OT: Prayer Request


Nov 14, 2017
Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it BBN.
Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it BBN.
Prayers brother, just know that they are both in a better place. No more pain, no suffering. I know that doesn’t help dampen your pain but try to stay positive.
Prayers man, mental health is no joke, I lost a friend 2 years ago to suicide, and he was going through a tough time, and my friend group never noticed any of the symptoms. And that has bothered us all these last two years. So prayers and don’t let anybody rush you into being good, your only ready when your ready.
Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it BBN.
Prayers are being sent. I too struggle with depression and try to white knuckle it. It’s good of you to have the courage to ask for help. And I don’t think it’s selfish to ask for prayer. We all need the Lord’s help at various and multiple times throughout our lives.

Be well.
Prayers to you in Jesus Holy Name. Lost my Mother 6 years ago so I understand what you are going through. Her brothers were the ones that taught me about the love of UK Athletics.
Three years for me. And I’ve gotten better but this time of year just always hurts. Used to love Thanksgiving and Christmas but now I just dread them. Thanks for listening
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Prayers are being sent. I too struggle with depression and try to white knuckle it. It’s good of you to have the courage to ask for help. And I don’t think it’s selfish to ask for prayer. We all need the Lord’s help at various and multiple times throughout our lives.

Be well.
The suckiest part is how it just comes back. You think you get over it and then, haha, wrong.
Just lost a cousin to suicide a few days ago. Killed himself over a girl. Took a 9mm to the roof of the mouth. 19 years old. It's never worth it. You are never as alone as you feel. Never.

I’m sorry to hear that. Lost my great uncle that way (before I was born). He got drunk, got in a fight with his girlfriend (when he thought was cheating on him- she wasn’t); drive to his mothers house where he stayed while he was in town, put a pillow over his chest and shot himself in the heart. left himself for his mother to find him next morning. So selfish.

Not gonna lie. I got close last October. Never tried anything but my thoughts were pretty dark. I just became increasingly nihilistic and was struggling. Somehow I got through it.
Prayers man, mental health is no joke, I lost a friend 2 years ago to suicide, and he was going through a tough time, and my friend group never noticed any of the symptoms. And that has bothered us all these last two years. So prayers and don’t let anybody rush you into being good, your only ready when your ready.
I’ve moved past a lot. But this time of year gets tough. It’s funny. The dark and the cold never bothered me until my mom died. I think it was all those damn nights I was driving to the hospital to check in on her after work. It still bothers me sometimes. Our poor sweet dog spent so much time by herself in the house. I still feel guilty about that now that she’s gone too.

Sorry. Don’t mean to ramble. Just having a rough one
May His Holy Hand be upon you, May He give you peace of mind…Remember the joy that your Mother and Grandmother gave to you, relish those memories… let them warm your heart and mind…In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, I pray. Amen.
Prayers man, mental health is no joke, I lost a friend 2 years ago to suicide, and he was going through a tough time, and my friend group never noticed any of the symptoms. And that has bothered us all these last two years. So prayers and don’t let anybody rush you into being good, your only ready when your ready.

They ain't always symptoms to notice. Some ppl are good at hiding it. I'm very good like that at hiding it. Or I used to be good at hiding it. I don't hide it anymore. I just let it hang out and say it when I got problems now. 10-15 yrs ago I would not admit that shit for nothing, to nobody, if I was depressed or feeling down. And I've had my shares of problems. I don't know why I was like that to begin with but I didn't want ANYONE having the perception of me that I had any problems or to see me in that light. I could be 2 ppl or around 50 ppl and just be talking and laughing at stuff that wasn't even funny just to sell it to ppl how happy I was when truth was I was just miserable as hell. Along the way I started to get more comfortable letting that guard down little by little and now I just put it out there and if somebody says how are you I tell em I got problems and here wat they are.. but I'm gonna be ok because I've always pulled thru it but I've seen some dark dark times and I know how it is but I like ppl be comfortable around me and b able to talk about problems or shit if they need to.

Too many ppl just don't care really. They ain't many just good genuinely caring folks who everyone is comfortable telling their problems to. Alot of superficial assholes out here and judgemental folks. Some ppl just feel ashamed/embarrassed or alone at times like I once did even tho I finally did figure out that it ok to be me and have problems and the best thing in the world is just being yourself no matter what or who around or where your at even tho some ppl never get that figured out. So you can't always blame yourself for not noticing your friend. Sometimes ppl just get good at hiding it.

The best part about life for me was getting older and realizing all the things I actually have to be happy about in life. I got it pretty dang good. That don't mean I can't get depressed tomorrow but I know it's gonna be some good days come along mixed in with a bad day from time to time. If we didn't never have bad we would never appreciate the good.
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Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it BBN.

