Because no one on tour every makes triple bogey, right? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Sorry my post was too hard for you to comprehend. He's been proving he shouldn't be out there for quite some time. That was just one of many examples.

You think he'll quit today and blame it on an injury like the POS usually does when he's out of it??? No need to answer since you must found MUTE.
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Bwhahaha. Meth head hillbillies mad that Louisville sugar daddy not going to support them as much as normal. Louisville builds all your roads and schools. This will affect Louisville alone and the rest of the state will still siphon tax dollars from the city.
If you have never been a meth head hillbilly, you don't know what you are talking about.

Why don't you go be one so you can understand.........oh wait, that's someone else's argument.
My bad. Carry on.
Sorry my post was too hard for you to comprehend. He's been proving he shouldn't be out there for quite some time. That was just one of many examples.

You think he'll quit today and blame it on an injury like the POS usually does when he's out of it??? No need to answer since you must found MUTE.
I love it when an argument doesn't go your way and the retort is "you go do it". It's okay to be critical of a situation w/o actually having to BE the solution.
No you can be critical of “the situation” but you don’t have the right to just make blanket statements about the profession and those who work in it, which is what weak minded people do. There’s nothing anyone will type that will change my mind. I have family who are cops and I know exactly what they deal with. They deal with Complete ass hats that have no regard to structure or integrity or human life.

So forum posters that rap their mouth about it and pound their social justice keys about something they have zero knowledge only reveals how weak their convictions are. If the cop is out of line, fine, let it play out and let him be reprimanded but don’t use this to stand on your soapbox when you don’t have the guts to be a person who faces danger every time they punch the work clock.
Correction: Tiger has 2 triples bogies today, not just 1.

Friends Leatylrs GIF - Friends Leatylrs GIFs
Two golfers in front of him did the exact same thing he did and were granted admittance genius. I respect police but I only support people when there actions merit it. In this case the cop was a power tripping asshole. The city of Louisville just lost Millions of dollars because I guarantee you the PGA tour will NEVER come back there.
If there’s body cam video I haven’t seen it but if what you said is true I don’t understand why the cops would wave two motorists through and then choose to pick on Sheffler. I’m sure either way it was a misunderstanding and it’s unfortunate.
Being a pizza delivery guy, a roofer, garbage collector, and crossing guard are all statistically more dangerous than being a cop.
Show the stats. Because I just read about two weeks ago four officers were shot to death in Charlotte and several others were injured. Cops get killed every week. I don’t recall hearing anything about the professions you mentioned.
No you can be critical of “the situation” but you don’t have the right to just make blanket statements about the profession and those who work in it, which is what weak minded people do. There’s nothing anyone will type that will change my mind. I have family who are cops and I know exactly what they deal with. They deal with Complete ass hats that have no regard to structure or integrity or human life.

So forum posters that rap their mouth about it and pound their social justice keys about something they have zero knowledge only reveals how weak their convictions are. If the cop is out of line, fine, let it play out and let him be reprimanded but don’t use this to stand on your soapbox when you don’t have the guts to be a person who faces danger every time they punch the work clock.
Do you not just see the irony all throughout your post?

Canadian Lol GIF
Show the stats. Because I just read about two weeks ago four officers were shot to death in Charlotte and several others were injured. Cops get killed every week. I don’t recall hearing anything about the professions you mentioned.
Because the media doesn't report on random pizza guys who get killed. Cops aren't even in the top 20 of most dangerous jobs in America.
If you're not a cop, you have no idea what they encounter, and it's getting worse. They have to treat everyone that way because craziness comes in all ages, looks, sizes, and social status.
I agree it is crazy but when someone is obviously not a threat they shouldn’t treat them like one and many do. Some are just crooked and shouldn’t even be cops too.
Show the stats. Because I just read about two weeks ago four officers were shot to death in Charlotte and several others were injured. Cops get killed every week. I don’t recall hearing anything about the professions you mentioned.
You've not heard of roofers or delivery drivers having high death rates on the job? Those are two of the more commonly known ones in my experience. I remember hearing about pizza drivers getting robbed and killed when I was in high school looking for a summer job.

