simply, showed you how you were wrong.
Can you measure the anguish religion has caused through fear of a everlasting hell?
Probably because communist secularism is the most dangerous religion of our day.

We get shouted at with their values at every turn through every institution but people are blind to it and would rather take a few whackos with bullhorns and pretend they’re the problem.
Lol, well son of a bitch, poor you. In one post, you've painted such a powerful, sorrowful picture of yourself beaten down in life by communism. What year is this btw? Is there a reason you believe commies are shouting at you at every turn in your life? Is this happening at the local Wendy's?

I love reading the occasional paranoia post by someone depicting themselves as a victim of a society that's turned on them. Honestly, I wish you all the best because you're either faking this drama and you're actually happy with your life or you're miserable and hate society. Why you'd lie I have no idea but if you really believe you're being shouted at at every turn in your life, you gotta talk to a friend, a family member, or a professional because you sound delusional.
Lol, well son of a bitch, poor you. In one post, you've painted such a powerful, sorrowful picture of yourself beaten down in life by communism. What year is this btw? Is there a reason you believe commies are shouting at you at every turn in your life? Is this happening at the local Wendy's?

I love reading the occasional paranoia post by someone depicting themselves as a victim of a society that's turned on them. Honestly, I wish you all the best because you're either faking this drama and you're actually happy with your life or you're miserable and hate society. Why you'd lie I have no idea but if you really believe you're being shouted at at every turn in your life, you gotta talk to a friend, a family member, or a professional because you sound delusional.

Welp, we did not have to wait long for the hall monitor to exert his will in even this thread!!
I am not sure the great commission had an expiration date, but I certainly appreciate your desire to keep things private. But, people don’t know that unless they ask or already know you.

Two very nice Jehovah Witnesses came to my door just yesterday. They were sweet people and I appreciate their willingness to cold call me and speak with me briefly. We discussed where we agreed and they acknowledged that we did not agree on all things.

I would have treated Mormons or atheists or Muslims or any other kind of faith the same way.
I would have evangelized them on Scientology
Nightwish is the pRoGrEsSiVe version of Bagdad Bob. He constantly runs around trying to censor every mention of his beloved doctrine that is not yet normalized enough and might be embarrassing to the cause.
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Yes, you're all silenced victims and the world doesn't like you and is trying to change you at every turn and everything is being "shoved down your throats" and you hate society, the media, the govt., the outside world, beer cans, barbies, Hollywood, music, books, and Pride Month wants you to be gay and the only racism that exists is against white men and men is general are hated and oppressed but also women are very dramatic and men aren't. That about cover things, Ida? Enjoy your day and keep living the dramatic gimmick lol.
Yes, you're all silenced victims and the world doesn't like you and is trying to change you at every turn and everything is being "shoved down your throats" and you hate society, the media, the govt., the outside world, beer cans, barbies, Hollywood, music, books, and Pride Month wants you to be gay and the only racism that exists is against white men and men is general are hated and oppressed but also women are very dramatic and men aren't. That about cover things, Ida? Enjoy your day and keep living the dramatic gimmick lol.
Nice straw man. Inaccurate and requires zero thinking.
I'm unhinged?

I speak of a cult that is actively working to impose their ideology on the world by force, in this case via an AI system integrated into perhaps the largest internet platform in the world.

A racist system programmed to show hate for white people. That when queried can't create an image of a single historic white person, (or any white person???). That can't say that Joseph Stalin, a genocidal communist dictator who murdered 60 million of his own people was a worse force for humanity than a conservative lady who re-posts "liberal" tik tok videos on X. That when asked, will not say that pedophilia is wrong, ...

An ideology that directed the state to remove a child from his home because the parents won't recognize the child's chosen pronouns (headed to SCOTUS). That is providing hormone therapy and sex change operations for young children (lucrative business). That does not recognize the scientific biological differences between males and females, that fights against the freedom of speech and actively censors and suppresses opposing views, ...

The insanity is endless, far exceeding all attempts at forcefully implementing any wacky religious doctrine on the whole of modern society.

