On hold

Feb 9, 2011
What is the longest you have ever waited on hold?

I am trying to cancel an old CC and I have been on 44 minutes. At this point it is a game to see who blinks first. Maybe all the employees live in Florida or they just suck. What time is it in India?

On cell phones you can just throw them down and walk off until they talk to you.

They are going to win which pisses me off.
I attempted to cancel Insight cable when Direct TV finally got local channels. I was on for close to an hour when they dumped me. Then, it happened again. So, I decided to push the button that said I was interested in some boxing or WWF pay-4-view event and got a person in a matter of seconds. I proceeded to tell them to come disconnect their box or I will start charging them rent.
I attempted to cancel Insight cable when Direct TV finally got local channels. I was on for close to an hour when they dumped me. Then, it happened again. So, I decided to push the button that said I was interested in some boxing or WWF pay-4-view event and got a person in a matter of seconds. I proceeded to tell them to come disconnect their box or I will start charging them rent.
Say, that reminds me…of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer flips the script on the cable guy. Different situation…but pretty much the same vibe.
I once waited on hold with Marcos Pizza for an hour after they sent the wrong order. The longer I waited the more drunk I got and the more drunk I got the more determined I was to wait for someone to answer. It wasn’t pretty when I finally got someone on the line, which looking back was rather embarrassing on my part.
I once waited on hold with Marcos Pizza for an hour after they sent the wrong order. The longer I waited the more drunk I got and the more drunk I got the more determined I was to wait for someone to answer. It wasn’t pretty when I finally got someone on the line, which looking back was rather embarrassing on my part.
Should have gotten drunker so that you wouldn't remember it.
I spent like over 2 hours dealing with trying to get my ex-wife's phone number off of my insurance. Currently dealing with a claim and the estimator called her number to setup a visit. I had already taken her off of the account but for some reason her number was in there from a claim from years ago.

They transferred me back and forth through like 3 different departments with lots of waiting and after close to an hour I got disconnected. Then had to go through all of it all over again. I got lucky on the last 2 holds with other places. They had a call back on it and called you when it was your turn.
So I waited 2 hours on hold, and finally called parent company. They said card was closed, which I thought it was. Credit report claimed it was open. Called one of big three and they said it was closed. Maybe one of other two said it is open. Confused. I'm not waiting on a hold again to go through that though.
90 minutes for a cable company once. It was my day off and I wasn't letting them win. What's crazy is, I've worked customer service in retail and in IT. If I left someone on hold for more than 5 minutes, I'd have my ass chewed and lectured. I have NO clue how some of these companies get away with it. And to be clear, I'm very rarely ever upset at the customer facing person- they're having to deal with incompetence on their end from their crap show of a company as well. It's the management and executives that are usually the chief culprits and head clowns.
I've done over 2 hours on a few occasions.

Put the phone on your charger while on speaker and do something else. IRS is awful about long waits.
Government efficiency at its finest. But if they want something from you, you better damn well have it at a second's notice.

"Hi, yes, I'd like to file this form and request this information please.....oh, a 30 day wait? Great....."

Gov: "Yes, we need your entire document history for the last 14 years. You have 24 hours to comply."

Damn hypocrites.
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Anything to do with the government is a nightmare. That’s 45 minutes to an hour at the very least.