OT: One of the worst announcing gaffes youll ever hear.

Yeah I don't think this information was really brought to light when I made the original post, at 1pm today. Seems like this really was just a misunderstanding, although, this guy really should have done his homework a little better
Ready. Shoot. Aim.

Got it.
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LeBron is calling for his job for an innocent mistake yet he works for an organization (NBA) that is connected to China, which is responsible for countless deaths of Christians and other groups in that country. The NBA could end forever and I wouldn’t miss it for one second.
The NBA is a giant cesspool. The players are rotten to the core and have been allowed to act completely stupid and nothing is said or done. I don’t know how anyone watches that league. The players should turn you off immediately. They’re mainly just a bunch of angry narcissist that think they’re untouchable.

And who cares what he said. This country is just pussified to the tenth degree.
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