I don't find this topic entertaining at all. You sit back in your smug ignorance and pompous arrogance and belittle me while completely avoiding the ideas being considered. Are you a true believer or just dgaf?
You're adorable when you cry and clutch your pearls. Don't EVER change. 🤣
I really wanted to get a pic of these dudes and upload a pic of their brochure but I couldn’t get it to work out. Apologies to Rivals. I’ll try better.

In other news and bigger issues, Rupp only offering Bud, Michelob or Yuengling is a problem.
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I’ve held off on the Idacat bait, but now that Kentucky has obliterated Alabama, I feel liberated.

Let’s talk about AI. I’m fairly confident that between the Idacat and myself, only one of us has implemented LLM’s such as Open AI, Google Vertex or Google Gemini in enterprise applications.

Bias in LLM’s is one of the single biggest challenges in computing. The nature of AI is that given a set of parameters model generates a response of responses based on synthetic deductive reasoning. Now, I fully believe Idacat actually believes engineers were sitting around and decided to portray historic figures inaccurately due to political views.

However, more accurately, the nature of AI is that there is no humanly way to predict every prompt from a human. So, algorithms to remove bias were erroneously applied to abstract art generation. This is not at all controversial when you realize that effort to remove bias is because it’s necessary for mass consumption by the general public.

In some ways this is an example of current limitations in LLM’s. If AI was smart enough to understand what the human was asking for, it would’ve done so. So, the historical inaccuracy is a result of poor prompt engineering coupled with overly protective models.

Of course, none of this really fits in a faux outrage headline so it isn’t really acknowledged.
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I’ve held off on the Idacat bait, but now that Kentucky has obliterated Alabama, I feel liberated.

Let’s talk about AI. I’m fairly confident that between the Idacat and myself, only one of us has implemented LLM’s such as Open AI, Google Vertex or Google Gemini in enterprise applications.

Bias in LLM’s is one of the single biggest challenges in computing. The nature of AI is that given a set of parameters model generates a response of responses based on synthetic deductive reasoning. Now, I fully believe Idacat actually believes engineers were sitting around and decided to portray historic figures inaccurately due to political views.

However, more accurately, the nature of AI is that there is no humanly way to predict every prompt from a human. So, algorithms to remove bias were erroneously applied to abstract art generation. This is not at all controversial when you realize that effort to remove bias is because it’s necessary for mass consumption by the general public.

In some ways this is an example of current limitations in LLM’s. If AI was smart enough to understand what the human was asking for, it would’ve done so. So, the historical inaccuracy is a result of poor prompt engineering coupled with overly protective models.

Of course, none of this really fits in a faux outrage headline so it isn’t really acknowledged.
Nice word salad. When simply asked to show a picture of George Washington, most people don't expect him to look like Michael Jordan.
That's some serious woke "pearls" built into the Google AI. Maybe it's time to shitcan this project and start over.

Nice word salad. When simply asked to show a picture of George Washington, most people don't expect him to look like Michael Jordan.
It’s not word salad. You just don’t understand what I’m talking about. Why do you think historical figures were inaccurately depicted algorithmically?
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Did we ever figure out who the cult is?

I failed as my effort to talk to the cultists and obtain their marketing material before the Alabama game was foiled due to a 45 minute wait for service at Lex Live. I have one more attempt this season.
We now live on a world where it's no big deal to burn down a church but if religious people hand you a pamplet they are scum.

What a world. What a pathetic world.
Not a big deal to burn down a church??? Maybe in the Jim Crow era and before in the south it wasn't, provided it was a black church. Arson is a big deal, regardless of if you burn down a church, or any other dwelling/structure for that matter, occupied or not. There was three dudes back in East TN who were members of a small town volunteer fire department who were charged with arson after they set fire to a couple of old barns on separate occasions, just for the excitement of going on the call to put the fires out. IIRC, they got 3-5 years each. Three to five may not sound like much, but that's a decent chunk of your life that you'll never get back, not to mention the expense of legal fees and restitution to the barn owners and arson is a helluva thing to have on your record.