Many of the most dangerous jobs (both in terms of deaths and injuries) are ones that require working on or along roads, because cars weigh a lot more than humans.

Here's the first Google search result when I searched the question (specifically for deaths). Police officers are ranked 22nd overall. The data came from the "U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries."

Does it surprise you that you're more likely to hear about a police officer's death than a roofer's death? I don't mean that question facetiously, genuinely wondering if I just have a blindspot there but the reasons for that seem fairly evident to me.
No you can be critical of “the situation” but you don’t have the right to just make blanket statements about the profession and those who work in it, which is what weak minded people do. There’s nothing anyone will type that will change my mind. I have family who are cops and I know exactly what they deal with. They deal with Complete ass hats that have no regard to structure or integrity or human life.

So forum posters that rap their mouth about it and pound their social justice keys about something they have zero knowledge only reveals how weak their convictions are. If the cop is out of line, fine, let it play out and let him be reprimanded but don’t use this to stand on your soapbox when you don’t have the guts to be a person who faces danger every time they punch the work clock.
Both my parents are retired cops of over 40 years, I know exactly what cops are and how some are good and some are bad. The problem is the bad ones get away with it far too long because the self investigate, and don’t reprimand strong enough. Only until something terrible happens and the state or FBI/politics play a role does anything change. My mom was the first female on her force and had to sue the department in order to move up to her rank she should have been 10 years prior. They are even dirty to their own.
Show the stats. Because I just read about two weeks ago four officers were shot to death in Charlotte and several others were injured. Cops get killed every week. I don’t recall hearing anything about the professions you mentioned.
Pizza drivers have long been a more dangerous job. Most people are dumb enough to commit crimes against cops in broad daylight.
You've not heard of roofers or delivery drivers having high death rates on the job? Those are two of the more commonly known ones in my experience. I remember hearing about pizza drivers getting robbed and killed when I was in high school looking for a summer job.

Many of the most dangerous jobs (both in terms of deaths and injuries) are ones that require working on or along roads, because cars weigh a lot more than humans.

Here's the first Google search result when I searched the question (specifically for deaths). Police officers are ranked 22nd overall. The data came from the "U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries."

Does it surprise you that you're more likely to hear about a police officer's death than a roofer's death? I don't mean that question facetiously, genuinely wondering if I just have a blindspot there but the reasons for that seem fairly evident to me.
Without looking at the numbers, how many logging workers are murdered? How many crane operators are murdered? How many maintenance workers are murdered? How about farmers or garbage collectors?

Difference is those job related deaths are almost all accidents and not being violently murdered. There's no other job like it except the military.
You've not heard of roofers or delivery drivers having high death rates on the job? Those are two of the more commonly known ones in my experience. I remember hearing about pizza drivers getting robbed and killed when I was in high school looking for a summer job.

Many of the most dangerous jobs (both in terms of deaths and injuries) are ones that require working on or along roads, because cars weigh a lot more than humans.

Here's the first Google search result when I searched the question (specifically for deaths). Police officers are ranked 22nd overall. The data came from the "U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries."

Does it surprise you that you're more likely to hear about a police officer's death than a roofer's death? I don't mean that question facetiously, genuinely wondering if I just have a blindspot there but the reasons for that seem fairly evident to me.

Outstanding post.

You can respect cops (the good, rational, honest ones with integrity) without claiming that they are all heroes and the rest of us are chopped liver. All kinds of normal people risk their lives every day to make a living, and as these GOVERNMENT STATISTICS clearly show, they risk it a lot more than cops.
Without looking at the numbers, how many logging workers are murdered? How many crane operators are murdered? How many maintenance workers are murdered? How about farmers or garbage collectors?

