OT RIP Jim Brown

Maybe the greatest RB to ever live and maybe the greatest football player to ever live.

The original #32:

Both of your statements could be true. Watched him play as a kid. Retired on top as the nfl's best back. Could be wrong on this but think he was only 29.
Never forget him slowly stumble back to the huddle...just get there at the huddle break...painfully get in presnap position and then rip the D to shreds. Then repeat.
I remember how slow he used to get up after the play and people wondering if he was all right, once a reporter asked him about that and he said he was "conserving energy". I think that was a truthful answer, he believed if he could recharge a little after each play it gave him an extra boost on the next one.
I remember watching those old NFL films about him and was blown away by how good he was. R.I.P.
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Watched him every Sunday . The Browns was everyones team in Eastern Kentucky.
They were the only game on but if you can only watch one team we were lucky it was Jim Brown,it was crazy watching him get up and walk back to huddle.
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