Religious people panhandling, handing out pamphlets or yelling through a bullhorn and telling you about all of the bad shit that their loving God is going to do to you if you don't show unyielding fealty to him are simply annoying, much like any given politician trying to hand out their info to you at a county fair, high school football game or outdoor concert. I usually just blow by these people quicker than Coach Rodent in the handshake line after a Duke loss, but if they are really over the top, I might engage them for a few seconds and exchange pleasantries.
It’s not word salad. You just don’t understand what I’m talking about. Why do you think historical figures were inaccurately depicted algorithmically?

I'm technical and what you said didn't answer the question. How can there be bias or confusion of the input simply asking a terse question to produce the image of a well known historic figure like GW?

There are countless examples of people testing this thing with simple inputs and getting woke garbage returned. It's comical, except when you realize the cult behind the development lifecycle and the scope of it's impact.

If it was spitting out bullshit results biased toward a religion like Christianity, ole JDHoss and every other left leaning poster would be talking about it, as well they should.

As Elon said to his Google contact:
My response to him was that I doubted that Google’s woke bureaucratic blob would *allow* him to fix it. Unless those who caused this are exited from Google, nothing will change, except to make the bias less obvious and more pernicious.

I'm technical and what you said didn't answer the question. How can there be bias or confusion of the input simply asking a terse question to produce the image of a well known historic figure like GW?

There are countless examples of people testing this thing with simple inputs and getting woke garbage returned. It's comical, except when you realize the cult behind the development lifecycle and the scope of it's impact.

If it was spitting out bullshit results biased toward a religion like Christianity, ole JDHoss and every other left leaning poster would be talking about it, as well they should.

As Elon said to his Google contact:
My response to him was that I doubted that Google’s woke bureaucratic blob would *allow* him to fix it. Unless those who caused this are exited from Google, nothing will change, except to make the bias less obvious and more pernicious.

Don’t argue with me. We aren’t arguing. And throwing out headlines from people who don’t understand large language models doesn’t bolster your claims.

I’m explaining to you the complexity of large language models and the problem of bias. Yes I’m aware of headlines and people like Elon Musk, who have vested interest in going after competitors.

I’m also aware that Musi intends to release his own AI system with less guard rails that by the way was announced 6 months ago with still no tangible product. The reason for that isn’t because Musk is inept but because it’s an extremely complex thing to implement.

Albeit, to you this is a culture war. To me this is about the limitations of large language models. And that’s why we will never see eye to eye.
Don’t argue with me. We aren’t arguing. And throwing out headlines from people who don’t understand large language models doesn’t bolster your claims.

I’m explaining to you the complexity of large language models and the problem of bias. Yes I’m aware of headlines and people like Elon Musk, who have vested interest in going after competitors.

I’m also aware that Musi intends to release his own AI system with less guard rails that by the way was announced 6 months ago with still no tangible product. The reason for that isn’t because Musk is inept but because it’s an extremely complex thing to implement.

Albeit, to you this is a culture war. To me this is about the limitations of large language models. And that’s why we will never see eye to eye.
Elon's Grok is released for early access on X. From what I've seen, it's much more sane than that incredibly woke, racist Google product. But we will have to see how it turns out.

AI will tremendously affect the culture and, well, damn near everything. That's why it's so important that it's not based on the standards of the pRoGrEsSiVe woke cultists running the project at Google.
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Elon's Grok is released for early access on X. From what I've seen, it's much more sane than that incredibly woke, racist Google product. But we will have to see how it turns out.

AI will tremendously affect the culture and, well, damn near everything. That's why it's so important that it's not based on the standards of the pRoGrEsSiVe woke cultists running the project at Google.
Again, stop trying to educate me on AI. I’ve spent 8 hours today working on an AI algorithm
Where’s this guy when you need him?
I have a friend from high school who was / still is a smoke show and she married a guy who preaches outside of athletic events. He’s not screaming about burning in hell and that stuff, but he is out there spreading the gospel so to speak. He has a church where he is a pastor and it funds the visits to major sporting events. I saw him at the 2014 title game. I swear he’s doing it to go to the games.
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