Difference is those job related deaths are almost all accidents and not being violently murdered. There's no other job like it except the military.
So now you're moving the goalposts from not believing those jobs were more dangerous to saying it doesn't matter because the danger isn't explicitly murder? A death is a death is a death. And a lot of deaths of fast food workers and delivery drivers are indeed murder.

The State has a vested interested in making its citizens believe that the instrument that protects and enforces the power and authority of the State faces danger at every turn to make people fall in line. You're falling hook line and sinker for some copaganda.
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So now you're moving the goalposts from not believing those jobs were more dangerous to saying it doesn't matter because the danger isn't explicitly murder? A death is a death is a death. And a lot of deaths of fast food workers and delivery drivers are indeed murder.

The State has a vested interested in making its citizens believe that the instrument that protects and enforces the power and authority of the State faces danger at every turn to make people fall in line. You're falling hook line and sinker for some copaganda.
Regardless of what the numbers are, the other job workers don't go into work everyday thinking there's a chance they won't make it home because of someone wants to harm them. Accidents happen everyday and people die at work but most people don't go into work thinking there's a chance of being murdered, other than the military, pizza delivery or 3rd shift gas station workers. The everyday stress is something the other jobs don't have.
Regardless of what the numbers are, the other job workers don't go into work everyday thinking there's a chance they won't make it home because of someone wants to harm them. Accidents happen everyday and people die at work but most people don't go into work thinking there's a chance of being murdered, other than the military, pizza delivery or 3rd shift gas station workers. The everyday stress is something the other jobs don't have.
You should talk to some teachers.
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Regardless of what the numbers are, the other job workers don't go into work everyday thinking there's a chance they won't make it home because of someone wants to harm them. Accidents happen everyday and people die at work but most people don't go into work thinking there's a chance of being murdered, other than the military, pizza delivery or 3rd shift gas station workers. The everyday stress is something the other jobs don't have.
Respectfully i think it is exactly the same thing. Both police officers and other dangerous proffesions have to walk out the door in the morning saying goodbye to their family knowing that they could die of no fault of their own, making a living for their family. You are making a distinction without a difference.

I think both are honorable things to do whether we are talking protecting society from criminals or mining coal so people can have energy to use.
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Cowherd made a great point earlier...

PGA has some superstar in any other sport would ever have an issue getting into a singular event, let alone a championship level event.

This is a break down in logistics and communication.

Get your stars to the event. Pretty simple.

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He would have been in an official Valhalla players car. Don’t see much excuse for the police here. Pretty ridiculous and while most police are fine, some do have a massive power trip and I’m betting this is where this one falls. Shoving scheffler against the car and placing him in handcuffs is just absurd. Hope the officer gets suspended!!!!
The traffic was stopped because of a pedestrian FATALITY. The police were working that scene and trying to control traffic around where a damn dead body was lying.
The dumbass golfer guy thought he was above it all and headed for the grass median to drive around it all. A cop tried to stop him and was trying to get him to stop but he ignored it all and thought he'd just zip thru the traffic regardless. He was thinking it was a traffic issue not knowing it was a dead body issue.
Regardless...he thought the rules didn't apply to him and injured a cop with his wreckless driving.
Good for the police in Louisville for not kissing ass and treating everyone the same.
Cowherd made a great point earlier...

PGA has some superstar in any other sport would ever have an issue getting into a singular event, let alone a championship level event.

This is a break down in logistics and communication.

Get your stars to the event. Pretty simple.

Dude was in a championship car, I mean show some common sense cops, especially when they directed the cars in front to do the same thing.
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The traffic was stopped because of a pedestrian FATALITY. The police were working that scene and trying to control traffic around where a damn dead body was lying.
The dumbass golfer guy thought he was above it all and headed for the grass median to drive around it all. A cop tried to stop him and was trying to get him to stop but he ignored it all and thought he'd just zip thru the traffic regardless. He was thinking it was a traffic issue not knowing it was a dead body issue.
Regardless...he thought the rules didn't apply to him and injured a cop with his wreckless driving.
Good for the police in Louisville for not kissing ass and treating everyone the same.
Expect resistance in your post.
I do not. Maybe you can explain it to me.
Well, you contradict yourself multiple times. Just read your first 2 sentences and apply it to the rest of your post. You literally do what you accuse others of doing.