Prayers man! You gonna make it thru all this and come out on other end of it just like you did last year. Before ya know it it'll be March and Spring sunshine and UK gonna be playing in April and life will hopefully be looking up for you.
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i lost one of my best friends to suicide in 2016. He was only 26. He had lost his father 2 years prior and struggled with that then he got fired from his job, came home and hung himself. Depression is a bitch. I’ve been down in the dumps for stretches of my life. Luckily, never been suicidal but I understand how things can spiral And you feel you can’t get out.

I will pray for you. I also always recommend walking twice a day, doing strength training (can just be bodyweight) 4 times a week, and cleaning up your diet getting rid of processed foods. Make sure you’re sleeping enough also. I had issues sleeping for 2 years and I’ve finally started to overcome it and I feel way better.

also, if your job is causing you so much stress that it’s making your life suck and you can quit, just quit. It’s a job, nothing more. Health is always more important than work. Now if you’ve got kids to support, that would be more difficult of course
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Prayers are being sent. I too struggle with depression and try to white knuckle it. It’s good of you to have the courage to ask for help. And I don’t think it’s selfish to ask for prayer. We all need the Lord’s help at various and multiple times throughout our lives.

Be well.
Don’t be afraid to find a counselor, pastor, or professional. It’s no joke and only so much you can willpower thru sometimes.
Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it BBN.
You and your family have my prayers.
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Don’t be afraid to find a counselor, pastor, or professional. It’s no joke and only so much you can willpower thru sometimes.

This. Nothing beats talking to a trained professional that you’re comfortable with.
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i lost one of my best friends to suicide in 2016. He was only 26. He had lost his father 2 years prior and struggled with that then he got fired from his job, came home and hung himself. Depression is a bitch. I’ve been down in the dumps for stretches of my life. Luckily, never been suicidal but I understand how things can spiral And you feel you can’t get out.

I will pray for you. I also always recommend walking twice a day, doing strength training (can just be bodyweight) 4 times a week, and cleaning up your diet getting rid of processed foods. Make sure you’re sleeping enough also. I had issues sleeping for 2 years and I’ve finally started to overcome it and I feel way better.

also, if your job is causing you so much stress that it’s making your life suck and you can quit, just quit. It’s a job, nothing more. Health is always more important than work. Now if you’ve got kids to support, that would be more difficult of course
Appreciate the words. My job is good, just got a lot going on at the moment. My boss is also good about checking in with us and making sure the workload isn’t too much for any of us. It’s more me placing pressure on myself than anything.

And I hear ya about getting out. I made sure to go out yesterday at least for a little bit because I felt it coming on. Sadly it wasn’t walki by ans it was just too freaking cold yesterday. Lol. And ditto for the sleep. I’ve found that if I’m tired my anxiety is 100x worse. Same for eating cleaner.
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Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it BBN.

Hey there brother.....praying for you during this time that God would comfort you.

I lost my parents in 2012. It hurts right away and then for a while. It gets better. You still miss them no doubt.

Keep going to church. Keeping reading the Bible....especially the Psalms. Reach out to your friends. Don't turn to drinking or anything like that.

Get outside as much as you can for some some sunshine. Hang in're not alone!

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I’ve moved past a lot. But this time of year gets tough. It’s funny. The dark and the cold never bothered me until my mom died. I think it was all those damn nights I was driving to the hospital to check in on her after work. It still bothers me sometimes. Our poor sweet dog spent so much time by herself in the house. I still feel guilty about that now that she’s gone too.

Sorry. Don’t mean to ramble. Just having a rough one
:pls lift my brother up when he's down. Lord you alone know all the answers and solutions. Know him and love him during this hard time, and help him and his loved ones get thru these memories and know that you have both Grandmom and Mom safe in your hands. Amen
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Hey all.

I feel selfish even asking, but I could really use some prayers. I’m just kinda having a rough time mentally right now. This is about the time of year Mom got really bad and started the rollercoaster of in and out of the hospital stints before she died. my beloved Grandmother also died around this time of year. three days after my birthday, which is on next Tuesday. My grandmother was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. I never missed a lunch with her on Sunday after church. I later found out she actually coded on my birthday but mom told the doctors to do every thing they could to keep that from happening.

Long story short, I’m just struggling a bit right now as we head in towards the holidays. Also doesn’t hell it was ridiculously cold and dark today. I’m under some work stress (mostly good but still stress) and I’ve just been exhausted mentally.

Basketball season helps to be sure but it’s always bittersweet too since my grandmother and my mom were the biggest UK fans I knew. They would have loved Oscar so much. I’m just really missing them this year because they would really be excited over our new guys and how good we look.

Appreciate it
You have them. Take care of yourself and stay positive. BBN is with you.