You say people can't make blanket statements about the profession and those who work in. Yet, in your very post you, make blanket statements about both. You allege that is what weak minded people do. So you just called yourself weak minded!

Then you say there is nothing anyone can type that will change your mind. This admits your belief is just based on your one-sided opinions and nothing will sway that. So, obviously you're admitting to being non-objective and not open to counter-arguments.

The funniest part is you claim to be the authority on policing behavior and then admit you aren't even a cop, but rather just have family who is. So you openly admit your have no firsthand experience being an officer, and are just running your mouth about something you only know about from hearing others experiences.

Yet, you also accuse people of being SJWs simply because they state the existence of bad cops and they don't just automatically side with law enforcement. Yet, you're the SJW for police! So how are you any different from the people you accuse of having weak convictions?

And then you say, "but don’t use this to stand on your soapbox when you don’t have the guts to be a person who faces danger every time they punch the work clock." However, you're standing on your soapbox now lecturing to everyone else and admitted you aren't a cop, so obviously you lack the guts you accuse others of lacking. Which is ignorant considering most people would rather just make a better living, have a better quality of life and have a better schedule than what police officers do.
Well, you contradict yourself multiple times. Just read your first 2 sentences and apply it to the rest of your post. You literally do what you accuse others of doing.

You say people can't make blanket statements about the profession and those who work in. Yet, in your very post you, make blanket statements about both. You allege that is what weak minded people do. So you just called yourself weak minded!

Then you say there is nothing anyone can type that will change your mind. This admits your belief is just based on your one-sided opinions and nothing will sway that. So, obviously you're admitting to being non-objective and not open to counter-arguments.

The funniest part is you claim to be the authority on policing behavior and then admit you aren't even a cop, but rather just have family who is. So you openly admit your have no firsthand experience being an officer, and are just running your mouth about something you only know about from hearing others experiences.

Yet, you also accuse people of being SJWs simply because they state the existence of bad cops and they don't just automatically side with law enforcement. Yet, you're the SJW for police! So how are you any different from the people you accuse of having weak convictions?

And then you say, "but don’t use this to stand on your soapbox when you don’t have the guts to be a person who faces danger every time they punch the work clock." However, you're standing on your soapbox now lecturing to everyone else and admitted you aren't a cop, so obviously you lack the guts you accuse others of lacking. Which is ignorant considering most people would rather just make a better living, have a better quality of life and have a better schedule than what police officers do.
That’s not irony. You can state your weak arguments against mine but there is no irony nor contradictions in anything I stated.
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What everyone can agree on: There was a fatality. Cops were restricting traffic that caused traffic flow to back up near the scene of the accident which was close to the entrance to golf course. Scottie attempted to go around backed up cars in his lane and gain entrance to golf course. A police officer attempted either verbally or by grabbing onto his vehicle to stop him. Scottie didn't stop right away. The police officer got injured.

What those who believe in elitist white privilege believe should have happened: Scottie should have been recognized instantaneously as a privileged person and his attempt to move around the other cars should have been instantly approved and sanctioned by the cop. Because he had rights greater than everyone else.

What those who believe everyone should be treated equally believes: If the cop told him to stop and Scottie didn't, leading to the injury of the cop, if the driver had been a black man, he'd prolly be dead.
Ohh, okay.
Jon Hamm Yes GIF
I don’t need the meme to get your sarcastic reply. However, based on your previous responses, I am not the least surprised you added. Please continue making the world a better place with your social justice. We are all excited about your next chance to inform the world of how wrong they are.
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I don’t need the meme to get your sarcastic reply. However, based on your previous responses, I am not the least surprised you added. Please continue making the world a better place with your social justice. We are all excited about your next chance to inform the world of how wrong they are.
You got me, man. You win!

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